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  1. P

    Opposing view on Gun Laws

    If guns are outlawed then only outlaws would have guns. Would that make it easier on LEO's that anytime they see/find someone with a gun they can just go up and arrest them without having to worry about illegal arrrests. Think of it that right now if a LEO sees you carrying a gun he has to...
  2. P

    Nice article about dry firing practice

    I ran across this and thought it was worth posting here for everyone who practices a lot and follow all the safety rules. The part about BEWARE is shown below. BEWARE The single largest problem of dry-firing is what is known as the...
  3. P

    Intentional "Squib" Load

    I realize that most are going to think this is stupid or crazy and find 5,000 reasons why it won't work. For those who prefer to carry without a round in the chamber, could a round be developed that did not have a bullet but would cycle the slide similar to a squib load but not clogging up the...
  4. P

    Parkerized vs. Blued

    I am looking to get a KT P-3AT and can't decide. I would like the hard chrome but they are hard to find at a decent price. However I can get a parkerized one for $5 more than the blue. Is the parkerized one better or worse than the blued? This will probably be an everyday pocket carry gun...
  5. P

    Metal Detectors

    I have read several times that unless a business, meeting, function etc. has metal detectors it is leagl to carry in that location. I know that SC makes no reference to metal detectors in the carry laws and was wondering what states have laws stating that metal detectors are required to make...
  6. P

    What percentage of CWP holders actually carry daily

    I know that many people carry daily without any kind of permit but here in SC it is illegal other than on you own property or while hunting. However you can carry in your glove box without a permit but open carry is illegal with or without a permit. I know many people that have a Concealed...
  7. P

    It won't fire unless you pull the trigger

    I always sort of grin when I hear someone say this and thought I would tell this stroy on a fellow that I used to work with. This was over 40 years ago in the days of Saturday Night Specials and the .25 auto was extremely popular. It seems that this fellow had a habit of carrying one around in...
  8. P

    Help me understand clearing the chamber

    I know the rule about always racking the slide three times to be sure the chamber is empty but I am not sure I understand the logic behind it. To unload a pistol I always first remove the magazine and then lock the slide back. Then I do a visual check to be sure that no round is located...