Search results

  1. T

    brass wizard

    i just picked up a brass wizard. also made by several other companies. tried it out for a few minutes. it works fine for dirt, sand, concrete, and short grass. its not so good in longish grass, or rough ground. it also works better running...
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    what address?

    what address do i send my aplication to? it doesnt say in the instructions.
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    Is knowing ccw laws part of your training?

    Do you consider knowing your state/local ccw gun laws part of your training? I ask this because of the "dealing with the concealed carrier" article for cops about ccw carriers where it stated that many will not be familiar with the laws. After several encounters i have determined that i am...
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    Better sights for a lever gun?

    Ive got an old marlin 336 with the pressed in rear leaf? sight and brass bead/blade front sight. My eyes ain't so great any more, especially with these sights, and im NOT putting a scope on it. So are there better sight options for the pressed in rear style sight? Maybe fibre optics?
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    which gun have you done the most work on?

    what gun have you modified, or don the most work on/to? mines a savage 111 i made into a switchbarrel, with qd scope bases, weighted stock, and a limbsaver recoil pad.
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    gun shops that sell milsurp?

    how many gun shops in your area sell milsurp guns? when i lived up north(ky, wa, oh, nd) gun and pawn shops almost always had a goodly stock of milsurp guns and ammo. down here in the deep south ive seen nary a mosin, let alone anything more exotic like a cz/tt. is this now nation wide or...
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    velocity of your .44's??

    what kinda velocity are you guys getting from your .44 cap and ball revolvers, and what load?
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    .38 super, who shoots one??

    who shoots the .38super? in what platform? how does it compare to other cartridges? why do you like it(or not)? do you ever hunt with it? saw the recent article in american hunter(rifleman?), and it repiqued my intrest. ive been seeing some fairly cheap on the auction sites recently.
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    cannon balls, why iron?

    why did they make cannon balls from iron instead of lead?
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    most memorable hunt?

    whats your most memorable hunt? great or disaster? my most memorable was the most miserable. me, my dad, and grandfather hiked all night(4-5 hrs) thru this waist(chest on my 12 yr old self) deep marsh, towing decoys, to get to this small island that the geese liked to land around just after...
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    optics and holster recommendations?

    revolver optics recommendations? Ive got a 5.5" ruger sbh in .44mag. im having a permanent scope mount installed. i need some good optics/holster recommendations please. i shoot heavy/hot loads, so no wimpy scopes! lol i also usually shoot from a rest/stick. i like red dot/reflex sights...
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    got my cow tag!!

    cow elk that is! ill be hunting in colorado second rifle season in reigon 161. still gathering up gear, working up a load for my rifle(savage 111 in 7 mm mag). ill be going with my dad, he has been there many times and taken quite a few muleys and elk. if i fill my tag ill have my .204 ruger...
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    carry a sidearm during elk hunt in colorado?

    is it legal to carry a sidearm during the elk rifle season in colorado? (my workplace webblocker wont let me look at colorados hunting brosure/laws).
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    shooting sticks

    who here uses shooting stick(s) for handgun shooting? how do you place the gun on the rest? i have always put the barrel/frame on the rest. i saw the new american hunter article on hand gun hunting and it shows the guy with his wrist in the rest of the stick. ive never tried it like that...
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    lee progressive?

    what are the good lee progressive presses?
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    Leupold Yosemite binos?

    anybody use these yet? i picked up a pair of 8x30 at academy on sale for $80(on sale). i didn't notice they were made in china till i got them home. are they worth keeping, or should i return them?
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    7mm mag elk load?

    im heading to colorado this october to hunt me a cow elk. ill be using a savage 111 in 7mm rem mag, 22"bbl. ranges will be 50-400yds. what bullet and powder and loads do you guys reccomend?
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    cz52 or pmr30????

    im almost up to my savings goal for toys, but im having a bit of indicision. i cant decide weather i want a keltec pmr30, or a cz52 and 2 spam cans of ammo. ive been wanting a cz52 for a few years now, but as soon as i saw the pmr30 i was wanting it. ill have to order either i pick. which...
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    die boxes

    where could i find a couple of rcbs/hornady style die boxes. ive got a couple of lee die sets in the round container, and some sizing dies id like to put in more space friendly boxes.
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    cowboy era revolvers and cartridges?

    first let me state im not really a revolver guy, tho i have a ruger sbh, and single six. but here lately I've been wanting a cowboy style revolver(were break top revolvers around then), chambered in a cowboy era cartridge. im rather confused as to why i would want something like this, as i...