Search results

  1. R

    Recomend a CCW/SD handgun?

    Sometime in the near future I plan to get my CCW permit. In NC, youre required to take a traning course first... So it would be best to get the gun I'd prefer to CCW first, so i can pratice with it. For some background... I'm most familar with revolvers. I've shot them all my life, and I'm...
  2. R

    SMLE Enfield Sight?

    After shooting the No1 Mk3 enfield a couple of times, i've figured out I really dont like the standard sight much. I dont want to put a scope on it, but I'd love to put another sight.. perhaps a peep type sight, if one's available. When looking through the factory rear notch, i can barely see...
  3. R

    Enfield, anyone?

    Last weekend, the milsurp bug bit me again.... I think its becoming an infestation.... Why did i have to get a C&R license?... its going to be the ruin of me, I'm sure :) Picked up a clean No1, Mk 3 Lee-Enfield... 1912 BSA, to be exact. For a 95 year old rifle, she looks great (I'll try to...
  4. R

    C&R.. where to shop?

    I've been looking online for good deals on C&R Rifles. Post your favorite links and dealers! I havent found very many sites out there, but i know there's got to be more. Thanks guys!
  5. R

    Your openions on the Ishapore

    I've been looking hard at the Indian ishapore .308 Enfields. AIM surplus has them, and not a bad deal on them either. I've been wanting an Enfield for a while, and I'm thinking this might be the way to go. Do any of you have one of these? Like it? Hate it? I've read that you can only use...
  6. R

    About chokes...

    I've got an old Stevens double in 12ga. There is no stampings on it to indicate what the barrels are choked to. I asked my father and he told me an easy way to check was to put a dime in the barrel. The right barrel will easily fit a dime, but the left barrel is tight enough that a dime will...
  7. R

    Refinishing Milsurp rifles

    I've got a Chinese SKS and an M44 Mosin Nagant that I'd like to re finish. I've removed the cosmoline from the part the old fashioned way.... with a toothbursh and and solvent. Even tried boiling the parts in water, and this seemed to work really well. I've got questions about the stock. I...
  8. R

    25-06. how do you feel about it?

    My fathers rifle of choice has always been the 25-06, and its one of the few gun's he still handloads for. He's the only person i know that owns or hunts with a 25-06 too. Is it a good caliber? I know the bullet is tiny and travels at near the speed of light (kidding) But it doesnt seem to...
  9. R

    Guns that just "fit" differently

    I'm right handed, but my father is left handed. He taught me left handed shooting, because thats what he knew, but i picked up right handed shooting later as i started shooting on my own. I always shoot a handgun right handed, but i cant seem to decide on a way to shoot a rifle or a shotgun...
  10. R

    Looking for a price range

    Ive put alot of thought into it, and I'd like to purchase a Savage 10-FP somtime in the near future. 24inch bbl, .308 caliber. Savage's sugested retail price is $621.00 If you dont mind, I'd like to know what others who have these rifles have paid for them, without the cost of any custom work...
  11. R

    Why an AR-15 or M-16?

    This is a question thats been on my mind for some time now. I know that AR-15's, M-16's, and all their cousins and relatives are very popular rifles. I've also noticed that their price is very high. Whats so good about either of these rifles... a semi-auto .223 to make people gladly spend...
  12. R

    Knives. What do you cary?

    Knives. What do you carry? I'm sure most of you here CC a handgun of some sort or another. I'm willing to bet its safe to say that most of you cary a knife too. Not so much for self defence, but for general, day-to-day utility use. If so, what brands/styles do you like? I uasually cary...
  13. R

    Recommend a rifle?

    This might seem a bit off the wall, but its something I've been thinking about. I dont have a lot of extra cash, so I'm trying to plan my next gun purchase. I'd like a rifle that would be good for recreational shooting. I'd like something i could hunt white-tails with if i wanted to, but It...
  14. R

    What does this round go to?

    I found an unuasual round in a box of my late grandfathers stuff a while back. It looks to be fairly old. Its a rimmed cartrige, and slightly larger in diameter than a 30-30, but about the same length. the bullet might be a little larger than a 30-30's too. its difficult to tell. Its FMJ...
  15. R

    New guy, with a question.

    Hello everyone. I'm new here, and its good to meet ya. I've been looking for a good firearms forum.. and this looks like the one. My question is about the Stevens 311C double barrel 12ga. I've recently bought one, and its in good shape. Despite all the reasearch though, I really cant turn up...