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  1. G

    Had a beer with the enemy last night

    I attended a party thrown by my liberal democrat father-in-law last night and had a beer with several "blue doggers" one of which is writing a bibliography on "womens studies" and is a librarian in the womens studies department at the local university. Also in the conversation was a lawyer for...
  2. G

    Officer Down Officer Down......!!!!!

    Friday night two fine police officers were ambushed by a shooter hiding behind his front door. The officers were attempting to issue a summons to the mans wife for driving under suspension. These two men didn't have a chance. They were shot before they had an opportunity to ring the bell or...
  3. G

    S&W Poll

    I for one am for the boycott but I want YOUR opinion on what is acceptable under the boycott.
  4. G

    Should I customize this?

    I have a silverchromed Belgian BHP with adj silverchrome sites and original wood grips with "B" medallions the pistol is 99% Ser# 245PY4048* circa. 1980 My question is this, Is this a rare gun? I didn't think so but I was told by a guy a the range that the gun would lose considerable value if I...
  5. G

    West(left)wing lies!

    Last night during a indignant tirade the "Genius lawyer type" on the show railed on about how the people that shot at the president's party purchased the handguns legally and until they shot his friend they had committed no crime and that "was wrong" and that it wasn't about personal freedom or...
  6. G

    What your problem?!?

    I opened a topic about a HYPOTHETICAL situation and you say it was condoning murder? if you let one person scare you like the last poster on that thread obviously did. you need to reach down and squeese a little harder to get ready for the coming fight we are all going to be involved in!
  7. G

    Moral dilemma, What would you do?

    Recently durning a really bad rain storm we lost a deputy Sherriff to a car crash. He hydroplaned over an embankment and into an overhead powerline pole. The downed power lines ignited the fuel leaking from his cruiser and he was determined at autopsy to have burned to death. During a Tactical...
  8. G

    If you can only have one pistol?????

    If you can only have one pistol what would it be and why?