Search results

  1. F

    .25acp -.32acp on their way out?

    Hello - For past month I have been shopping around for a nice pistol for my wife, for her own personal protection......something nice and small for her purse, belt, etc. I've noticed that many pistols of many years ago, the "pocket pistol" era, were usually of the .25acp and .32acp range. It...
  2. F

    Where have all the AKs gone?

    Yesterday, I attended a very large gun show in Indianapolis, IN called the the "Indy 1500". It is a huge show. I went there to purchase ammunition for my Yugo M-70 AK, and came out with a sealed can of 1000 rounds for $250. I think I got a good deal. However, I noticed a sudden shortage of...
  3. F

    Survivalist's dilemna

    Last weekend, friends of mine gathered at my house and we all enjoyed last season's episodes of the "Walking Dead". Over beer and snacks, our discussion almost immediately turned to the variety of firearms being carried by some of the characters in the show. This turned into a question of...
  4. F

    Difficult choice: AK vs. RPK for B-day?

    Hello - After drooling over the thought of owning an AK for quite some time, my wife has recently announce she will buy one for me for my birthday, so then I can shut up. ;) She told me to go around and see what was available and pick one I liked and let her know about it. I have chosen...
  5. F

    Repairing a "duffle-bag" cut

    I've recently acquired a beautiful Mle 1870/80 M.14 Gras rifle. Everything on it is wonderful except for the stock - it is cut into two. I understand a common feature on rifles brought back by G.I.s, that it had to fit in his duffle bag, hence a cut was made on rifle stocks to make it fit...
  6. F

    Chamber weld question

    Hello - I have a question regarding a bolt-action rifle which I am interested in, and your answers may determine whether or not I buy it or pass it. It is a military turnbolt, and the seller states that a weld was placed inside the chamber to prevent a cartridge from being loaded into the...
  7. F

    Ak bayonets

    Hello, my first post here. The last few gun shows I've visited, I noticed an increasing amount of Aks, as well as Ak bayonets. They are not sold together, but I wondered if this was a coincidence, or is it possible to purchase an AK of any or a certain variant on the market today which will...