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  1. M

    The infamous Tennesse milk jug tests.

    I didn't have any goats so I used milk jugs. I know milk jugs are not anywhere near as good a ballistic gelatin, for evaluating ammo, but I was curious to see how a few different handgun rounds performed. For "control" purposes, I fired one round, S. African surplus 5.56 from a Bushmaster AR...
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    First range trip with new Winchester 94/22.

    I have had a new Winchester 94/22 for a few months now, but haven't had a chance to shoot it. I wanted the short "Ranger" version, but it has been discontinued. Fit and finish were outstanding, as I would expect from a Winchester. I ran a couple of patches down the bore, then one soaked in CLP...
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    Is gone?

    Hey, I hope I won't get yelled at. I know many of us frequent different boards. I haven't been able to get on AR15 since Thursday. Anybody know what is going on? Thanks.
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    Carried IWB for the first time....

    I carried my MK9 inside the waistband for the first time this weekend. I have never tried this form of carry, and I was surprised at how easy and comfortable it was. I purchased a Uncle Mike's IWB holster for $10, because I really didn't think this would work for me. With my build, I have...
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    A real run 'n gun offense.

    Yesterday at the range, I had the "plinking" range to myself. I decided to try some shoot and move, run to barrier and shoot, shoot from both sides of barrier, shoot while moving, etc. Man, what a humbling experience! :( I tried it with a G19, and an AR. While I am reasonably accurate with...
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    Poll: Carry ammo for small 9mm guns: Standard, +P, or +P+?

    I decided to ask the question that I asked earlier as a poll. What type of ammo do you carry in your Kahr, KelTec, Sig, or other small 9mm?
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    Do you carry +P or standard press. ammo in your small 9mm?

    I have only shot about three magazines of +P in my MK9, and I am very impressed with the controlability and accuracy of the gun. However, I can get almost pinpoint accuracy with standard pressure Hydra-Shoks. Until I get more practice with the hot stuff, I'll carry the milder load. My logic is...
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    New MK9, 2nd range trip.

    I was really anxious to get through my first 200 rounds, so I could start trying some hollow points, and start carrying my new weapon. I had shot about 25 rds. Wolf and 50 rds Win. white box when I bought the gun. Yesterday, I took advantage of the unusually warm weather to burn some vacation...
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    Picked up new MK9- (Big smile, gums showing.)

    I picked up my new Kahr MK9 yesterday, and man, it makes a good first impression. Fit and finish are top notch. I took it to the indoor range at Fugate's Firearms here in E. Tenn. They close at 5, so after the BG check, I could only stay 1/2 hr. I quickly stripped it down, wiped it off, and...
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    On-line sources for best price on climbing gear?

    Hi all, Does anyone have links for on-line sites where rock climbing gear can be found at reasonable prices? Thanks in advance, JP ><>
  11. M

    Kahr owners:Did I read that a MK9 recoil spring has to be relpaced every "x" rounds?

    Seems like I read somewhere that a MK9 recoil spring had to be replaced every 3000 rounds or something like that? Is that true? Thanks, JP ><>
  12. M

    Compare recoil: G36 vs. PT145?

    You guys that have shot both; How does the recoil compare between a PT145 and a Glock 36? I have a PT, but it sounds like I need to let my FFL take it in trade. One thing that really impressed me about the PT145 was it's relatively mild recoil. Any opinions on the different feel between the two...
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    Kahr pistols shoot Wolfe ok?

    I am looking at getting either a MK9 or P9. I like to shoot as much as possible, so Wolf is a good choice for me. (Not for everybody!) My Bushmster and Glock don't have problems with it. (I know, many people hate Wolf ammo.) Any Kahr owners that shoot Wolf in their guns? I have read that Kahrs...
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    PT145, frame pin backing out - bummer! :(

    I took my Taurus PT 145 for it's third range trip yesterday. I had less than 200 rounds through it so far. After the first trip, first 60 rounds, I noticed that the front pin (that holds the aluminum frame in the grip) was sticking out slightly. Maybe 1-2 millimeters, (a couple of hair widths)...
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    Autos not as accurate as revolvers?

    Help me out here guys. The guys that I work with maintain that no auto can shoot as accurately as a revolver. I stated that if you bought 2 over-the-counter guns, 1 auto, 1 revolver, on average the auto would be just as accurate. However, if you wanted to fine tune your gun, and the sky was the...
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    1st range trip; new Taurus PT-145

    Man, I need to stay off of the Internet! On Monday, I click on a harmless topic about a Taurus 45 (PT-145) and by Thursday evening, I'm standing in a gunshop, ready to sign over my truck, wife, kids, whatever it takes to get one of these things. But, the good news, the PT-145 is sweet! When I...
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    Frustrated P32 owner seeks advice!

    I've owned two P11's, and we currently have two P32s. I am quite familiar with "F&B", and have given all of my guns the treatment. I recently had my slide chromed. I was a little apprehensive, because I had F&B'd it quite a bit, so that I had no feed failures. I was very pleased when I got the...
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    Will G30 shoot cheap Ruskie ammo?

    I love my G23, but am seriously considering "upgrading" to a G30. I have read here that it is more accurate and has less recoil than the G23. Does anyone know if the G30 will shoot the cheap Russian Wolf ammo? It is fmj. Wolf .45 ammo is around $120/1000rds from J&G sales, or Sportsman's...
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    How reliable are new chrome slides on KT P32s?

    Here is the deal; My personal P32 has been worked on extensively. Feed ramp, slide rails, etc. One or two trips to the factory. Some parts replaced. I have given it the f&b a couple of times. Now it purrs like a kitten. I would like to get a hard chrome slide, but I know that you can't f&b them...
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    Anyone have experience with Federal barrels in a Glock?

    I have noticed that Brownell's has Federal replacement barrels for Glocks for around $90. Others cost $169 - 200. I would like to get a replacement with a fully supported chamber for my Glock 23. I would also like to add a 357 Sig barrel in the near future. Any thoughts? Thanks, Jack