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    AK74 & Saiga .223 Mags

    From my understanding the AK74 fires the 5.45 round. Would the AK74 magazine work with the Saiga .223 after adding the bullet guide? I figure that with it being close the the same size it would work. Am I correct in this thinking?
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    Measuring trigger pull

    I just read a thread about when trigger pull is too light and it got me thinking about measuring the pull on my guns. What is the best way to measure the trigger pull? Is there a special scale you have to have? Is there a good rule of thumb? Say maybe if you hold the rifle (barrel down) by the...
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    Be careful out there

    Just saw this story in the local news. Thought I would share and remind everyone to stay vigilant. I have not bought or sold anything off of Backpage, but I sell a lot of stuff on...
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    Oiling Saiga/AK

    So I picked up my new Saiga .223 on Saturday and while cleaning and oiling it I was concerned if there is an area that needs more oil/attention. I put a light coat over the whole thing, but is there anywhere that may need more or even a little grease or something? I understand that they are...
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    Oiling your gun

    From my understanding fingerprints on your gun be because the salt and oil can cause it to rust. So does anyone use any kind of gloves while oiling to keep their prints off it? I was thinking about getting some cloth gloves to wear while oiling and then keeping them in a baggie to use later...
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    Interesting accessory

    Ran across this website and although it looks like it is ran by some NYC liberals there are some really cool ideas. I especially like the cuff links. I imagine some guys on here could make some cool looking stuff. I don't think I...
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    Saiga .223 picky eater??

    I'm going to be taking a roadtrip next weekend to pick up my new Saiga .223 from J&G Sales, really excited. I was wondering if anyone who owns one has found that the Saiga to be picky when it comes to what you feed it? I was figuring I would get a can of the cheap 55gr. Wolf ammo while I am...
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    Taurus 85

    So I am trying to sell some truck wheels and tires for my Dad and a guy offers to trade a Taurus 85 with a Fobus paddle holster. I was trying to sell the wheels and tires for $350. If the pistol is in good shape what do you think about the trade? I know I know Taurus this and Taurus that. I...
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    Single shot rifle??

    I have been seeing a lot on here recently regarding single shot rifles. Please explain to me the benefits of the single shot rifle. Some things I can think of are: Perhaps a requirement in some competitions. I live in AZ and from my understanding there are not too many limitations on what can...
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    Bayonet for Saiga??

    Ok so I understand all the import issues with the importation of AKs and even more so with the bayonet and or bayonet lugs. My question is.... Is there any laws keeping me from putting a bayonet on the Saiga I will be converting? A follow up question is... If it is not illegal does anyone know...
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    Should I reload?

    So I have been thinking about getting into reloading for a while. I have thought about holding off on my next gun purchase to use the money to get all the reloading gear. But here is where my concern comes in.. most of the calibers I have are the cheapest out there. So will reloading really save...
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    Saiga or AK

    So I was wanting to get an AR/AK style rifle and then when I saw the cost of an AR that went out the window. There is no way my wife would go for that, she has been buggin me to get a new SUV or something. So then in looking at all the options for the AK I see that the Saiga sporting rifle is...
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    WOW!! I may just become a revolver guy

    Ok. So my wife is not a semi auto fan. She says that what all the bad guys carry. Also, her dad has a revolver so of course that's what she likes. We wanted to get her a handgun, well I think I wanted to. She was set on getting a revolver so we were looking and she loved the way the Heritage...
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    .22lr vs .22 mag

    So I'm new to revolvers and I am confused as to why you can shoot a .38 special through a .357 but you can't shoot a .22lr through a .22mag? It seems that if the only difference with the case is the length then you should be able to shoot the shorter .22lr through a .22 mag revolver. I...
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    The wife's gun

    Hey everyone, I'm not a big revolver guy, I'm more of a semi-auto guy myself. But, my wife is insistent that she only wants a revolver. We were thinking about a .357 so she could also shoot .38 specials. But, after talking with her she wants if for just a fun range toy. She has a shotgun that...
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    Mossberg 500 or ?

    So I have decided my next purchase is going to be a shotgun. I wanted to get a pump just because that is what I am used to. My Dad has an old 12 ga Mossberg 500 that I have shot since I was a kid. So, I was thinking about getting a 12 Ga pump and so far I was looking at this nice combo that I...
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    After reading some others experiences with good manufacturers you will hear a lot of negative about a specific model from a manufacturer. So my thought is what gun have you had personal experience with a lemon from a good compay and a great gun from a often maligned or no name company? To start...
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    Club Glock

    So I was thinking..... You know some groups or ethnicities have unspoken handshakes to signify that they are a member of club? Well is there one for Glock owners? So when you buy your first Glock do they take you to the backroom and teach you the handshake? Do you promise to never divulge the...
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    Come on guys

    The Mods are doing too much work here and too many good threads are getting closed for being in the wrong section. There have been a ton recently that I would have liked to comment on but they are getting closed. PLEASE pay attention to what you are posting and where. :( Having said this, this...
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    My LGS is the best

    I have been wanting to get rid of my Beretta 9000S and get a Taurus TCP for a couple of months now. It was a little disappointed that I wasn't really getting any bites on it so I thought I would try a shop. First one I called didn't even want it no matter the price, went to another and they...