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  1. D

    9mm carry while hunting?

    I've been tossing about various SHTF scenarios today. I live in a rural area, so small-game huntimg would be the order of the day - I expect the deer population would be devastated rapidly if things ran amok. I have two 22s I would trust to catch a rabbit or squirrel if I do my part... but...
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    Whoops! Crash! Unexpected Breakage in a Pistol

    So... I found out what happens if you drop a loaded P3AT magazine on a hard surface: the grip extension snaps right off! Thank goodness they're cheap... I ordered a replacement and it should arrive in a week or so. Anybody else had a surprise like that? I really didn't expect the thing to...
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    Single-Six vs. Mark III Hunter

    I've got a Mark III Hunter that I like to shoot. It is, however, an absolute bugger to clean! I don't think I'll ever get some of that gunk out of the grip area without totally ripping the thing apart. As I continue to put more and more rounds through it, the magazines have started to get...
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    What's Your Flashlight?

    I sort of went through a flashlight fetish stage for a while, so I have several rather expensive or custom lights. However, my favorite and most used (EDC) is a 4Sevens Quark AA2. I feed it Eneloop rechargeable batteries and it has many different modes. With the head tightened, it puts out...
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    Why didn't 9x23 Win. Take Off?

    As per title: I was snooping around and found the wikipedia entry on 9x23 Winchester, and it intrigued me. This seems like such an intuitive and sensible thing to do, why didn't this caliber take off? No compromise in mag capacity...Velocities and energies look great, and it would certainly...
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    Considering pocket revolver for CCW

    I've been having trouble with my Kel-tec P3AT, too much recoil. I can't shoot it accurately at even close range and I hate shooting it so much I have trouble making myself practice with it. The gentlemen in the semi-auto forum have kindly recommemded several alternatives, but I'm interested in...
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    My P3AT kicks too much. Alternatives?

    As per the title. I've got a P3AT that I've put several hundred rounds through and carried in a pocket holster quite a bit. It's my deep carry or BUG, second to an H&K P2000 that I absolutely love. I've been trying to practice with the Kel-Tec, and I just can't stand it anymore. I don't like...