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  1. R

    Ed Brown opinions

    Ed Brown Opinions? Anyone out there have strong opinions for or against the Ed Brown custom rifles? Any other maker in this class / price range that I should look at? I'm looking for a 308 bolt action --- like his marine sniper model, and when looking at the parts used on his guns the price...
  2. R

    Sig 229 40 S+W, Best Practice Ammo???

    I recently (2 weeks) got a Sig 229 St and am very happy with the gun thus far, it's fast becoming my favorite among the pistols I own. Question is does anyone out there know of or have any observations of good 180 gr practice ammo? Reason I ask is thus --- so far I have been using Remington /...
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    Cast vs. forged M1A / M14

    O.K. all I''m looking into buying a M1A, is probibly going to be my next firearm purchase as I have already concluded that the M1A meets my needs / wants pretty much perfectly, I am tempted to put it in a EBR stock but that is a topic for another time. I want to know I there a discernable...
  4. R

    Any desires for 45 GAP in other pistols??

    Anyone else out there waiting and wanting to see the 45 GAP in other pistols? If so what? So far as full size service pistols I'll take the 45 ACP every time cause it's cheaper to shoot, and for my avarage + hands I can deal with their size. Personaly I would love to see Sig make a 239 with a...
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    Why can the Sig 232 be imported and the PPK not

    Ok folks a little triva searh here ---- Why can the Sig 232 380 be imported and the PPK not (for civilian sales)? I know it has something to do with the gun controll act of 1968 that regulates imports and also was if I am informed correctly an attempt to eliminate so called Sat. night specals...
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    Kahr MK9 --- keep going or bag it?

    Kahr MK9 --- Fish or cut bait? Hi folks I have a new (bought in late November, only recently have had the time to shoot) Kahr MK9 and thus far I’m less then impressed with it. Other than some minor fit and finish problems (it's a sandard not the delux Elite, otherwise these would have bothered...
  7. R

    Sig P220ST Problem or Not?

    Hello Everyone – I am hoping someone out there with experience with a lot more Sig P220s can answer the following for me: I just purchased a P220 ST to go along with my 226 ST which I love, however I noticed one thing a little off with the pistol and am wondering it is something common to all...