Search results

  1. B

    Are the Win 1200 and 1300 stocks interchangeable?

    I can't get a response from bushmaster - they say they have a Bushmaster folding stock for a W1200. . . . . Would this fit a 1300 defender? thanks, Battler.
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    Need help stripping Ruger .22

    22/45 stainless I just bought the gun, and want to be sure I can take it down for cleaning after first firing (and to clean BEFORE first firing). I read the manual; but I don't have it with me right now - I won't be using the right terminology; but anyone with the gun will know what I mean...
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    Advice on a shotgun purchase.

    I am considering a couple of pump-action shotguns. I know it's dumb; but I would like a folding stock, 18.5" (min legal) and 8-shot capacity. I figure for this I have to buy a regular stock model and swap out the buttstock (in which case when I figure out it's dumb I can switch back). My two...
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    Need help finding gun books online.

    J Michael Plaxco's "Shooting From Within" - can't find it (even on alleged publisher's site). I can't find certain (obscure) books I've been told to look for like "Bulletproof mind" by Jeff cooper. Are there any good sites to find these? I am particularly looking for Plaxco's book. BTW -...
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    Supressed .22 pistol?

    (Note: This is all above board - All laws will be obeyed). I'm considering a 22 pistol for practice. Since I don't have a "practical" use for a 22 pistol, I was wondering if I would get one that could at least be interesting in another way. Can a (legally registered) suppressor be added to a...
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    1911 forward ejection?

    I sometimes get forward ejection of spent shells (about half of the mag) - makes it hard to keep brass at indoor range. I.e. instead of going backward right, they go forward-right some of the time. Seems somewhat random. The gun is utterly reliable, and this happens with all 3 extractors I...
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    Montessori school opinions requested.

    Just thought I'd ask. . . . (Home schooling out of the question. . . .) What do you guys think of Montessori schools for a little girl aged 2 and up? Any experiences? Will they avoid turning my child into a little socialist? Is it worthwhile? Any opinions appreciated - this is for Austin...
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    X-Men and registration.

    X-men had some interesting insights on registration, even if only a gunowner could catch them. (Warning - SPOILERS although not real critical to the plot contains quotes from throughout the movie). Sen. Kelly called up another senator and said "you want handgun registration don't you, mutants...
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    S&W's Schultz HAS seen the future.

    We're all kidding ourselves if we think the future in (esp. handgun) sales is the civilian market, at least the way the laws are going. Having S&W being run by the government won't be such a big deal when they're the sole customer (i.e. if you're a business with only one customer to meet the...
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    NRA and Assaut Weapon ban.

    What's the NRA position on the "Assault Weapon" and high-cap mag ban? Seriously. Their latest "American Guardian" magazines is good; but they talk kind of funny. They accuse Klint et. al of being the most antigun administration and that the second amendment has been under attack for 8 years...
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    Take the Quiz!!

    We preach to the choir a bit; but most people would buy this stuff: Battler.
  12. B

    Possible problems with 1911 trigger job.

    I just had a trigger job on my Kimber compact - quality (I guess) tool steel match hammer and sear, 4.5lb (the stock pull was a disturbing 3.5 lb so it's not that I'm making the gun more dangerous than stock). The trigger job feels good. However, I started dry-firing it a little away from the...
  13. B

    Best (cheap) plinking .22 auto pistol?

    I'm after a pistol that's reliable with most 22, accurate, low maintenance, single-action (or DA/SA) and preferably has some sort of high-caps still available. And cheap. ~$200-ish? May be willing to go a bit higher for good features. This is my "dry firing" gun - I shoot too much 45, which...
  14. B

    Erratic ejection - what to look for?

    This is my SS Kimber Compact The gun's always ejected a little erratically. Extractor was a little loose - I had a gunsmith just cut me a brand new one and it's nice and tight and has the cut at the bottom. It's still hitting me in the face occasionally, ejecting forward sometimes, etc. I...
  15. B

    Erratic ejection - what to look for?

    This is my SS Kimber Compact The gun's always ejected a little erratically. Extractor was a little loose - I had a gunsmith just cut me a brand new one and it's nice and tight and has the cut at the bottom. It's still hitting me in the face occasionally, ejecting forward sometimes, etc. I...
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    "Gun" IMac video review - and go vote!!

    For people with realplayer: The voting/review feedback is at Seems this site is looking for a good TV ad - some antis have come on and said that it woud screw up kids...
  17. B

    Assault weapon ban - do we have a prayer? Is this true? Will Bush sign it again? Is there anything we can do to prevent this? Or has "assault weapon" become such a household word that there's no chance of public support? thanks, Battler.
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    About "Why do you have guns" - you lose.

    We of TFL fell into the trap, and pro-gun people usually fall into this one. The question should be "why do you NOT have guns" :) Or perhaps "Why does government who we installed to protect us from the initiation of force use force against us for being armed"? Yes, property ownership and...
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    Where to go from here? What's happening? Will we win?

    I have some questions for those whose ears may be closer to the ground than mine. What will be the aftermath of MMM? The MMM actually said something true - most people support stricter gun control. We are a minority. Do the majority care enough to crush us? Will the second amendment come...
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    About to join GOA. . . . questions.

    Been reading their site so long, and believe in the same things - it's a crime I've waited this long. Just want to double-check - they're legit, right? What do they use the money for? Do they have the NRA's political structure? Do they act as a notification/rallying point for grassroots...