Search results

  1. C

    Blackhawk accuracy

    What type of accuracy can you expect from Ruger's Blackhawk SA revolvers? I'm really interested in any accuracy info about the .357 and .357/9MM models with the 4 5/8" barrel. Thanks Christopher Nemeth
  2. C

    Ruger P series semi-autos

    Does anyone have any experience with Ruger's P series semiautos? I've haeard some good reviews of the P97 and P95 and I was wondering if anyone has any thoughts on these guns. Are they as accurate as more expensive semi-auto handguns? They seem like a great deal becuase of their low prices...
  3. C

    5" revolver barrels

    I was wondering why there are aren't more DA revolvers with 5" barrels. I think only S&W's 629 and 625 models are currently manufactured with 5" barrels.
  4. C

    SA revolver as a first gun

    Would a SA revolver be a good choice as a first handgun? I like Ruger's convertible models and the .357/9MM with the 4 5/8" barrel looks interesting. It will give me all the benefits of starting out with low powered .38's and then I can work up to .357's. It will also allow me to use cheap...
  5. C

    first gun suggestions

    I'd like to hear everyone's opinion on what a new handgunner's first handgun should be. I'm not looking for a CCW weapon so the size of the gun is not a problem. I'd be interested in all types of handguns. (sa & da revolvers, semi-autos) Thanks Christopher Nemeth
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    SASS events for a .22

    I was wondering if there were any SASS events for .22lr guns (like the Single-six)? I did not see anything about this on SASS's web sight. Thanks Christopher Nemeth
  7. C

    SA sights

    Do adj sights make any difference ia accuracy in SA revolvers, or are fixed sights just as good? I like the "prettier" high gloss stainless and case color finishes of Ruger's SA guns, but these are only available in fixed sight versions. I also like the convertible models with the extra 9MM...
  8. C

    Glock G34

    Would the 9MM Glock G34 make a good choice for my fiest handgun? I'm still debating whether or not I should buy a .22 first, but I am considering a centerfire handgun as my first choice. Thanks Christopher Nemeth
  9. C

    Choice of centerfirer revolver

    Which would be the better choice for my first centerfire handgun, a S&W 686 plus or a S&W 625 in .45 ACP?
  10. C

    NY Plinking Areas

    Does anyone know of anyplace in NY state where plinking is allowed? I live in NYC, and I have been looking for awhile for an area where plinking is allowed. Thanks Christopher Nemeth
  11. C

    What types of competitive shooting sports are there?

    I'm interested in learning more about the various types of competitive shooting sports that exist. I've read some articles about shooting sports, but they did not go into details of the sport itself. Could someone please explain what the different types of competitions (such as PPC, GSSF...
  12. C

    Ruger Mark II

    I'm seriously considering a ruger Mark II type pistol as my first handgun. I like the looks of buth the 22/45 models and the Government Competition model ( thats the one with the slab sided 6 7/8" barrel). What I would like to know, is it worth it to spend over $200 hundred more on the...