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  1. D

    Good OU shotgun to cut?

    I have been thinking about getting an OU Short barrel shotgun for some time. I originally wanted a side by side but I just like how the cut down OU ones look with a pistol grip and a 7-10 inch barrel. At first I wanted to just buy one from a company that makes short barrel shot guns but 99%...
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    so my dad got me a 45-70... (what ammo for white tail)

    I have recently come to a point in my life where I can start hunting more. I requested some time off for next years extended family hunt. at these hunts there is typically 4-8 people and the area we hunt is usually pretty crowded with other hunting parties. In the past I have typically hunted...
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    how much velocity does a SBS loose?

    how much velocity does a SBS (9-10 inch barrel) loose over a normal 18inch shot gun? I am told that the length of the barrel does not matter (as much) in a shot gun as it does in a rifle, is that true? I know I will be loosing about 1/2 the barrel and in a rifle that would be a lot of velocity.
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    inheriting a shotgun...

    I am inheriting an old $200.00 shot gun. It is chambered for 2 3/4 inch shells. I am wondering if it is possible to have a gun smith chamber it for 3 inch and if so what the process is called and how much I can expect it to cost. The gun has some sentimental value and I really want to take it...
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    2 questions about a SBS

    1. If I move I have to have the address that is engraved on the gun changed correct? 2. (this is the one I am worried about) I live in Idaho but my Favorite place to shoot is in Oregon (short drive away) I know I have to fill out the form to temporarily transport the SBS to Oregon but on the...
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    What does it take to make a gun a 1911?

    a few weeks ago I went out shooting with a a friend of mine and a few of his friends. 3 of them had what I would call a 1911. One was a Taurus in 9mm and the other was a Coonan model b in 357 magnum the last was a S&W in 45 any way a friendly argument broke out as to which if any of these guns...
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    Coyote problems?

    a few days ago I was out sighting in my snub nose 357 magnum. After about 15 min of shooting I saw a Coyote about 50 yards away from me it appeared to be chasing a mouse or ground squirl. I thought it was odd that the gun report did not seem to scare it away. So I went back to shooting but...
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    Marlin 357 magnum or 223 as second rifle for youth?

    my oldest boy will be turning 10 next summer. He has been shooting a 22 and a 17HMR for about 3 years now. He has been very good at plinking and taking ground squirls. I would like to start taking him Coyote hunting eventually. I have a Marlin 357 magnum lever action rifle that I enjoy shooting...
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    Bersa 380 mags? (Wife CCW)

    So my wife is about to get a CCW and is now looking for a firearm. I put aside my favoritism for revolvers and let her pick what she liked. We spent all day at the range shooting about 30 different kinds of fire arms and in the end she came up with the Bersa Thunder 380. So I am going to buy a...
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    any one ever tried Winclean ammo?

    so yesterday I was at one of the local gun stores and I saw some Winclean (357 mag) ammo on sale for 20% off so I bought 2 boxes. It seemed like it shot OK from my 640 S&W but the recoil was worse than most other 125 grain ammo and it threw a huge fire ball. While it was "fun" to shoot a...
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    Advice on stopping rust.

    As of this last year I have recently been carrying my CCW gun in my front pocket rather than my ankle holster cause its easier to get to. My CCW is a S&W 640 in stainless steal. Until recently rust has never been an issue but yesterday I removed the crimson trace grips because I needed to...
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    new to reloading and need help on 38s

    My father has has a bunch of reloading stuff that he inherited from his father (my grandfather) and I have been thinking about trying it out. (im sure it would make grandpa smile that his stuff is being used) Any way I was told one of the best rounds to start on (that I use) is a 38 special...
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    Shooting too high?

    So it has been a long time sense I went out plinking with hand guns. While I have never been great with hand guns I was always able to hit targets like pop cans and such at 10-50 yards with out a problem. Well its been about 2 years and I went out shooting with my oldest boy and did I feel...
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    has any one heard of Coonan?

    I am a big fan of 357 magnums and have several 357s but always looking to add more. any way I was looking on the internet and saw that Coonan is again making there 357 magnum semiautomatic. I am thinking about putting it at the top of my "next gun" list. The question I have is are they a good...
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    looking for my first CCW

    I recently got my CCW licence here in Idaho. I own a few hand guns but none of them are small enough to CC. My Current options are a Model 460XVR and a Taurus Judge Magnum (3X3) I am looking for some thing along the lines of this...
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    So I inherited a ithica mag 10...

    So I inherited a ithica mag 10 a few days ago from an uncle that knew that I liked to shoot shotguns. I have never shot a 10ga before and have no idea how much the ammo is... The gun came with a few boxes of bird shot #8-#6 and some buck shot but it all appears pretty old I am wondering what...