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  1. C

    McLaughlin Rept had very pro NRA bit

    No link darn it, just saw on the telly, McLaughlin Report, results of a poll showing 84% of the respondents thought that the NRA was NOT influential ENOUGH with congress. Every little bit helps. ------------------ Sam I am, grn egs n packin Nikita Khrushchev predicted confidently in a speech...
  2. C

    Insight re Folkbabe's visit

    This link gives overall picture of what she is working for and with. The HIP progran? And this one links to a pertinant thread at Ms. Magazine. In politics catagory. Darn, not a direct link. This takes you to the home...
  3. C

    Ban Musical Chairs, for the children

    Your airsickness bags are located in the seatback pocket directly in front of you. ------------------ Sam I am, grn egs n packin Nikita Khrushchev predicted confidently in a speech in Bucharest, Rumania on June 19...
  4. C

    Known criminals with concealed-weapons permits ???

    The following quote from The Arizona Republic, Friday, April 28,2000 pg A9 Title..." INS feared armed defenders of Elian's relatives."..." Republic news services." Second paragraph in full..." Many of the individuals were known to have concealed-weapons permits and criminal records, and all were...
  5. C

    .38 S+W Top Break H+R Danger

    This afternoon I was looking at a very nice top break five shot .38 S+W H+R, nickle plate in excellent cond, timing good; all in all looked like a shooter. Person who had just acquired it had no knowledge of the difference tween 38 S+W and .38 special. Just for drill I looked in the cylinder...