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  1. T

    The mule driver and the comode plunger

    T. Lott couldn't lead a Mississippi mule to a watering hole and Hastert's lips pull more of a vacuum than a comode plunger! Sigh...but I guess I must vote Republican again.
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    Yahoo and clinton

    Less than a year ago I purchased a Gateway computer and received a years free internet access on Each time I bring up the internet it displays a Yahoo news page first. 9 times out of 10 the news page picture is of bill clinton doing something. I have never seen a picture of GWB on...
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    Two more Maks - Somebody stop me!

    I went to Franklins in Athens yesterday to purchase the last circle 10 unissued Bulgie they had and while there the salesman showed me an EG circa 1961. I made an offer on both which was accepted. The EG is beautiful and if it shoots as good as it looks I will be happy. The blueing is as good as...
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    Mak vs Walther PPK/PPKS

    Which is best in reliability,accuracy and overall? I have owned about 6 PPKs/PPKSs over the years both USA and French made models in blue and SS. All in .380cal. I have really tried to like them as I like the size and appearance but none have been reliable. The closest was one would feed Fed...
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    I think thats what it's called. Anyway its the 40cal version. I saw one for sale on the bulletin board at South River Gun Club this weekend. Anyone interested I will get the info for you. P.S. It ain't cheap! About $1200. if I remember correctly.
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    Second outing with the Russian Mak

    After being scolded here I gave the Mak a good cleaning and lube before shooting it this time. Took it plinking at empty beer cans. Shooting GA Arms 9x18 95gr JHP (100 rds). Started at 17 yds but that was boring because of accuracy so I quickly moved to 25 yds. I pretty much rolled the cans at...
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    Russian Mak Purchase

    I bought one with the adj sights over the weekend. It's a 9x18 cal. I stopped by the range on the way home and shot 100rds. The ammo was some type of surplus with aluminum cases. I hadn't cleaned the gun or lubed it before shooting and also didn't have a screwdriver to adjust the sights. I had 3...
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    Follow-up on Glock 19 Problem

    Posted here several weeks ago. The G19 would jam on the last round in the hi cap mag. Replaced the mag spring and put about 200rds thru the gun yesterday with no problem. Thanks for the help posters.
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    General Discussion Forum

    What happened to it? Did I miss something?
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    Berreta Model 1934

    Anyone have any experience with this model. I am thinking about a purchase.
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    Williams Sight Question

    Can a Williams receiver peep sight made for a Winchester 94 top eject model be used on the same type rifle with side eject?
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    Glock Subcompacts VS Compacts

    I notice that my G26 outshoots my G19 accuracy wise. Also the same with my G27 vs a G23 that I owned in the past. I attribute this to the dual recoil spring system in the mini-Glocks increasing cycle time thus improving accuracy. Anyone else see the same results and opinions as to why. Thanks.
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    Don't Forget!

    56 years ago today our grandfathers stormed the beaches at Normandy! And saved the world! God bless em! [This message has been edited by Tom B (edited June 06, 2000).]
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    The Ugliest Glock!

    I have never been one to think the Glock was really an ugly pistol. It always impressed me with it's functional appearance and charm. Now I buy,shoot and trade/sell handguns a bit but there is only one that I have traded because it was so ugly and that was the G30! I owned one for several months...
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    Glock 19 Problem

    Shooting a G19 at the range yesterday and had 3 jams. All on the last FMJ round in the factory hi cap mag. Me Thinks mag needs a new spring but I wanted to solicit opinions from some of you older more experienced shooters. And no I wasn't limp wristing as I am old but not that limp yet!
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    G27 Barrel Change Accuracy Question

    I was reading on another board that changing the barrel to a 357sig would also require a sight change. Has anyone had this problem? How was accuracy after a cal change of the G27? Thanks.
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    New Glock 27 Impressions

    I purchased a new G27 this week from Barrows Guns in Butler GA to go with my G26 which resides in an Alessi ankle holster. Put 300 rds thru it of 155FMJ, 180FMJ, and 180JHP+. All from GA Arms. Reliability was 100%.Accuracy seemed very good and recoil was more than the G26 of course but no worse...
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    KKM Precision

    Can anyone give me a good phone number for this barrel maker. The one on their website is not good. Thanks.
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    CZ75 Barrels

    In my never ending quest to improve accuracy (and spend money) I am in process of the following: I have ordered a drop in Bar Sto for one (have been waiting on delivery now for 11 weeks. Hope to get it before I pass on!) The second one has been sent to Alpha Precision for a fitted Bar Sto. Both...
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    Glock 33 owners sound off!

    I like my G26 so well that I am thinking about a G33 next. Please give me your overall impressions and how is recoil without mag exts. Should I go with the G27 instead? :confused: