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  1. B

    Interesting Quotes--Good and Bad

    I found these at . There's plenty more where these came from. These are just the ones directly focused on firearms ownership. "WHEN THE GOVERNMENT FEARS THE PEOPLE THERE IS LIBERTY; WHEN THE PEOPLE FEAR THE GOVERNMENT THERE IS TYRANNY" ***...
  2. B

    Any suggestions on a good semi-auto .22 target pistol?

    The target/plinkin' bug's got a hold of me. I'm aware of, but have no experience with, the target .22's offered by S&W, Browning, and Ruger. Any comments, good or bad, about any of these that would lead me in the right direction would be appreciated.
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    "GOP Makes More Gun Concessions"

    FYI.... WASHINGTON (AP) — Trying to end a week-long battle over gun control, Senate Republicans are offering concessions that would place further restrictions on firearms sales — while vowing to give no more ground. Democrats declared a victory over the gun lobby...
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    Disable Your Cookies and Cast Your Vote(s)!

    Basically the same as the 60-Minutes/Australia poll we had so much fun with.,2637,shootingblame,00.html
  5. B

    Disable Your Cookies and Cast Your Vote(s)!

    Basically the same as the 60-Minutes/Australia poll we had so much fun with.,2637,shootingblame,00.html
  6. B

    Vote Report--More gun control on the table for Tuesday

    2nd Amendment Takes Another Hit in U.S. Senate -- More gun control on the table for Tuesday Gun Owners of America E-Mail/FAX Alert 8001 Forbes Place, Suite 102, Springfield, VA 22151 Phone: 703-321-8585 / FAX: 703-321-8408 (Monday, May 17, 1999)-- In an attempt to...
  7. B

    Does Hallmark have a monopoly going or something?

    I went in to Tom Thumb a few minutes ago to get a Mother's Day card, and lo-and-behold--nothing but Hallmark! :( I looked all over the place for something other than Hallmark, and I even thought of making my own card out of desperation, but I decided I was a little old to be making Mother's...
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    Guess all my cookies got dumped!
  9. B

    GOA Alert--U.S. Senate to Vote on Gun Control

    U.S. Senate Set To Vote On Gun Control -- Ask your Senator to oppose Clinton's anti-gun agenda Gun Owners of America E-Mail/FAX Alert 8001 Forbes Place, Suite 102, Springfield, VA 22151 Phone: 703-321-8585 / FAX: 703-321-8408 (Friday, May 7, 1999)-- It's been a busy...
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    Dallas Morning News Poll

    Should there be stricter gun-control laws? Go here to vote: [This message has been edited by Bulldog (edited April 25, 1999).]
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    Small Victories in Texas

    Dallas Morning News, 4/23/99---"....The House Public Safety Committee voted to kill a proposal to extend criminal background checks to gun shows and flea markets, where some law enforcement officials said illegal gun sales go virtually unchecked. At the same time, the committee passed a bill to...
  12. B

    One gun per month?

    Is there a law that anyone knows about limiting our purchase of firearms to one per month? I seem to recall hearing something about this in the past, but I don't know if this proposal ever came to be. I'll be getting a hefty tax return this year and plan on using it towards a couple of new...