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  1. P

    Would a Judge who made a radical, pro liberty decision be in mortal danger?

    I have been reading this guys articles over at and while I was skimming his article about the income tax, this just jumped out at me: Those are pretty strong words. Certainly we can all imagine that powerful people do not want any maverick judge upsetting the applecart, but...
  2. P

    Gun Politics: What will the antis do when they cannot argue the collective right?

    We would be silly to think that they are going to packup and go home. Is it possible that the Anti movement could become like the Pro-Life movement? Staging demonstrations, showing people pictures of children who are all shot up. Maybe a few loonies will firebomb gun stores (loonies with a...
  3. P

    I have a junky gun - anyone know where I can do a guns for ___ in PRK?

    I have a junky 9mm that is inaccurate and unreliable - I sold the mags to someone already. I would like to find a place in Northern California where they are doing Guns for ___ (preferably cash) and just turn it in. It aint worth fixin, it really aint worth nothin and I figure the antis will...
  4. P

    How about an OT forum?

    I used to belong to another forum that was oriented towards a certain online game and the leagues and teams built around it. One of the coolest aspects about it was that it was virtually unmoderated. Now - that will not really work here, but what about a forum where people can talk stuff that...
  5. P

    No wonder it never shot right... (very loose slide)

    My first gun was a Kareen MkII which is an Israeli BHP knockoff. I really did not know much in 1994 when I bought it - they guy at the store kind of talked me down from a real BHP at the time (selling me on the beavertail grip, etc). Anyway, The gun has some very serious slop in the slide to...
  6. P

    Cheating California Residency Requirements (to get a CCW) ?

    Does anyone know what the actual residency requirements are to be a resident of a county in California? There are some countys near Sacramento County that are supposed to be defacto shall issue counties (they have pro CCW sheriffs). I was just wondering how hard it would be to setup a dummy...
  7. P

    My idea to protest MMM/Brady rallies/meetings

    Well, I was doing the dishes this weekend and listening to the TV. You guys ever see that credit card commercial where that big burly guy is in the dress shop trying on clothes - then he goes out and gets in the car with his buddies and they all have on womens clothes and pig noses? Anyway, I...
  8. P

    If I move to your area, from PRK, will I have a hard time?

    I doubt I will be getting out for some time, but I wonder. I hear people talk about all the Californyans moving to ID and TX and how they just want to remake the area in the image of CA. Do conservative, God fearin, gun ownin Californians have a hard time integrating into these areas? I hear...
  9. P

    The New Horizon (The wake of Emerson and recent events)

    Searching around the usual places where the patriots hang out, I have read much disappointment over the Emerson decision. There are plenty of threads and commentary on Emerson and as I am not an attorney, I will not presume to give you a legal opinion of the outcome. I will, however, give you...
  10. P

    Prohibition: Alchohol, Tobacco and Firearms (yes please!)

    Actually, I was reading something earlier - can't remember what, and it got me thinking about prohibition - I think someone refered to the antis ans gun prohibitionists. To me, this is an interesting angle to explore in PR tactics. Most everyone in the US has grown up hearing that they banned...
  11. P

    subversion and illustrating the absurd through absudity...

    To misquote Mr. Limbaugh... 1. To what extent do you think both pro and anti grous are infiltrated by "the other side"? Do you think infiltration would be easier for one side or the other, why? 2. How plausible would it be to introduce our own bogus statistics - perhaps in some clever ways...
  12. P

    Movie on NBC 11/4: UPRISING

    I think thats the title. I just saw the commercials tonight. I have always heard stories of the Jews in Nazi Germany who held their ground by fighting back against the Nazis - and eventually, the Nazis left them alone - er, or something. Anyway - the preview has people saying "...we need you...
  13. P

    Counterfiet Curio? Interesting in PRK - fake TC Curio models?

    Most people in CA know that only hand guns on the approved "safe" list can be sold (excluding private transfers). Unfortunately, the TC Contender/Encore are not on the list, and it looks like it will never be on the list. I posted a thread a few days ago about seeing some TC Contenders at a...
  14. P

    PRK Legal TC Contender? Legal Loophole in PRK safety law?

    I was just at the gun show in Sacramento. I was kicking myself because I had been wanting a TC Contender handgun for a long time but they are not "approved" and I heard they never would be. Anyway - these people had a whole table of TC Contender parts and they had 4 full hand guns! Well -...
  15. P

    Israeli BHP (Kareen) FTE - help!

    I took my Kareen to the range last week - its an Israeli copy of the BHP - its one of the better copies as I understand as it will take FN parts - the extractor was messed up when I bought it and the store smith just installed a BHP extractor. Anyway, last week at the range, I had 300 rounds of...
  16. P

    8 BHP models now "approved" for PRK!

    I was just scanning "the list" of guns available in our fair state and noticed that the number is up to 617 handguns. Among those: BHP .40 BHP MKIII 9mm 3 Models of BHP with either fixed or adjustable sights (6 variants) Well, I dont imagine they would have paid some $15,000+ to get all...
  17. P

    long range/silhouette sights on revolver...?

    Tried out my Single Six (9.5" barrel) in .22 today. Maybe its just me, but it seems like the notch sights are just too hard to align at longer ranges. I line up the front notch in the groove, but even a small amount of play left or right will throw off the shot. Is there a more precise kind...
  18. P

    dunk-kit - easy pistol cleaning?

    I cleaned my pistols last night and the fumes were too much for my wife - she vacated the down stairs. Part of it is my fault - I am liberal with the solvents - st least I had all the windows open :P Has anyone used the "Dunk-Kit" from Cylinder and Slide? ( I am curious...
  19. P

    Need help with Colt Defender .45 FTFs :(

    Yesterday at the range, I was getting quite a few FTFs (weapon cycles, gun is in battery, empty chamber) and also quite a few misfeeds (fed round is pointing up through the ejection port) and partial feeds (nose of round is against top opening of chamber, pointing too far up to go in) I was...
  20. P

    More mass murder in Sacramento :(

    Well, this past weekend was a doozy - I turned 31 on Sunday - on Saturday, my wife and I were borrowing my cousins '99 4Runner and I got in an accident in it :( Sunday we just relaxed and did nothing so we missed this story: Appologies if this has been posted - I didnt see it. A few things...