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  1. L

    oops did something stupid...what now

    Ok so i was handling my maverick 88 today and felt some tiny rust spots on the top of the barrel:( my dumb _ _ _ went to the sink and grabbed an old greenie pad thats almost worn out and lightly rubbed the rust off...WELL of course now it has some fine scratches and the black(blue?) is...
  2. L

    newbe has question?

    Ok so if you can use 357 dies to reload 38 ...then can 9mm dies be set to reload 380 acp?...i notice that they use the same diameter bullet...just wondering...:confused:
  3. L

    bushmaster a2 rear ight

    i finally got my bushy and i was looking at the rear is my question what holds the rear sight centered as mine wants to turn to the left spring pressure ...i was looking at the skematics but can't tell is there supposed to be a ballbearing to hold it centered?appears to be a...
  4. L

    why do shops build ar's and is this price right

    hey guys i've been wanting an ar and was thinking about building one but after alot of thought i decided to get a bushy for my first one...went to the local gun shop to look,with the wifes permission of course,they had a new bushy for 1017 out the door..i put it on layaway... after i got home i...
  5. L

    for the mrs

    my wife has a bersa 380 but wants something smaller for carry...I worry about anythinng smaller than a 380 and had to justify that...any suggestions .. first time post long time reader