Search results

  1. S

    Enfield P-17 Questions

    Noticed an ad in the local paper for a "P-17 Enfield 300 H&H $400" I'm very new to rifles and had a few questions. Is the "P-17" the same thing as the M1917? Were they orifinally offered in .300 H&H or is this some type of modification? Can I get .300 H&H factory ammo? Condition of the...
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    Suppressor in TX?

    I know I can legally get one, but I was just wondering exactly what I had to do. As far as I know I just have to purchase it from a legal dealer, pay $200 tax, and carry the tax stamp anywhere I carry the suppressor. Am I completely accurate in this? Also is there any sort of background check...
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    Shotguns from Turkey

    Myself and several co-workers of mine may have the opportunity to visit Adana, Turkey. We know that previous people who have been there bought very nice shotguns for good prices over there. Supposedly they were a very well known type and were worth a lot of money here in the US. Does anyone...
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    Still Searching for a Holster

    I've been searching the internet and local shops for a while now and I still haven't seen anything that seems like it will work really well. If anyone has any suggestions I would be deeply thankful. I'm looking for something to carry a Beretta 92FS. I am right handed. Not sure if it matters...
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    Holster Suggestions?

    I've been looking around the local shops, but nobody seems to have what I'm looking for. The internet is so big I figured I'd ask for directions here before getting too deep into the search. I'm looking for a holster for both on and off duty use. It will be used primarily for concealed carry...
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    I am so proud of my wife!

    My wife works as a home health nurse. She provides routine medical care for people who are unable to leave their home on their own. One of her co-workers complained to their supervisor today. She said she didn't want to see the patient anymore because she felt uncomfortable in the patient's home...
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    Custom Boondock Saints Guns?

    Since the sequel to The Boondock Saints will be coming out next month, I've been wanting to do a little project. I want to get a pair of Beretta 92FS's and either have them engraved or laser etched with a Boondock Saints theme. Thought I would run this idea by you guys and ask a few questions...
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    A Few Shots From the Range

    Went to the range today to try and improve my photography and my marksmanship. Just thought I'd throw some pics on here for the viewing pleasure of my fellow members.
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    State Gun Laws for Active Duty Military

    This is mostly out of curiosity, but there is a chance that I may be stationed in California or another state that is not so friendly to my hobby in a few years. I was just wondering if there were any provisions that would allow an Active Duty military member from Texas to be allowed to take...
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    Taurus PT 92 question

    The sights on my PT 92 AFS seem to be off a little bit. I had two other people shoot it just to make sure, and it definitely shoots to the left of bullseye. I've never had to mess around with the sights on any of my other handguns. How do I go about adjusting the sights?
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    I learned something new today...

    That the soundwaves from a Mosin Nagant M44 will set off a car alarm. Other than that it was a great range 5 hour range session. Also might have helped my boss convert one of our co-workers to a more gun friendly way of thinking :)
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    Problems with my 870

    I'm fairly new to shotguns so correct me if my terminology is off. :) Took my Remington 870 Express Super Magnum to the range today. It was a beat up gun I bough cheap at a pawn shop and I turned it into a HD gun. I did notice some problems today that hopefully can be fixed pretty easy. I went...
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    Everyone needs a copy of this!

    Since there has been much discussion on the subject, and my wife works in the medical care profession, I'm always asking her questions on the subject. Well I guess she finally got tired of the questions she thinks are "dumb". She bought me this book while she was out today. I suggest everyone...
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    Shot size comparison

    I'm a hands on learner, and I got curious tonight so I tore apart some shells to see for myself what was in each one and compare them. I figured I would share a little snapshot with anyone else on here who might be curious as well. All were 12 gauge 2 3/4" shells. Left to Right: 7...
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    Interesting Techniques

    Someone I knew made a suggestion about loading a home defense pump action shotgun. His suggestion was to keep an empty shell, or a snap cap in the chamber. The theory is that you work the pump, chambering a round and ejecting the dummy. The BG will see something fly out and it will temporarily...
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    Primary Home Defense Weapon

    What's your primary home defense weapon? Primary meaning the one you are most likely to go to or the only one you have for when things go bump in the night.
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    S&W 585?

    Someone in my local area has S&W Model 585 .357 for sale. I tried finding a picture of one, but for some reason cannot. Is this known by another name? Maybe it was a typing mistake in the add? If it does exist does anyone have a picture or a link to one? Any opinions? Thanks!
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    Taurus Judge

    I'm thinking about getting one and I was just wondering what the memebers here thought of it. Any opinions?
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    Durable finish for an old 870

    I recently aquired a used Remington 870 Express Super Magnum in 12g. The gun has not seen much use, but has seen a lot of time and some bad environments. My plan is to turn it into a home defense gun. I'm not going to go all out, but it will be slightly "tactical" since I may have an...
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    Good JHPs?

    I need a good name brand JHP to load in all my HD/SD guns. Right now I'm using a mixture of Hydra-shoks, Winchester Ranger SXT's and Speer Gold Dots. For some reason I can only find one or two calibers from each brand. I'd like them all to be the same brand and type just to keep things simple...