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  1. P

    FoxNews reporter arrested for "unauthorized filming"

    Just a little while ago, Laurie Dhue reported (during an O'Reilly show break) that a FoxNews reporter, who had filmed a man being arrested by the VA state police on a public road outside the Pentagon grounds, was himself handcuffed by Defense Dept. police and his tape confiscated. The...
  2. P

    Know any antis who support vigilantism?

    A recent (and ongoing) Georgia news event made me think of this question: Do you know any antis who support vigilantism? Here's how I came up with the question. As you have probably heard (unless you dragged the missus into your backyard bomb shelter on September 11), here in Georgia we have...
  3. P

    Palestinian terrorist shot by Israeli shopper?

    FoxNews is reporting that a Palestinian terrorist with explosives strapped to his body was shot and killed by a shopper in the supermarket where they were. I haven't heard if the shopper was civilian, police or military--does anyone know?
  4. P

    Are you getting camera-ready?

    Today's Washington Times carried this item.
  5. P

    AK-47 training held at London mosque

    From The Observer at,1442,651748,00.html Hmmm....for a country with extremely totalitarian weapons laws, the terrorists didn't seem to have much trouble getting some. :rolleyes:
  6. P

    Georgia announces reciprocity with Alabama & Wyoming!

    From the Georgia AG website at Woo-hoo! (Could some of you 'Bamans enlighten us Jawjuns over proper CCW rules? What types of businesses are off limits? Concealed in car? etc....)
  7. P

    AmWest passenger says gate agent's frisking was too frisky
  8. P

    Gun debate [w/John Lott] ends with volleys fired, without a winner

  9. P

    [Britain] Shooting better than virtual violence for children, says rural poll

  10. P

    Medal of Honor fails to impress airline security

    Once again, airline "security" fails to impress me. This is what you get when you staff security with a bunch of high-school dropouts (which, by the way, will not change when they become federal employees). From the Washington Times at
  11. P

    "Warning signs of workplace violence" wire story I wonder how many folks on this board would get called to the carpet??? :p
  12. P

    Web hoster takes security to extremes

    From Cnet at Emphasis added by me.
  13. P

    (British news) Crime’s ugly rise

    From the Sunday Times at,,9003-2002005234,00.html (registration required)
  14. P

    Murder on an Indian reservation in AZ

  15. P

    Office shooting in Dallas, TX

    FoxNews is reporting tonight that police wounded a man believed to be responsible for an office shooting earlier in the day. The "alleged" shooter was still in the office building when police responded to the call. I don't have any more details right now, I just caught part of the report...
  16. P

    Santa Falls Foul of Anti-Terrorism Laws

  17. P

    Santa shoots woman

  18. P

    Mother in Early shoots, kills intruder (with a followup twist)

    From the Des Moines Register at
  19. P

    Steep Rise in Gun Sales Reflects Post-Attack Fears

    Kinda old news, actually, but good to see in print again. From the NYT at (continued)
  20. P

    Zogby: Random mail searches and roadblocks still favored by most Americans

    According to a pie chart at Zogby's web site, 55% of Americans favor allowing the government to search their mail at random. 43% were opposed, and 2% weren't sure. (note for those looking for the pie chart: it's one of several randomly changing graphics on the main page, so you might have to...