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  1. R

    7.62x39 cast load work-up

    All righty then. I've finally had a few minutes to start working up a load for my 7.62x39 hand casts. First Test shown. Try as I might, there is limited info to be found with regard to load data on the 7.62x39 using cast bullets. I have several, but out of the half-dozen sets, only one had...
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    Since the rumors about lead WW use being phased out, I'm becoming more determined to get all I can while I can. So on a whim I stopped by the one and only tire shop here locally... The deal was if I bring empty buckets to change theirs out with, I can take the full ones. I loaded easily 400 lbs...
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    My tax season toy list... Molds

    Part of it just arrived from Midway---several days early. :D I love it when that happens! So now I've expanded my molds. Sprung for a new TC mold for my .40 S&W, grabbed one to start casting for my .32 ACP finally, and added a new mold to play with for my AK and Mosin. Oh how I love getting new...
  4. R

    $$$ factory ammo

    I have been hand loading for my rifles for years, and am now getting into casting more and more for my handguns simply because of rising costs and availability. Just for kicks after looking for some factory loads for my .40, I glanced at some prices I would be paying to feed my rifles IF I had...
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    Zinc Wheel Weights

    I know I saw a question posted not long ago about zinc wheel weights in the smelting mix, but be darned if I can spot which thread it was in at a glance. SO, since I just put new tires on my truck today, thus picked up a nice load of wheel weights, THUS was "obligated" to do a little ingot...
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    My 32 win SP mold arrived!

    Oh yes! It's O'dark-thirty in the morning, and my mold finally arrived UPS this afternoon while at work. So what was I doing instead of sleeping? Casting, of course! I HAD to make sure the mold worked right, and the casts sized right... And then I had to reset my dies for the new cast bullet so...
  7. R

    .32 win Sp mold anyone?

    All right, I'm having a fit here... I'm going nuts trying to get the mold for my 32 win sp (keep loosing on ebay because I always seem to be at work when someone bids an old 32-40 mold up to insain amounts, wiping my possibilities out completely unless I want to set a max that will require a...
  8. R

    Dad's bragging, sight in

    So this year is my boy's first real hunt---going for elk. Can't be sure who is more excited--him, or me. So, this year, he says he wants to use my Mosin M-91 (I'm a long-rifle, and have been getting back to old-school for fun). "Ok, you're gonna 'snipe' you're elk, huh?. Suuuuuure. Let's hit the...
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    Mock, joke, point, and laugh... BUT...

    I did it anyway.... That is, bought a UTG sight system---for the nightstand gun. All right, before all the yipping and yowling begins... A couple weeks ago I heard the front door open and close about 4AM. SO... I jumped up, grabbed the nightstand gun, and proceeded down the hall--all...
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    Police Misconduct blocked from Public Record... New Bill proposed for Utah

    Here's a real doozy of an idea... :rolleyes: "Your papers please..." Basic details here, still researching the looong version. And the long version...
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    Recruited another one yesterday!

    After two years, my boss brought up shooting over lunch yesterday. We've been working together for two years now, and he's well aware how much I shoot, what I have, etc. He kind of mentioned under his breath that with all the violence that has sprung up in our area over the last few years that...
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    Well, it's getting around to that season again. Snow is gone, afternoons are gorgeous, and the sweet sounds of "KA-BOOM" are calling my name... In the spirit of blowing things up... I love finding new videos almost as much as I like making them :D
  13. R

    Another of those rainy-day videos...

    Had to share... It's pouring rain here today, so my day at the range is postponed. Instead, I've resorted to looking for stuff to pass the boredom... Wish I were doing this instead! :D
  14. R

    Score one for the Good Guy

    I have yet to find the article on this, but it's been all over the local news channels and radio, and just a mile from where I live--a little unsettling for this normally sleepy little town. And solid justification to my better half why my .40SW resides on the headboard if it isn't tucked under...
  15. R

    Father's Day with a BANG

    Anyone else have new additions to show off from last weekend? I got this for my dad... After playing with my Mak-90 he decided he couldn't live without a nice "plinker"... :D And this is mine. Now my son gets my old spotting scope. Better than Christmas this year!
  16. R

    Mandatory Service---Thoughts, ideas, opinions?

    Universal National Service Act of 2006 (Introduced in House) HR 4752 IH 109th CONGRESS 2d Session H. R. 4752 To provide for the common defense by requiring all persons in the United States, including women, between the ages of 18 and 42 to perform a period of military service or a period...
  17. R

    Wives and guns--do yours get along?

    It's days like today that I have to take a step back, smile, and say "wow, I've really got it good." The last couple weeks have had my stress levels off the charts, and my better-half pointed out that I'm really PMS'ing (I've reciently come to identify this as "PRIMAL MALE-NESS SHORTAGE-ing"...
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    Cell Phone Guns??

    I just got this from my father-inlaw... Interesting---and a little troubling. But I wouldn't mind having one just for the sake of the uniqueness of it in my collection. *** go here for the mpg video... *** Cell Phone Guns: Read this and then...
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    What's the most incredible shots you've made/seen while hunting?

    Just like the title says, what's the most incredible shot you've witnessed or made while hunting? I have several, as I'm sure everyone does. So lets hear the stories! Of mine, I think the one I like the most was hunting with my dad in Cardwell, MT. His boss at the time had a ranch there and...
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    Show off your favorite Hardware

    All right, I have no doubt this thread exists already in several various forms, but to be completely honest, with 365 PAGES of threads in this forum, I really had mixed feelings about going looking for them. SO... Here we are. The "show off your carry weapon" popped up again, so why not show...