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  1. T

    Carbon-15 report

    Gentlemen: The Rock took his new Ar15 from PO to the range to sight it in and see how it would go. I mounted a 40mm BSA red dot sight on it, since this carbine has no iron sights. I used thermold 30rd mags and Winchester 55gr white box ammo. Impressions: Had some feeding problems in the...
  2. T

    Pity Party for The Rock

    Yes- ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, children of all ages, The Rock proudly presents: Feel sorry for me. I can't open my mouth more that 1/3 of the way without mucho pain. I missed a homecooked meal at my parents house since it hurt too bad to chew. Now I sit here with my applesauce...
  3. T

    The Rock does 2 things

    Yesterday, the 23rd, was The Rock's birthday. He is now 22 years old/young. Since The Rock decided that he is now old enough to buy his own b-day present. The Rock bought another carry pistol. The Rock bought a HK P7M8 police trade in for $799. The Rock wonders if that is a bit high. The Rock...
  4. T

    Idle Thought from The Rock

    The Rock asks this: Has anyone ever read the Deathstalker series written by Simon Green? What did you think of the series? The Rock enjoyed it, and wholeheartedly agreed with Jack Random. "Politicians. They are all dirty. Hang them all" Amen. The Rock
  5. T

    Am I the only... Part 2

    Since Dennis locked part 1, The Rock decided he would elbow-check some people into the smackdown hotel. The Rock is also amazed by DUPs. The Rock uses the standard arguments, usually getting 25% response of thinking, 10% wanting to learn, and the rest just ignore it. I ask the ladies if they...
  6. T


    /rant mode on Having just read the thread about gross inaccuracies in the media, The Rock thinks back to when he was asked to do an interview about the baseball strike. Even then, 4 years ago, my first response was "$#^% no". The reporter then asked me, "What, you don't like the media?" My...