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  1. D

    Posting No Trespassing Signs in National Forest

    - For many years I've hunted the public hunting areas of our local Shawnee National Forest without problems. Two years ago the entire 8000 acres where I normally hunted has had signs up saying the usual "no trespassing, private property, etc." -After a records check at the court house there, I...
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    Cherry Flavored Walnut

    Why is it that some stock makers will start out with a pretty walnut blank, then mop on some stain to make it look "better"? Lots of nice wood gets killed this way. Walnut flavored maple is common too.
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    Needing Parts For Jukar Lock-

    --Several years ago I built a .36 pistol using a CVA flint lock off a .45 Kentucky pistol kit. The small lock fit up well for that project. Now, I need another lock to get the pistol shooting again. Does anyone still carry the old Jukar- Spain lock? I have a couple of the percussion locks for a...
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    Stryker 12 ga.

    Is the Stryker 12 ga. still considered NFA? If so what is the way to sell one that is registered at present? This question came to me from an ex Illinois State cop. I'm not familar with these things.
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    Drilling holes for scope mounts

    --I'm looking for a better way to drill and tap recievers. I have a fixture from Brownell's that works nice, but my concerns are with my drill press. It just isn't consistant enough to trust. So I ordered a micro-mill that is supposed to be accurate to within .002". Any thoughts on useing the mill?
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    Abc News And Gun Control

    --Well here we go again. Another school shooting and ABC News is on the scene beating the drum about gun control and the Assault Weapon Ban. --I realize the News has no morals or it would at least wait until a perpetrator is identified before jumping into politics. Instead, they blame the gun...
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    Closing the door

    Well, my wife thinks it's time for me to put away the tools and close the books. I have a hand full of guns and related materials left in the shop and can't decide whether to keep them or try selling them off. Would it be best to try selling one item at a time, or finding another dealer to buy...
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    Mod. 1900 H&R Ejector

    I'm in the process of finishing up a rebuild of an old Mod.1900 H&R. It is a large frame, 12 ga. All I need is the ejector. Numrich didn't have that part. Before I turn one on the lathe, I'd like to try finding one. Any ideas?
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    New Almanac

    I just noticed that my new Almanac doesn't list September 11 as having any significance. Checking further it doesn't mention anything significant on December 7th either. This book was printed in Canada, but it's office is in Las Vegas, Nevada.
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    CSA Battle Flag

    Southern pride still runs deep in the hills of Tennessee, and the old flag still waves. Even the state flag bears a resemblance. I fly both the U.S. flag and the C.S.A Battle-flag. Both are for the pride of my country and my family heritage. I've been asked a couple times to take down the...
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    Is Security enough?

    After 911 armed security guards were given a pistol and sent to guard our local Federal buildings. The threat was airplanes. After 911 armed guards protected our airports as well. It's hard to believe a trained, dedicated force of well armed militia could be detoured by a couple guys packing...
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    All Quiet on the Front

    There has not been much in the news about several Anti-Gun bills. Maybe that's good. Then again if these pass into law quietly enough, we'll all be criminals.
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    .32-40 Win.

    Why isn't the .32-40 loaded as hot as the .30-30. Given the same model, action type, etc., it should handle the pressures. At present, the .32-40 runs along like its old BP ancestors. Can it be safely loaded hotter?
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    Illinois Black Powder Dealers?

    Are there any other Dealers of Black Powder left in Illinois? The BATF wouldn't give me any info. Thought someone would know. The DNR wouldn't say anything either.
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    Quiet Barrels?

    I think of suppressors normally being an attachment to a barrel. Would a complete, one piece barrel, built from the ground up to be quiet still be an NFA item? It would not be an attachment.
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    .45-120 info

    I'm looking at a Quiqley in .45-120. Mostly just to hang on wall, but I may shoot it also. Anyone familiar with these? What about ammo sources?
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    SB0016 Assault Weapons Ban- Tech

    Did this pass into being law? I'm not finding much on it. Was set on Calender Order of 2nd Reading March 8,2007. What's the news?
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    CVA Mountain Rifle

    When did CVA quit making the old .50 Mountain Rifle? I bought mine as a kit in 1976. Serial number 3xxx. Marked MADE IN U.S.A. on barrel. Have been told the barrel was made by Douglas for Connecticut Valley Arms, Inc.
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    Drop in auto safety sears

    Why is it that auto safety sears fall into two groups, the legal ones, and banned ones? Just looking at them they appear the same. How can I tell the difference? And why are they illegal considering many guns have a similar system built in anyway? Lots of questions.
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    Another approach to fight gun laws

    It's tough to change laws once they make the books, but they can be changed. I'm an old biker and was ABATE member. We repealed the helmet law here. Why couldn't same tactics be applied toward gun laws? Local chapters with reps from each chapter applying pressure directly where it's needed...