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  1. D

    Be afraid of a national pistol permit!

    O.K. everyone. I've scanned my New York State pistol permit into the computer. I've eliminated personal information for my privacy, but you'll get the idea. I've done this as a WARNING to the rest of you who don't have to go through this yet. Beware though, This is most likely the type of...
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    Looking for work in a Pro-RKBA state!

    Moderators, please tell me if this is out of line. It is related to the RKBA, mine. Hello all, I'm going to be finishing my Ph.D. in Chemical Engineering in the spring of 2001. I'm looking for a position in the research and development department of a company in a pro-RKBA state. I am in NYS...
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    I was almost an "airline terrorist"

    O.K. so here's the story. Last Saturday (Sept 30th) my wife dropped me off at the Buffalo airport so I could fly to Monterey, Kalifornia for a conference. I checked my bag and proceeded to security with my two carry-on bags. I put my bags on the X-ray conveyer and since all the security...
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    Scary Radio Commercial, REGISTER FIREARMS!

    O.K. everyone, I was driving in this morning listening to the radio, when all of a sudden I hear something like: "Remember to register your firearms" coming out of the radio. Well THAT got my attention! Then I remember it is a KANADIAN country channel (Spirit 91.7 in Niagara Falls, Kanada. I'm...
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    HCI grades YOUR state and its gun laws

    This is the 2000 "report card" from HCI grading each states gun laws. I think the theme this year is "for the children". :rolleyes: Ugghh!! NYS got a B+. :( Kentucky got an F- and they got a "demerit" for allowing carry in churches!! Way to go guys! Any research jobs for chemical Engineer...
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    I got this on e-mail today from a friend on a concealed carry mailing list. If this passes, I won't be complying and we'll see this in the Supreme Court! I suggest you pass this one around. I found the bill at:
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    I Need to rant about PRNY and my pistol permit!

    Hello all, I applied to upgrade my pistol permit from Target/Hunting to unrestricted carry. Counties can put restrictions on permits and I just got a REJECTION letter from my county pistol permit department here in the PRNYS. I'm in Erie county and I guess the "personal protection of my wife...
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    Larry King interviewed Christopher Reeve

    Did anybody see this last night?! They're talking about funding to help cure paralysis and Larry asks Christopher Reeve (I'm paraphrasing, as I don't have the transcript): LK: Did you go to the Republican National Convention? CR: No I did not. LK: Did they not welcome you? CR: Oh no, It's...
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    How to watch the Democratic National Convention on TV

    WARNING, some of the options involve firearms and alcohol. Please be sure all firearms are unloaded and the ammunition stored safely in a separate room. Tempers can flare while listening to the "risky schemes" proposed during this convention, and we wouldn't want anyone actually shooting the TV...
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    Penn and Teller and the magic bullet

    Has anyone here ever seen the Penn and Teller "magic bullet" trick where they get "independent observers" ussually LEOs to inspect the gun and the bullet etc. Then they have one LEO write their initials on the bullet and the other LEO draw something on the cartridge casing. The cartridge is a...
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    Did anyone see "Deliberate Intent"?

    Did anyone see the movie "Deliberate Intent"? It was on last night (8/6) on FX I think. Did anyone get an anti-gun vibe from that movie? I did. Opinions? I found the movie interesting, yet somewhat frightening. Is this where they got the idea to sue gun manufacturers as accomplices to...
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    Letter of Support for George W. Bush

    Well, looks like another topic of why we should vote for Bush over a third party. I got this letter from my friend in Illinois who's on a "Concealed Carry" mailing list. It makes a LOT of good points. I for one do NOT want vice-perpetrator Algore as our next president... ----- Original Message...
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    Question about the Guide Rod on a Colt Pony Pocketlite

    Hello all, I have a newly aquired Colt Pony Pocketlite in .380 acp. It's a nice little pistol, but I'm thinking about replacing the guide rod, which is plastic, with one that is aluminum. I have access to a lathe and some aluminum stock and I'm wondering if it's safe to make one myself. If...
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    Black Panthers March with "Assault Rifles"

    Fox News online reported on the Texas excecution of convicted killer Gary Graham at: Interestingly, the articles says: "The New Black Panther Party, legally bearing assault rifles, had been holding a vigil outside the prison all day, on...
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    Another "Anti" site to flood with mail.

    You're never going to believe THIS one! :mad: The link and my response is below. I tried to keep it civil, tell me what you think. Dear Mr. Garen, First of all, I hope you have the courage to read this entire letter with an open mind. Now, please explain this...
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    Contact Bush, Use HCI's web site. :)

    Forwarded by a fellow believer in Freedom. If you don't want to see the latest freedom-hating propaganda at HCI's website, you can jump directly to GWB's email page at ========================================== Please take a few minutes and go...
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    HELP! Choosing a Beginners Rifle.

    Hello all. I took my wife (and a bag of balloons) to the local indoor range this weekend and rented her a little bolt action 22 with 6 round clip. This was her first time shooting and you should have seen the grin on her face when she popped her first balloon! Anyway I think it would be a...
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    National Concealed Carry Law!

    Read this petition and sign it if you support it here: there are other gun related petitions on this site as well. the homepage is: Of course most of all, keep the pressure on your senators and Congressmen.
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    Al Gore in vietnam...

    Did anyone see this picture of Al Gore in combat? What's wrong with this picture. Hints: 1) if he was really in combat, where's his magazine? 2) where is that weapon pointing? I guess that's why Al Gore doesn't think anyone should own a firearm...
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    American Derringer Press Release

    Hey Everyone...Get a load of this press release from American Derringer's CEO Elizabeth Saunders regarding Smith & Wesson. It's also posted on their web page at: On March 17, Smith & Wesson, once a great American company, signed an agreement with the...