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  1. G

    Muzzle Loader Death

    Looking for a link to long rifles thread I came across this story, Man killed while cleaning muzzleloader He and dad found gun near dumpster Last Edited: Wednesday, 14 Jan 2009, 6:44 PM EST Created On: Wednesday, 14 Jan 2009...
  2. G

    There is more to sse than Deer.

    Didn't see a deer this season, but this is a shot I took with my telephoto cell camera. This shot was taken from 350+ yds with my motorola flip phone, and my handy little pocket monocular. There were 26 Trumpeters spending the fall with us by the hunting shack.
  3. G

    A 5 Safety

    I have a 1954 production A-5 that has a lefty-Safety. I am a right handed and need to change this back. My question is; Do I need to purchase parts for this? Any advice would be greatly appreciated.
  4. G

    Help Identifiy Rifle from Dr. G episode.

    Caught the tale end of a Dr. G episode about a turkey hunting fatality where a women died when the rifle fell from husbands shoulder. This apparently happened some years back in Bexar County, Texas. from what I can dig up. Link to who Dr. G is...
  5. G

    Dr. G episode

    Just caught a portion of a Dr. G episode, Woman killed accidentally by husband when rifle fell from shoulder (slung) discharging upon hitting ground. (Turkey hunting) I didn't catch the rifle in this incident, but a Gun Smith proved the rifle would discharge repeatedly when dropped in same...
  6. G

    New On-Line Safety Video

    This was created following a tragic death of a young Kansas Goose hunter last December.
  7. G

    GPS units can be mis-read...

    Here is an interesting story of a hunter that claimed his GPS unit sent him in the wrong direction. This story is remarkable in many ways! I am posting this for the express point that GPS units can make matters worse either by...
  8. G


    The local gun dealer stated that the Ruger LCP might be discontinued because of a KelTec patent infringement. Anyone hear anything about this? I only planned on buying some Ammo that day and now the Mrs. has a new gun. On the LCP forum there are people waiting months for one, and 2 were sold...
  9. G

    Help ID a Revolver

    One of my recent handgun class student sent me pictures of a revolver he found in the attic of a house he owned some years ago. The stocks were broken so he made new ones out of cedar. unfortunately he didn't save the old broken stocks. I will link you to my web site to view the revolver. The...
  10. G

    Gun Toting Mom Gets Permit Back

    She Got It Back! LEBANON, Pa. (AP) - A Pennsylvania woman who had her permit to carry a concealed weapon revoked after she took a gun to her daughter's soccer game now has it back. But a judge questioned Meleanie Hain's judgment, saying "fear...
  11. G

    A survivors story

    While looking for information on a different gun related injury I came accross this amazing story. I found the book on Barns & Nobel site. My daughter is a corrections officer in an instatution for kids that kill. She is looking forward to...
  12. G

    Judge Riess Recuses Herself

    I came across the story about Judge Riess recusing herself 1st, Then found the rest of the storys. Fatal Hunting Accident Hunter Charged
  13. G

    Off duty Officer-Road Rage

    This is over a month old and I didn't find it through a search. This cop is in a load of trouble! Superior Officer Charged In Road Incident DULUTH, Minn. (AP) ― A Superior, Wis., police officer is charged with second-degree assault for allegedly pulling a gun and pointing it at a motorist in an...
  14. G

    Young Muzzleloaders

    After school today my 8 year old Grandson asked to go shoot the flintlock. He will be using this rifle while sitting with me or his Daddy on the Deer Opener. Pictures of Logan and 13 year old Josh(the one that took home the bacon tonight.
  15. G

    Harold Fish Case

    MSNBC "Trail of Evidence" Program aired the Harold Fish case. This will air again tonight if you receive that program. Its quite a case! Another Link;
  16. G

    Tent Light

    I use a solar powered lawn boarder/path light for a tent light. The 1st one I used I had a small switch installed by an electrician and it worked great. I gave it to a good friend as I could have another made. Well I need it tomorrow and its not going to get done, So I did the switch thing with...
  17. G

    My flint'r is banging now

    What a difference shooting the flintlock now! I installed a new L&R lock and put in a white lightning vent liner. The original vent liner that came with the Cabelas Hawkins was my biggest problem. And I had relived it as much as I could 10 years ago. There is no fuse action now. she cracks at...
  18. G

    Game/Gear cart

    I am attempting to improve the cart we use for hauling gear up and down steep mountain fire roads. This cart has 26" bicycle wheels(2) and canvas sides. The part I am needing help with is the way it is pulled or pushed. We have in the past pulled this cart and was wondering if anyone has pushed...
  19. G

    777 squib, twice

    While shooting with a friend yesterday, He was loading 60gr. 777 under a 425 gr 54cal mini and they chronographed @1340's. (#11 cap) Several shots later there was a Pfffftttttt and the mini hit the ground 30 yards out. The barrel wasn't cleaned between any of the shots and about 30 min ...
  20. G

    Patch Knife Question

    I was looking at a shooting friends accessories and his patch knife has a feature on it that he couldn't explain. The 1st pic is of the knife on the table and then a close up of the questioned feature. he said he has seen this feature on several trade knifes and is unsure of its use. The 3rd...