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  1. B

    Where do you find the cheapest ammo?

    I have bought nothing but .40 WWB from Wally World for the past 4 months. $21 per 100 for something with quality reusable brass isn't bad I guess. No matter where I look I can't find it any cheaper. Does anyone know of a better deal for WWB or something similar? Not really looking for steel...
  2. B

    So I want to build a 1911...

    And I want to do it right. This has been a dream project of mine for many years and I think it's time to get started. I'm no gunsmith but I am a certified machinist with many years of metalworking experiance and my hobbies always center around some sort of metalwork. I like to do the difficult...
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    Highcaps in danger?

    I'm wondering why so many on this site and others make reference to stocking up on highcap mags since they may not be available soon. I even saw one guy write that he was going to buy lots of highcaps for guns he planned to buy in the future in case there was a ban on them later. :confused...
  4. B

    Cleaning kit in a magazine tube.

    Would you buy a cleaning kit that was housed in an empty magazine tube? Why doesn't anyone make them? I brought this up on another thread where people were throwing all sorts of ideas out and decided to make one. I'll be using an old used G17 mag but it should work with any gun that uses a...
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    More fodder for the caliber wars!

    Why does no one refer to the 9mm as the ".38 super short & wimpy"?
  6. B

    Best bumper sticker

    Saw a good one today: "My other auto is a .45" Which reminded me of: "My other car is a Kahr":)
  7. B

    9mm G23?

    Anyone changed to the 9mil barrel/extractor in their .40 Glock? Does it work just as well as a G19? I have a 23 and planned on replacing the stock barrel with a Barsto from the day I bought it but if I'm buying a barrel that can shoot lead, I'm thinking the bulk lead 9mm is the way to go. If I'm...
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    Beware the turkey cannon!

    I would like to share with you the most horrifying and heart stopping experience I have ever had while on a hunt in the hopes that you can learn from my mistake and never have to suffer as I did. I had a very good first 45 min. of my first ever deer hunt this November when I took a doe at...
  9. B

    Silver bullets?

    I've always wanted to make some and with my jewellery casting equipment it doesn't seem to hard. .999 silver is softer and heavier than copper and harder than lead so they should bite rifling just fine. Thinking about lathing a slightly oversized brass .40 hollowpoint and casting it in some...
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    Electromagnetic firing pin?

    So what about using an electromagnetic coil to throw a firing pin? I've been toying with building a .40 S&W carbine (think mech tech conversion sans glock) and got a little stumped on the firing mech. I know all of the tried and true designs are used for a reason but I was testing a 24v relay...