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  1. J

    Any opinions on DC Ammo of Vass, NC?

    I'm fishing for opinions, I already bought the ammo. Was walking through the gun show in Richmond, Va. last Saturday and saw a new ammo vendor. The ammo looked very good and the people were friendly, but the things that caught my eye were the very tiny stickers stuck on some of the boxes. They...
  2. J

    "A Shot at Gun Stories" by the Wash. Post Ombudsman

    This appeared in the right-hand column of the Editorial Page in this past Sunday's Washington Post. Mr. Shipp gets to handle a lot of the reader feedback and seems to take a balanced approach to most issues. His e-mail and phone number appear at the end. John A Shot at Gun Stories By E. R...
  3. J

    Can Technology Eliminate Gun Deaths? by James Freeman, Editor, Tech Central Station

    One techie's opinion. John Can Technology Eliminate Gun Deaths? By: James Freeman, Editor, Tech Central Station Looking for an end to gun violence, various politicians are considering new laws to require...
  4. J

    Hoffa likes Nader.

    From the editorial page of this morning's Richmond (Va.) Times-Dispatch: Ouch of the Day: James Hoffa, president of the usually Democratic Teamsters union, on the presidential race: "No one in the political arena speaks stronger on the issues important to American working families than [Green...
  5. J

    Wash. Post editorial calls for handgun ban

    Saturday, June 24, 2000; Page A22 THE HEART-WRENCHING accidental shooting of a 10-year-old Dale City[Va.] boy by his 13-year-old brother Thursday underscores in sad detail the risks that well-meaning people take when they keep handguns in their homes. The parents had taken precautions: Their...
  6. J

    Pyrodex and WAL-MART

    I made one of my very infrequent trips to WAL-MART yesterday. Should they be keeping the Pyrodex on the bottom shelf (ankle level)of the blackpowder accessories display where anyone can reach it or shoplift it? Just to be clear, it was not behing the counter. John
  7. J

    Have you tried this concealment method?

    From today's Ann Landers column: "Surgeons operated on a woman in Bogota, Colombia, who smuggled an automatic pistol into a high-security prison by concealing it in her rectum. The woman slipped the pistol past security checks at the Bogota prison while visiting a suspected leftist rebel...
  8. J

    Donations for banner for counter-march in D.C.

    I got into this on the current T-shirt topic. It seems Second Amendment Sisters - Informed Armed Mothers' March needs funds for things like a $500 banner for their stage in D.C. next month. I was lazy and never got around to getting on the list to sponsor someone for NRA membership and I'm...
  9. J

    Now I know why a local gun shop sided so quickly with S&W.

    Their recent newsletter says that they are the #1 Performance Center dealer in the country. (Green Top Sporting Goods, Ashland, Virginia) Oh well, I know other gun stores and other fishing tackle dealers. John
  10. J

    Taurus Millennum Titanium series?

    Anybody shot one of these? I bought a Shooting Times magazine last night and the cover story is on this new line of lightweight pistols. The .45 weighs something like 17 or 18 ounces. They will be(are?) available in .380, 9 mm, .357 SIG and .45. The author shot a production gun in .357 SIG and...
  11. J

    MIM Tutorial on a MIM Manufacturer's Web site I found this the other night. It includes lots of facts, figures and even pictures of flaws! More details than most people would ever want to know. Enjoy. John
  12. J

    Sen. Kerrey called 'cripple' by Gore's supporters

    Copied from the Washington Post: During the Viet Nam War, Bob Kerrey - a Navy SEAL - lost part of his leg and won the Medal of Honor. A Democratic Senator from Nebraska, Kerrey supports Bill Bradley for President. While campaigning for Bradley on the weekend before the New Hampshire primary...
  13. J

    I can't buy guns by mail...

    I just don't see why most folks would buy a new gun by mail just to save a few dollars or so. I want to hold it before I buy it and see how it feels. I want to try the trigger and check for smooth cycling, rough edges, tool marks, chipped grips, misaligned sights, mags that won't drop and all of...
  14. J

    J. Lott's letter to Washington Post

    Today's Washington Post includes a letter to the editor from John R. Lott, Jr. "The Post's article on Gov. Parris Glendening's call for gun locks made no mention of how many accidental gun deaths are claiming children's lives in Maryland [Metro, Jan. 25]. The Centers for Disease...
  15. J

    Kimber - origin of name

    From: (J. Warne, the founder of Kimber of Oregon, was born in Australia.-jt) "So there you have the entire Kimber story, except, as you're probably wondering, the source of the name. When Jack Warne was a baby, his family moved to the...