Search results

  1. S

    Crossdraw holster

    I realized recently that I had nothing in which to carry my K, L and N-frame revolvers were I to want to strap one on, and I decided to pick up this Hunter crossdraw holster for $30. It is sturdy although the leather is a bit stiff and it is unfinished inside. All the guns seem to fit pretty...
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    Are cops saying silly things?

    Not picking on law officers, but this is an example of exaggeration gone wild in the current environment... My wife is an elementary school teacher and on Monday, the first day back after the holidays, the teachers and administrators had a "code red" planning meeting which included a local law...
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    Tapco AR and AK mags in stock at SG

    I saw someone paying a lot more for these, just wanted to let you know they are in stock at Sportsmans Guide.
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    Cost of .44 special ammo

    Ammo Engine shows .44 special going for close to $1 a round. What is the cheapest you've been able to find on the shelf? I have always thought that 75% savings was the best I could do (.380ACP) but having just loaded up 100 rounds of .44 special for about $7.00 a box with range brass...
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    Took a couple of 90-year olds out to the range

    A couple of years ago I had a strong yearning for some finely made old Colt handguns and ran across these two, which fit the bill nicely. About once a year I get them both out for a bit of exercise and put a box of ammo through each before I clean them thoroughly, re-oil the barrels and put...
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    Can a misfeeding Ruger Mark II magazine be revived?

    I have a total of four magazines for my Ruger MKII512. A couple of years ago I discovered that one of them consistently misfeeds one or two rounds per mag, and now another one does as well. I have cleaned them inside and out (with disassembly) but the problem persists. The remaining two...
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    Details of Feinstein's new gun-ban bill

    Saw this in my inbox this morning, thought I would be the first to post it... The lowlights: Reduces, from two to one, the number of permitted external features on various firearms...
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    Press upgrade!

    Someone at the range I shoot at donated an old Lyman S-T press and one of the members graciously went over it and replaced a missing pin. I was fortunate enough to speak up for it first and am thus getting my first exposure to a real mounted press after ~17,000 rounds completed with my Lee hand...
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    Sling recommendations for an AK

    I need a decent two-point sling. The only thing I've been able to find online is this... Are there any better values, especially in black?
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    Cleaning moon clips - boy am I dumb

    I sat and patiently cleaned the crud from about 20 moon clips this morning with a brush and some #9. Spent more than half an hour on it. When I finished I thought to myself... hmm... this would have been a good job for the walnut shells in my brass tumbler. :rolleyes:
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    My first Bullseye 800!

    At our local Bullseye competition this morning I was able to put together my first ever 800+ score (actually 801). Three of the last four outings with this iron-sighted gun (my S&W 17-5 with 6" barrel, pictured below) had resulted in scores in the 790s, including a 799, and several times I...
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    3-in-One oil vs. Hoppe's gun oil

    What's the difference when lubricating a gun?
  13. S

    Federal .22LR

    Why does Federal produce what appears to be the same ammo in two different boxes? The box on the left is slightly bigger but holds fewer rounds.
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    Snake survey

    Seems like we may have a diversity of opinions here... What do you do if you are armed and run across a snake on your property? (This assumes that shooting in such a situation is permitted in your area, and that you are not dealing with a non-native large constrictor in South/Central Florida).
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    My new Bullseye pistol

    ...well, not really. But after yesterday's 900 match we had a 4-round snubby match and I used my 1913 vintage Colt Hammerless Vest Pocket .25 ACP pistol. This gun is really tiny in case you haven't held one, with a 2-1/8" barrel. It's quite a bit smaller than a Ruger LCP, although heavier...
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    AR vs. AK ownership and interest

    I'm not trying to ignore the alternatives, but Stoner's AR and Kalashnikov's AK platforms seem to have the most mindshare in discussions of "tactical" semiautomatic rifles available to civilians. I'm interested in how many users of each we have on TFL and the relative levels of interest...
  17. S

    My iron-sighted, steel-cased 1.6 MOA AK

    We had a breezy day today on the east coast of Florida but I managed to put together my best group yet with my Lancaster AK using the stock (open) iron sights and Herter's (Tula) 122 gr. FMJ steel cased ammo. The range officer was kind enough to let me use (once again) a front sight adjustment...
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    Interesting AR ammo article

    The American Rifleman that I received today has a fairly comprehensive set of tests on handgun ammunition. Rounds exceeding the group average for both penetration and expansion were labeled with an * (at least they were supposed to be). While you can read at your leisure and draw your own...
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    Pro-gun rally in DC

    Here's an encouraging sign, young people willing to protest in DC for the right to carry...
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    Show off those homemade dippers!

    Alright, this isn't earth-shaking, but I think it's interesting to see what other folks are doing to make custom powder dippers. Mine are pretty crude, what I do is take a piece of copper wire and bend it into a loop to tightly grip a shell casing. I'm sure others do it better. From front to...