Search results

  1. 4

    QFI (Miami, FL) Western Ranger (22 LR)

    I'm looking at a QFI Western Ranger in 22 LR that belongs to a fellow I know. It looks very much like a Ruger Single Six but the lockwork is probably more like the Colt SAA. The frame is made from zinc and the ejector and ejector rod housing appear to be the same zinc/pot metal. My guess is...
  2. 4

    Aguila factory has ka-boom.

    Two dead. :(
  3. 4

    Just got back from the Ben Avery Range

    The National Shoot is this week. I attended from Mar 3 to Mar 5. Shot in two matches and did poorly. Saw quite a # of handgun shooters and those guys are super serious. I was there for fun. Met some great folks there. There were two Garys from CA. One had on his clip board "Good Gary."...
  4. 4

    Walther SP-22

    A friend had one that wouldn't feed. I asked to look at it and it was dirty. All that was really needed was to clean the extractor, extractor cut on the barrel, feed ramp, chamber, bolt face and breechface. Anyway, it was a rather novel design for me. What appears to be the slide is actually...
  5. 4

    Ruger Bearcat (new model)

    Shot one today and found it was a bit sticky to put the fresh cartridges in and to eject spent ones. I was using CCI subsonic Quiet-22 (710 fps). The lady shooting next to me with her older original Bearcat had the same problem. Anyone else find this common for those guns?
  6. 4

    Went to the range today

    It must have been in the thirties and I wore only a wool shirt with a light windbreaker. Brrr. The rangemaster loaned me a Seattle SeaHawk sweatshirt which helped and the ear muff hearing protectors kept the ears warmed. Anyway, everything felt like ice. The rifle barrel, the adjustable...
  7. 4

    The Hartley Horn Drawings

    If you're into scrimshawed powder horns of the F&I and American Revolution era, get this book. I got mine in the mail yesterday and it is impressive.
  8. 4

    Rem 1100 Forearm cracked

    A Rem 1100 wasn't ejecting. It was determined that the rubber gas seal had disintegrated from age and use. Anyhow, examination of the forearm showed the top (part that is near the barrel) is cracked. This was gouged out, a piece of fibreglass cloth and Acraglas applied to it and it will be...
  9. 4

    Original Johnathan Browning (Trigger643)

    It belongs to member Trigger643 whose grandmother's grandfather purchased it from Johnathan prior to the trek to Utah. I've responded to the thread and asked him to post more images here.
  10. 4

    1960s policing (1960s-71)

    I was talking to a former police officer today and he told me that he was among the first in his agency to carry a Colt Python. Other officers had to carry the department issue Colt Police Positive. Anyhow, as the rangemaster he got his chief to approve of the Python. Back in those days...
  11. 4

    Win 94 woes

    Today I finished reassembling a Win 1894 that was assembled 1897-98. It's a five digit serial # (93***) firearm in .38-55. It probably hadn't been disassembled and cleaned since it was assembled by Winchester. The interior was well preserved thanks to the abundance of grease/oil that built up...
  12. 4

    creative writing (used shotgun ad)

    Here's a bit of creative writing I lifted from Arfcom. The author has potential as a novelist.
  13. 4

    First informal match held by the Wah Ha To Yah Muzzle Loading Club

    So three of us met at Prator Range today and one fellow suggested we shoot for a prize. Uh on, money involved. No bueno for this cheapskate. He goes on to suggest a quarter a round. Best shot is the winner at each round. OK, that can be affordable. It's not a very even match. Dan C. has a...
  14. 4

    Ammo cans

    Where are they and what are the prices? I could use some for storage.
  15. 4

    softening the hide

    I brain tanned a squirrel and left the fur intact. How do I soften the hide? It's been scraped to remove the flesh/fat. Now it's hard like cardboard.
  16. 4

    Rem 1858 hand spring replacement

    Mine broke off right where the spring slips into the hand. It cannot be pulled out for insertion of the replacement spring. The hand is peened on sides, preventing the hand spring from slipping out. Unfortunately, this makes slipping off the stub of the old spring hard. I'm thinking of making...
  17. 4

    Henry AR-7 issues

    Been looking one over and it has several issues. Previously I had disassembled the entire thing and cleaned it. Not impressed by the zinc receiver. Even aluminium would have been better. Took the entire bolt apart and cleaned it too. Using 22 LR Rem HPs that are copper coated. First and...
  18. 4

    Stgw 57 (semi) cost

    What's a civilian Stgw 57 going for nowadays? I have a friend who has one and he also has the factory scope for it.
  19. 4

    Ortgies reassembly

    Had to fix an Ortgies pistol and a few weeks ago somehow couldn't get the firing pin stop in. Chapped and bleeding fingers didn't help. Anyway, it went airborne and is still orbiting the globe (sorry NASA, cell phone satellite folks & other satellite folks). So, today a replacement was turned...
  20. 4

    Frog Lube

    I learned about this magical stuff last week. Bought a small bottle of it and applied some on a rusty barrel. Used a nickel to scrape the rust off and the patina remained behind. Sweet stuff!