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    Possible Cracked Hammer on 637

    I was examining my carry gun, a S&W 637, when I noticed a small what looks like the makings of a crack. Anyone seen anything like this? Looks like I'll be calling S&W in the morning.
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    Return to Revolvers - A Range Report

    A while ago, I started this thread... Well I finally got to take the 637 out and fired quite a bit of ammo... 25- Gold Dot Speer 135gr +P short barrel, JHP 25- Hornady 125gr +P, JHP 30- WWB 125gr +P, JHP 30- Hornady 125gr, JHP 20-...
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    S&W Classic Line

    Hello All, Does anyone own or carry one of the S&W classic revolvers? I'm mostly interested in the M40 and M36, how close are they to the originals? Are the dimensions the same as the 642/637's? I know the M40's grip has the grip safety and both models are heavier than the aforementioned...
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    Over Oiled My Air Weight

    Hello all, I just recently purchased a S&W 637 that I absolutely love. However, the other day I was adding some oil (the trigger was gritty as all get out) accidently and over did it. Now I have oil leaking out of the side plate when I dry fire. Can I just dry fire the excess oil out or does...
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    New Gun Day(!)

    Today I picked up my S&W 637 from a LGS FFL, happy times and joy.. Here are my initial impressions... Fit and Finish Perfect. I couldn't find a single flaw, despite my best efforts. The gun locks up tight and the gap is perfect. Like all j-frames, it fits my hand like a glove, mainly...
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    Buds Question

    Hello everyone, I have a question about making a buds payment. I put a gun on layaway a couple weeks ago, I made my initial payment by personal check. Can I pay the remainder by credit card over the phone? I can't seem to find any info in the website and would like to have the ball rolling so I...
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    Airweight Flaky Finish

    I see allot of threads complaining about the finish on the 642/637, the flaking and what have you. These threads have been around forever and I, like many people, continue to buy them (mine will be here in two weeks). So my question is, can anyone post some pic's of a Airweight with psoriasis? I...
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    New / Old Sig I'm not sure if this is news to anyone but me... How do you think they will sell? Would anyone consider buying one? Is Sig running out of ideas? :p Edit : The title of thread should read "New / Old Sig"
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    From Semi to Revolver

    Hello all, I started this thread a while ago... And it got me wondering, how many of us have switched from semi autos to revolvers and why? My reason is the simplicity, ease of carry and the .38 P+ round. I also just love the general...
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    Back to my Roots - 637

    Hello guys, I recently have been searching for a new CCW and finally decided on a S&W 637. I got my start with revolvers and later settled into carrying small autos. There are so many excellent options as far as small autos go these days but something about the old j frame was calling out to...
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    VA - Online CCW Class

    Hello all, I'm trying to expedite the process or my wife getting her CCW permit and want it to be as painless as possible. Are the online classes legit? Would it be considered accredited in the eyes of the issuing court? Thanks, Shadi
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    Shooting With Feet I'm not sure if this has been posted yet, I searched around and didn't see anything. It's quite amazing although it looks like it could be dangerous. It's just another example of what you can over come if you love...
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    Mossberg 500 Sights Anybody use these or anything simialr on their shotgun? Are they worth and how hard are they to install? Thanks.
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    First Hunt

    Hey guys, Exciting times here in Shadi's world, my father in law and his brother want to take me hunting for my first time. We will be hunting deer on the brothers property using shotguns. So I'm wondering what to expect, what I need and any general advice you can give me. On Thanksgiving we...
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    VA Permit Renewal Turn Around

    Hello all, I just submitted my VA CCW permit renewal last week, how long does it usually take?
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    New Kahr MR40 It looks plain hideous. A departure from what we are used to from Kahr, as far as appearances are concerned. Anybody know what it does besides offend the eye? :) Update... Apparently MR = Magnum Research?
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    Enduring Designs

    Allot of pistols designs have come and gun and many more have taken there place. Some have stuck around with few changes and continue to be huge hits. Of the newer designs of pistols, which do you see as one that is will be around for a long time to come? What qualities and features do you...
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    New Sig P290

    I was over at the Sig Forum and saw a thread about the new Sig P290. It's a really small .9mm and it looks promising....
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    Bullet Set Back

    Between JHP and FMJ, is one more prone to bullet set back then the other?
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    What Happened to Para Ord. ?

    What's the deal with Para these days? I wanted one for years (Para Carry 6.45) I love the looks and the triggers are like nothing I've ever pulled. However, it seems in recent years I've been hearing all sorts of terrible things about them in terms of reliabilty, QC and customer service. Also...