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  1. O

    Great day at the range

    Finally, God had decreed that not only will John have a day off, but also on this day the rains shall not fall in sheets from the heavens. Sure, the grass is up to mid-calf in the back yard, but a guy has to do what a guy has to do. Loaded up every pistol I own since I had load to test in every...
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    1911, Norinco vs Rock Island

    Been thinking about buying a 1911, mostly for just plinking around right now, but eventually want to add some custom parts here and there and maybe get into some bullseye shooting. A local place has a Norinco for $389 and a Rock Island for $369. Both are in very good condition with no frills...
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    Help me feed my 45.

    I recently bought a Taurus PT145 and the thing is just incredible. Very accurate, quite controlable, and flawlessly reliable with everything I've fed it except my 185gr SWC reloads. Problem is, they practically give those bullets away and I really want to use them for practice rounds. I've...
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    Short shells and Mossbergs?

    Just for the fun of it, I was thinking of trying some of those short Aguila shells in the Wife's Mossberg with the pistol grip. But before I buy a case I was wondering if they would cycle. IIRC winchester's needed some modifications and I'm too lazy for that. Besides, the wife would kill me if I...
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    Wolff springs

    Just got my wolff springs in today for my Taurus 605. Took all of 30 minutres to put them in. Would have taken about 5 if I had realized that it is easier to put the trigger spring on when the hammer spring isn't in the way. I've used wolff springs on all my semi-autos, and can't say enough good...
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    Handgun vs Long gun with recoil is worse?

    A visit from an old friend of mine today brought up an interesting discussion. What bothers you most, recoil from a handgun or a long gun? My friend's thing has always been big bore pistols and he has a couple, most notably a .44mag Blackhawk and a .444 T/C Contender, that I just don't care to...
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    New member of the 10/22 cult

    I just thought my Marlin model60 was accurate. I can't get enough of this Ruger. Targets were spent 7.62X39 cases, ammo was Federal $8/brick lightnings, Stock standard barrel 10/22 with a Bushnell Sportsman 3-9X32 scope, range of 35 yrds. Can't imagine what it's capable of tricked out.
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    Mags for my 10/22

    I'm going to pick up a few new mags for my 10/22 this week and was wondering if I should go with factory mags or aftermarket mags. I've got nothing against the mag that came with the rifle, but I've been able to find the Butler Creek mags cheaper and I am a big cheapskate.
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    Spring replacement on Taurus

    I've always swapped out the springs in my pistols with Wolf replacements, but I must admit that I've never torn down a revolver. I see that three screws hold on the side plate, but is that all there is to it? Is this a job that a monkey like me with a little skill can handle, or should it go to...
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    NRA ticked me off today

    I recieved a box from the NRA today. It said I had a free gift inside. Inside the box is a bronze coin and a VCR tape of 10 guns that changed the world. Well, I had just reupped for the 20th year in a row so I thought it may have something to do with that. That was until I read the letter...
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    Straight pull bolt actions.

    Just got back from the folk's house after a wonderful Thanksgiving dinner (hope everyone is having a good one). Dad went out and bought himself one of those Swiss K-31's. I've never seen a straight bolt action up close, so of course I spent most of the afternoon just kinda marveling at the...
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    Stingers in my 10/22

    I've been using my 10/22 to erase some of the local polecats and have run up on a problem. I bought Remington Yellow Jackets, because the manual says not to use CCI Stingers in the 10/22. I've shot 2, both clean head shots, both DRT (dead right there), but my son shot one last night and it took...
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    Loose stock on a Steven's 311

    The stock on my favorite Steven's 311 keeps working its way loose after about 100rds. This may not seem like a problem, but it's not unusual for me to run 200 rds in an evening. I have other shotguns, but this is the one that my grandfather bought new in 1952 and gave to me when I was 16. This...
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    Caught the .410 bug

    The Wife and myself have caught the .410 bug. There's something very satisfying about breaking clays with that 11/16oz of shot. So far we only have an old Sears and Roebuck singleshot, but I've got my eyes out for a Steven's 311 and The Wife thinks she wants a semi-auto. But we have found that...
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    What snubby for you?

    Okay, we all know that the cult of the snubby grows daily, and the .357 vs .38+p debate goes on. SO what do you carry around? FWIW, I've chosen a very cute little Taurus 650 loaded with .357.
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    What snubby do you carry?

    Okay, we all know that the cult of the snubby grows daily, but what do you carry? FWIW, I've chosen a very nice little Taurus 650 loaded with .357.
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    SKS detached to fixed mags

    I was going to buy a fixed mag to put on my SKS to replace the removable mag, but was told by the guy at the gun show that once the SKS is set up for removable mags, you can't attach the fixed mags anymore. This was a year or so ago and I let it go at that, but the more I look at it the more I...
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    New respect for the SKS

    We've been having a bit of a problem with coyotes out here at the Monroe ranch lately. One of the buggers came up in the morning light and snatched one of the barn cats. This goes along way toward solving the mystery of what happened to the other two. Normally, I wouldn't care. I see the barn...
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    45-70 vs .450 Marlin

    Once again I'm considering my poor man's elephant gun project that keeps getting pushed to the back burner. I had decided on getting an H&R or NEF single shot in 45-70, but now I see all the .450 Marlins running about. Is the .450 hotter than the 45-70, or is it another marketing ploy? I must...
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    New thought on .38WC for defense

    I had a patient walk in a few nights ago with a gunshot wound to the right shoulder. I would guess that it was a near contact wound from the amount of burn around the area. Bullet went thru the muscle but veered off the shoulder joint and just skidded along the shoulder blade acroosed the rib...