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  1. E

    just got my new...

    Glock 19....brand new just picked it up today....ill be heading to the range tomorrow for its first voyage...but a few thing i would like to remark about...first is i hate how the glock have a non fixed barrel...i knew this coming in becuase i wont a 26...but it just annoys the hell out of me...
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    What kinda rifles are legal in California?

    I live in california...the bay area to be exact....i know fully auto's are illegal...but what about single shot rifles?...ive seen kel tec single shot rifles but thats the only thing in a assualt weapon wondering is it illegal to own a single shot AR 15 or M16 since ive never seem...
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    Chambering the same round twice???

    I saw someone once tell someone else to NEVER chamber the same bullet know if you unloaded you gun everynite dont chamber the same round the next day? is this a true statement and why so if it is...what could happen if you do?
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    Glock Tactical Lights anyone got one?

    Im going to be getting a Glock 19 verrrrry very soon and i was wondering if i should get a the Glock Tactical Light also...just wondering if there bright...long battery life...and where to get them...can i order from glock or do some gun retailer sell them? thanks for your time
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    Newbie to shotguns

    while ive never shot a shotgun i know that the 12 ga has some pretty harsh i was thinking maybe for my first i should go with a 20 ga? is the recoil difference that noticable? or should i just man up and get the 12...and im going to probably get a stoeger side by side uplander
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    Lock Up?

    what exactly is lock up? sorry if im ignant but ive never heard that term
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    410 advice

    hey this is my first time posting in the shot gun section....i am looking for a good 410 shotgun....i would really like a good looking double barrel....and i dont want to spend 1000 can anyone point me to some reasonable ones?
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    Can anyone fill me in on the Kahr?

    Im thinking about picking up a PM9...I love the size...i kinda like the all metal one but it weights alot more and its not as can anyone out there who owns one tell me some of the pro's and con's? and i would love to see a few pics to. thanks
  9. E

    Need a little bit of help....

    so i am looking for something in the mood to spend up to 600 on a good compact auto....maybeeee 700 if the gun blows me looking for a .380 or 9mm....i dont want a .40 or a .45 in a small compact...i was looking at a ppk and held one today and i like it but i saw something...
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    .380 +p ?

    excuse my stupidness but im new to the caliber I have read that there are .380 +P but i cant seem to find any that true or naw?if so pleaseeee point them out to me..and sorry if i sound dumb but what exactly is the +P mean also? and can anyone recommend a good powerful .380 round? im...
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    Honestly? is the .380 that weak?

    ive been reading alot and going threw alot of threads where people dont like the .380 becuase its weak or a european caliber...and today i held a .380 and a 9mm together and they are actually really close in size except the bullet in the 9mm was longer than the .380...but honestly i want to hear...
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    Holster damaging finishing?

    Ive heard that holsters can take the bluing off a gun and i was wondering what about a nickle plated or a stainless steel gun, is it the same problem? what will keeping on in a holster do to that? and is there anyways to stop or protect my guns??
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    PPK questions

    i was wondering if the ppk and the ppk/s can take the same clips or is there a difference in the length? and also i was wondering if anyone has one and carries what holster they use? thanks
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    Can ammo go bad?

    if i was to buy in bulk and let some rounds sit around my house for not talking days or months but two or three or maybe even five years would they go bad ? or will bullets last a lifetime?
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    North American Arms Guardian anyone got one?

    i was wondering how much yall liked them and if they are accurate...and are they really small enough to just throw in your pocket like it was a cell phone?...also i was wondering how much they cost? thank
  16. E

    How do i get the black rings off my cylinders?

    i put 100 rounds of +p threw my colt detective special and now its got gun powder everywhere...i cleaned alot off but at the end of the cylinder theres alot of it and it doesnt seem to want to come off...anything special i can use or jst keep scrubing with the gun cleaner i got?
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    Safe to keep ammo in a car?

    i was wondering if i left a loaded revolver in my glove box is there a chance of the bullets gettin hot enough to blow off(i live in california so it gets up to 150 or higher in a car during the summer days)? or can the primer die out and it will misfire?....and a little side note...does anyone...
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    Best company for 1911?

    i was wondering what the best company for a good looking at a medium to compact frame...dont want a huge one...along with that how much kick does a 45 have compared to a 9mm? and which would you what are the top companys and what kind of prices am i look at for a new...
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    Looking into a PPK

    Im thinking about picking up a Walther PPK and i was wonder from those of you who have them if its worth it or not? and also i was wondering about the jamming problem you hear about? it really that bad or do people just bitch to much...and what kind of ammo will prevent this? i hurd ball...