Search results

  1. N

    Will body armor make firearms obsolete?

    We've discussed future developments in firearms many times. The majority seem to think that caseless weapons will be the next step; they seem to offer advantages over standard types, though they have drawbacks. Energy weapons have also been discussed, but these all await a suitable power...
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    Taurus M44

    I'm looking for a good .44 Wheelgun. The choices seem to be fairly limited. I'm looking for a double action, with a barrel between 4" and 5" or so (less than 6"). The Ruger Redhawk would suit my needs, but its...well, ugly. The grip looks too small for the frame. Maybe if a black rubber...
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    Package from DSA!

    In it was: One 30-round magazine (much too tall for prone firing); 30 Stripper clips; One buttstock/pistol grip combo tool; One Ergo G3-style grip for the FAL; The new grip, to my hand at least, improves the ergonomics of the weapon marvelously. Before, the grip angle was much too steep...
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    Usp 45

    I've been thinkin'. Maybe I should just get a USP45 and have that be my only handgun for awhile. I mean, I like the gun, and few ever complain of poor reliability from HK. I have questions, though. They never have the variant with ambi or left-handed controls in the store. Can I order this...
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    Am I the only one?

    Am I the only one who feels tempted to buy pre-ban magazines, when finding a good deal on them, even though I don't have the gun that they would go to? :D
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    Shot FAL: Me Happy!

    Okay, if y'all remember, about a month ago my FAL wouldn't feed properly. So, I left a buch of my mags loaded and let 'em sit. Calling DSA, they told me that if my mags are all brand new (They are), then check for scratches on the side of the brass (there are scratches). They said that brand...
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    Speaking of .45ACP Revolvers...

    Ruger makes a Blackhawk in .45 Colt with a cylinder swap capability that converts it to .45ACP. Very cool, IMHO. However, this gun is only available in blue, whereas I think stainless is a much better finish for a revolver. Furthermore, according to Davisons, Ruger is making a limited edition...
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    Cult Cartridges

    You notice that there are some catridges out there that almost nobody makes guns for, few companies manufacuter ammo for, yet manage to live on? In many cases they're kept alive by a small "cult" of loyal followers. By small I mean compared to the number of those who's preferred cartrdige is...
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    Aesthetics May Be Trite...

    But I think the 6", stainless GP-100 with the half-underlug is the best looking of all the Ruger .357 Revolvers, and as such would rather have it than the 4" or 6" standard full underlug models. Anybody have this particular model? Seems to me it'd be less barrel-heavy than the full underlug...
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    Which .45?

    Okay, this time the two contenders are the Ruger KP90 and the CZ-97B. (I've decided to put off the 1911 for the time being.) I want to purchase two pistols this summer, a .45 automatic and a .357 Revolver. Both may end up being for carry, should I manage to get my MI CCW this year. CZ-97B...
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    Laser Weapons

    As an addendum to the Plasma Weapons thread, let us discuss the more plausible technology of laser weapons. Now, unlike in hollywood, most lasers will be invisible to the naked eye, unless the beam is directly IN your eye (which is bad for your), or there's something in the atmosphere to ionize...
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    Plasma Weapons

    PLASMA STRIKE Found this article HERE. American aerospace engineers love the idea of science fiction coming true. First there was Star Wars, the space-based mega-laser system of the Reagan years. Then there was the National Missile Defense concept; the anti-missile network that could...
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    Which box stock autoloader is the most reliable?

    Which autoloader do you think, or in your experience, has beent he most reliable out of the box?
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    9mm Philosophical Question

    Would you buy a 9mm full sized pistol that you couldn't get >10 round magazines for? Even if that same pistol was available in .40? If so, is it becaue you shoot the 9mm better? Have other 9mms and don't want to buy a 9mm? Feel confident with 10+1 and a reload (no reason why you shouldn't.)...
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    Stainless Ruger P90

    As my deliberating on which handgun I want to buy goes on, I came across the Ruger KP90, priced $459.99 at Gander Mountain. The gun is solid, beefy, and built like a tank. It fit my hand well (YMMV), the controls were ambidextrious, and I liked the safety options (decock, or decocked and...
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    Getting an idea of what I want...

    Getting and idea of what I want... I figured out why I've been under such strain in deciding what handgun I want. I've been operating under the insane assumption that I can only get one! (I know, I know, but I'm new to handguns, as I don't turn 21 until this June.) Through some thinking...
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    S&w M5904

    A friend of mine is looking at a used Smith & Wesson 5904 9mm. The weapon is a police trade in, and comes with a factory 15 round magazine for $299. Is this a good pistol? Is this a good price? Should he buy or no?
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    Price Check: HK .45s

    Can somebody give me the going rates for: USP45 USP45 Tactical USP45 Expert And, what the hell. What's the asking price for a SOCOM these days?
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    Name that Pistol!

    It's also available in matte blue: Well folks? It's obviously a 1911 variation. Care to take a guess? :D
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    Anyone Collect Lugers?

    Just out of curiosity, are there any Luger collectors or afficianados here? There's one in a local shop. I want to take a look at it (not interested in buying it, but I'd like to see what kind of shape it's in). What do you look for for fit/finish? If anyone is interested, it's a 1913 or...