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    I'm sorry. I know that a lot of people think that pointing with the finger is inherently accurate, but I think it's just a bunch of hooey. darkgael made a good point on the grip angle thread. He pointed out that free pistols are made such that the barrel is designed to line up with bones of...
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    Do you find indoor ranges depressing?

    Hurricane Ike is coming. So, I can't go to an outdoor range this weekend. So, I thought to my self that I can just go to an indoor range. The mere thought was depressing. I don't like the fact that indoor ranges are dark, noisy and smelly. Yes, you have your own little target carrying thing...
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    Do pistols you carry need more frequent cleaning and care?

    Do you clean and oil your carry weapon even when you haven't fired it since you last cleaned it? It would seem that because the pistol is kept close to your body, the temperature and humidity are less than ideal for mildew growth and for rusting. Cheers, Jae
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    Texans, why do you think there is a big spike in CHL applications in Texas?

    I hear that there is a huge spike in CHL applications in Texas. Does anyone know why? cheers, jae
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    Grip angle

    It used to be that people shot handguns one handed and did not use the sights. This way, they could not hit a target the size of a party balloon from 7 yards away. Okay, most people I see at the public ranges make swiss cheese out of targets at 7 yards, but they'll at least hit the target if...
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    Aim small miss small

    Do you remember the advice about shooting in the movie "The Patriot"? Mel Gibson's character tells his sons "Aim small, miss small". I think I understand what he means, finally. I think that he means that you should aim at a small object. For example, aim at a button and not the entire...
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    Yellow Journalism (re: Palin)

    Where do I go for impartial, unbiased news? These days, all I can find are biased reporting in the tradition of Hearst Yellow Journalism. Take for example reporting about Sara Palin. Parenthetically, given her history of reform, I am surprised that nothing of substance has been dug up by the...
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    Republican Upset?

    The odds were very long this year for Republicans. We had eight years of Dick Cheney running the country with his Halliburton friends. The war was started on false pretenses and too few troops were committed to re-establish law and order. What could have been a two month war has dragged on...
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    Oprah will not talk to Sarah Palin

    Isn't Oprah supposed to be a champion for women? Isn't Sarah Palin a woman? Isn't Sarah Palin the first woman to be nominated to be a Republican Vice President? This just shows that Oprah is Democrat first and woman second. To her, a Republican woman may as well be a man. And most of the...
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    No wonder the Democrats Fear Sarah Palin.

    Yes, fear is the right word. I was puzzled as to how so many people could hate a decent, honest, God fearing woman that they barely know, but I think I know now. The Democrats fear Sarah Palin. The Democrats fear Sarah Palin. The Democrats fear Sarah Palin. Next time you see a Democrat...
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    Democrats throw away American flags.

    First, they burn American Flags. Okay, we have freedom of speech. So, we won't shoot you. But the Democrats have gone too far this time! They bought boxes and boxes of American flags for the television cameras for the Democratic convention in Denver. Then, when the convention was over, they...
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    A couple of Glock Questions

    Has anybody ever seen the Glock target sights which are supposed to be a standard feature but is only listed as such to get enough points for importation? :rolleyes: Are the vestigial finger grooves on third generation Glocks of any use to anybody? For the life of me, my strong hand's thumb...
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    McCain's pay grade

    John McCain is a leader. If he has a conviction, he will not sway from it because that conviction is unpopular. He understood what it was like for soldiers to be left to founder in an unpopular war with no clear strategy for victory. No soldier wants to be left to fight and die in a...
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    McCain's speech

    Single, maybe a double. But, that's all we can expect from McCain. Edit: Removed a comment about McCain's arms. Anyone who was tortured as a POW has earned the right not to be questioned about physical awkwardness :o Dude, you do not have to pause at the end of every teleprompter line...
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    What's up with anti-Palin bias in the Mass Media?

    I know Sarah Palin's choice was right on the money, but by the amount of Flak she's getting you'd think she was a B-17 flying right over the Eagle's Nest. We already knew that the media was liberal, but Dang. Leave the woman alone. :mad: This witch hunt is getting me really upset, and I'll...
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    How good was Sarah Palin's speech?

    How good was Sarah Palin's speech? Boy, I'm sure glad I didn't pad my resume with my community organizing experience. I mean I organized a couple of block parties, but I never even dreamed of putting that on my resume :rolleyes: Cheers, Jae
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    Given historical precedent, how likely is McCain's victory?

    I would love for the Republicans to retain power, but how likely is it? We have an unpopular war that was started on false pretenses. Let's be honest here. We have an economy that is not doing so well, and for the first time in 30 years, we have real inflation. We have an unpopular...
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    Are laser sights any good?

    I think laser sights have their novelty appeal, but I have some issues with them. 1) POI and laser dot can be off by as much as 3" at 25 yards. 2) Lasers need batteries. 3) Lasers will not help with proper trigger pull. So, essentially it only helps people who don't need help. Are laser...
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    Is anyone else waiting for XDm in 9mm or 45ACP?

    I know the XDm has its detractors, but there are some other who like it. Who else is waiting for the XDm in 9mm or 45 ACP? Cheers, jae
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    What's the proper etiquette when shooting a 44 magnum at the range?

    I want to get a 44 magnum revolver, but what's the etiquette when shooting a 44 magnum at the shooting range? I don't own ranch, at least not yet. So, public shooting ranges are the only option. I can already scare off some light footed individuals with my 357 magnum revolver. So, if I get a...