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  1. K

    What GUN / PRO GUN Blogs do you read daily???

    I am always looking for new ones to check out. These are my daily readers with no specific preference. Please share yours with links. Thanks
  2. K

    Duh, Lubricant really helps a gun cycle....

    I bought a used Beretta 21a 10+ years ago and have never liked it because it didn't cycle well and was totally unreliable as a result. Well, today I was digging around in my safe and came across it again. I took it out, really scrubbed it good and then lightly lubed with gun butter. We went...
  3. K

    Bushnell Holosight Battery issue!

    I sent my Holosight back to Bushnell to have the Reticle adjusted and just got it back - What I am concerned about is that they had put a large piece of paper in the package with bold 20? font print stating that if it was not going to be used for over 3 days, the batteries should be removed to...
  4. K

    Pertaining to my last thread about closure

    Mike Irwin makes a perfect example. Harsh and abrupt. I thought this forum was above that - May have to look at THR again.
  5. K

    Knife robberies on increase in UK - Go figure!

    Here's the news link: I especially like this phrase: So, since they already took away their guns, and now planning to restrict knife sales - What will be the alternative?? Here you go, young man, please use this club for your...
  6. K

    Here's the newest Brady proposal:

    First, I apologize if this has already been posted - I searched briefly and did not find it. This has been submitted to the Obama Team for review in december 2008. They have pretty much covered every gun that I like:(
  7. K

    Pre-Ban Gun versus Pre-Ban Magazine question

    First, I know we can not give each other legal advise, so let me be clear that I am not asking for that.I own a post ban NRA Mini and live in NY State. I was only allowed to get the 5 round magazines when I purchased it. QUESTION: I am asking for opinions only: Would the use of an older Pre-Ban...
  8. K

    My Mini-14 is here!!

    I broke down and bought this even though I dont really need it. Just don't want to ever be in a position where someone might tell me I can't buy one (If you know what I mean, without turning this into a political thread!). Anyhow, it shoots, handles and looks great. What would you guys put on...
  9. K

    Bump Firing

    Hey guys, I stumbled across this on youtube and it appears to be a technique that essentially makes a semi fire like an auto - Check out video. Would this be considered illegal??
  10. K

    Sig C3 barrel bushing problem - Check this out!

    My Sig C3 is about 1 1/2 years old and I truley love this gun. I had a few feed issues right off the bat that were fixed through breaking it in and them replacing the external extractor. After about 2,000 rounds, I noticed a crack in the barrel bushing and contacted Sig - They sent me a newer...
  11. K

    Ruger Mini 14 NRA model - Anybody have one?

    I really like the look and feel of this gun, but am apprehensive about the reputation of inaccuracy Mini 14's have. Has anybody shot or tried this newer model??? Is it more accurate than past models??
  12. K

    Let's talk tactics:

    Hey guys and gals; For those of you that own your own land/range, what kind of targets or tacticle targets do you use. I am bored with my range - I have 0-25 yrd wood backstops for targets, 50 yard and 100 yard metal targets. I want to add more realistic pop up or training targets to...
  13. K

    FOPA - I need a direct link to the law.

    Can someone post a direct link to this law?? Please, not a link to somone else's interpretation of it. Thanks, SteveB
  14. K

    Biometrics Safe

    Has anyone been using these - I purchased the one when my kids were getting a little older and quicker at finding stuff - I use it by bedside and if I am in shower or just need a place to put my main carry gun for a short period - It saves me a trip to the safe. It is good in that it is...
  15. K

    CHEAP way to mimick ballistic gel???

    I have been playing around with trying to develop a cheap way to see maximal bullet expansion and be able to recover the bullet - I have tried shooting at milk jugs filled with water and wet newspaper so far. What do you guys use that works and is cheap. Did I mention that I dont want to...
  16. K

    Sig C3 question

    Does anyone know the stock recoil spring weight with the C3??
  17. K

    1911 firing underwater???

    Moderators, pardon me if this is previously posted (I searched, but didn't find it). I saw this in G&A and googled it: Pretty interesting that the glock was not as reliable as the 1911 - I am sure the custom 1911 played a role in that...
  18. K

    How to date my Sig, officially!

    I cant believe it! I called Sig yesterday to ask for the date of manufacture of my C3 and was told that they dont offer that service anymore. BUT, for a fee, I can buy a certificate of ?? that list the date of manufacture, etc. Is this BS or what?? :mad: I simply wanted a more precise date...
  19. K

    Cracked barrel bushing??

    I was cleaning my Sig 1911 last night after a shooting session and noticed a fine crack through the bushing. I've not seen this before and was wondering if other 1911 folks have?? I called Sig and they are sending a me a replacement and didn't seem to think it was a big deal?? Anyone else...
  20. K

    Lou Alessi pulls through for me.

    Thanks to lou, I just received three new leather goods. I ordered a magazine pouch 12/23/07, then added a PCH holster for my Sig Revo C3 2/5/08, then added a Hideout holster for my PPK 2/25/08 - All three delivered as described 3/8/08. For those of you that dont deal with high end leather, this...