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    Illinois CCW?

    Where does Illinois sit on the CCW rights? There was a surge of hope we would have the right to carry, but it's been quiet for some time now. Are there any new updates?
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    Umarex/ Colt M4 .22LR

    Just ordered one of the little M4 in .22 LR. Will be a week or so before delivery. Has anyone tried these yet? What can I expect as far as reliability and general shooting from it? Thanks .
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    Safe Explosives Act... You're Thoughts?

    Just recieved a paper from the ATF&E. A paragraph goes like this..."Beginning May 24, 2003, all persons receiving explosive materials must have a Federal explosives license or permit. Thus, you may no longer distribute explosive materials to non-licensees or non-permittees after that date."...
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    NBC Pushing AWB

    It's a daily thing to turn on the TV and hear Andrea Mitchell on NBC NEWS pushing for a renewal of the Assault Weapons Ban. More recently NBC is using the War on the Border as an excuse to drag up Hillary Clinton and other top anti-2nd Amendment politicians into the limelight. It appears NBC...
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    Are ANY Gun Laws Legal?

    BILL OF RIGHTS; 2nd Amendment: "A well regulated Militia, being necessary to the security of a Free State, the right of The People to keep and bear Arms shall not be infringed." ARTICLE 4, SECTION 2, US CONSTITUTION : " The Citizens of each State shall be entitled to all Privileges and...
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    Ammo As Currency

    A couple years ago I had two cancer surgeries done. My doctor was really into trap shooting and he offered to trade his services for ammo. Sounded OK to me! That little event got me to thinking,(which I shouldn't ). But I got to wandering if maybe gun owners would be better off going to a...
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    Displaying Firearms at Home

    Here's my situation, I've ran out of room. Several gun safes are full. Guns starting to collect in every corner of the house. I've put up a new shop building/ playhouse and I'm wanting to make a display area for some of my collectables. For now, I'd like to display lever guns (many) and several...
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    Dash mount gun rack?

    I've been thinking of mounting some type of gun rack in the cab of my Mule ATV. Something to hold my M4-AR-15. Does any one make a suitable rack that will take a lot of off road abuse without marring the rifle? I'm thinking on the order of a dash/ floor mount.
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    Hunting Deer With Rifle In Illinois

    Just finished watching one of those hunting flicks on Versus channel. It showed a fellow during 2007 hunting deer with a bolt action rifle in Hamilton County, Illinois. He stated it was December 21. Checking last year's permit I see that was not during season. We also cannot hunt deer with a...
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    Ar Feed Problems

    What causes an AR 15 not want to feed last two rounds of every magazine? Started with Brown Bear 62 grain SP Tried LC military stuff. Tried Winchester 55 grain SP. Tried several different magazines. Cleaned and re-cleaned. Same problem. 28 out of 30 work fine. Last two won't pick up.
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    State Police Unfamiliar with ATF Forms

    Illinois State Police HQ and local County Sheriff both say the same thing: They have never heard of an ATF Form 3310.4 "Report of Multiple Sale or Disposition of Pistols and Revolvers." There are three copies: Copy 1 goes to National Tracing Center Copy 2 goes...
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    FFL Doing NICS Check on Self

    Noverber 5, I was informed by the ATF Investigator that if I wish to purchase a gun for myself, through my own gun shop, I'd have to run a NICS check on myself and fill out a 4473 on myself. The catch here is my wife and I are "partners" in the buisness. I had my eye on that new M4 I bought...
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    Rifles For Veteran Groups

    Years ago the U.S. Government made available the old M1 Garand and Springfield bolt rifles to various vet groups such as the VFW and American Legion for little or no cost. These are the guns used in parades and funeral ceremonies. Some of these were worn out 60 years ago, but with lots of TLC...
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    State Law Says No

    When a state law says "No Commercial Advertisement", about a particular item, (this is firearm related item), can it be offered for sale on TFL? Would that be considered "commercial"?
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    What To Do With Unclaimed Guns?

    What happens to the unclaimed guns that a gunsmith has worked on? Is there a point where the smith should sell a customer's gun to cover the labor and parts? Should the gun be destroyed or what? What is the proper way to deal with these unclaimed guns?
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    Name That Politician

    Can you pronounce your Govenor's name? -If so you are lucky. Just try saying Rod Blagojevich three times real fast.
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    H&R .32 Top Break

    --I have an old .32 H&R Top Break revolver in the small frame that is 6 shot. It is in need of a new cylinder. But what I'm finding are 5 shot cylinders. Will the parts interchange?
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    3 in 1 mill drill lathes

    --I'm cramped for room and looking for another 3 in1 machine. Mostly for drilling gunstock thru- holes and light milling/ drilling. Who makes a dependable machine with at least a 32 in. between center lathe? I,d like to shy away from the imports. Thanks.
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    Presidential Candidates To Get Secret Service Protection

    What ever happened to the 14th Amendment, the Equal Protection Clause? $35 million paid for by tax payer's to protect another citizen while the rest of us are left defenseless. As I understand it, a person running for an office, whether it be dog catcher or president is still just a citizen...
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    20 ga. Pistol?

    Does anyone offer a barrel for a pistol in 20 gauge? Something that would fire slugs or shot. Maybe on the order of the Thompson Center or similar single shot type. I'd think it would make a good small game/ defense tool.