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  1. C

    Clipdraw...for Kahr?

    I really like the factory clip on my P11. Is there something I can use on my K9 that won't require a holster? I had a Clipdraw on my SP for a little while but it interfered with a couple things.
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    Stockton CA militia being formed

    Anybody see this yet? Concerned resident aims to form armed militia to patrol Stockton By David Siders Record Staff Writer April 07, 2009 6:00 AM STOCKTON - A retired truck driver and Vietnam War veteran said...
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    9mm and 45...worth reloading?

    I don't shoot all that much, but I think it would be fun and interesting to start reloading with a basic setup to see if I like the hobby. Thing is, I only have 9mm and 45 to reload, maybe x39 if I can find brass and bullets cheaper than Wolf. What say you? Would I even save any money after...
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    More on the Education Center shooting

    Sorry, couldn't find the OP on the subject. Here's the latest info. EDIT: I mean the education center, sorry. Mods please fix this.
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    Bore axis comparison photos

    Thought you guys might find this interesting. Kahr K9, CZ 75BD and Sig 220. I realize the 45/9mm comparison is a result of the bigger round, so those with a Kahr and 226 might want to chime in. I tried to line up the triggers as best I could, and to me that is where the comparisons would be...
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    What happens after a SD shooting?

    I was working at a bank last week that had recently installed a metal detector 'chamber' with a no-guns sign outside. One of the metal window frames had what looked like a bullet hole in it.:eek: So that got me thinking. If we're involved in a SD shooting and bullets go past their intended...
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    OWB holster...this is frustrating.

    I can't seem to find an OWB that's comfortable. Bought a Galco FLETCH for my new Kahr K9 as it has the flat inner face and thumbsnap that I needed. The other one for my Sig 220 works decently enough when I had a floppy non-stiffened belt, but here's what happens with the new gun belt. Don...
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    Tracer velocity question

    I went to the Knob Creek night shoot on Saturday. Here's what I don't understand. Much of the ammo fired was 308, best I can tell. GE minigun, m60 etc. I noticed some of the tracers would take forever to reach the backstop (which I was told is about 300 yards away), while other guns fired...
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    My friend just heard a gunshot outside the house.

    I was in the bathroom, she yelled "Chris! I just heard a 22 go off right outside the house!" The cops took 10 minutes to get here. We never went outside, waiting to see what's next. EDIT: Nothing. He did a search, no footprints or anything. Weird.
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    Did something get banned today?

    Went to get a holster at a local gun store, one of the employees mentioned some type of gun got banned today. I'm not trying to start anything, just wanting clarification. I suspect it was just rumor.
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    Dehorning stainless steel?

    I just bought a Kahr K9 and while the gun is amazing, the grip cut the web of my hand at the range today. There's a sharp edge where it curves down to meet the rubber. Anything I can do with a Dremel and not ruin it?
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    FL non-res question

    As I understand the FL non-resident license rules, you must be a resident of the state you want to carry in. I live in KY, and have been using my FL license to carry here until the 6 month residency requirement is up and I can get my KY permit. But if I go across the river to IN, it's not...
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    Help with Kahr holster selection

    This is a first for me, not sure what type of holster I want with my new K9. In the past my carry guns were large enough that I just defaulted to OWB with thumbsnap. CZ 75, SP101, Sig 220. The only one I used IWB was my P11 with belt clip, but my friend wants to carry it after she gets her...
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    Finally got my Kahr K9!

    Here's a few pictures for you guys. Just took it off layaway today. It's a special edition with carbon steel slide and stainless frame, costs about $80 less than the all-stainless version. Compared to my P11, almost exactly the same size Fits my hand quite well for a small pistol I'll...
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    POTUS carry?

    Something flitted across my brain today. Can the current and ex-Presidents carry? Anywhere they want?
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    Kahr front sight options

    I'm getting a K9 here shortly and would like to get a higher visibility front sight. The TruGlo fiber optic/tritium sight looks interesting, any thoughts? I need something more visible during the day and night, can't afford a CT right now. EDIT: I see they aren't available for Kahr.
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    Judge Blocks Rule Permitting Concealed Guns In U.S. Parks By Juliet Eilperin and Del Quentin Wilber Washington Post Staff Writers Friday, March 20, 2009; Page A09 A federal judge yesterday blocked a last-minute rule enacted by President Bush...
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    NICS check...was yours delayed?

    For those that recently bought firearms within the past 2 months, was your NICS delayed?
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    Knob Creek, no more Tannerite??

    Two months ago I asked the counter guy if they allow Tannerite. "Sure, just use the 1/2lb charges only and you're fine" So I asked again yesterday and the guy said, "No, we had to cancel that policy. People kept double and triple charging them, sending shrapnel back at the shooters. The...
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    Ammo...stop buying it all up!!

    Good grief. Went to MalWart today for a few things and ambled over to the sporting goods section like a moth to the bug zapper. Two ladies working the counter, one was a 20 year veteran. She's never seen anything like this, even the Clinton thing. I asked if she had a lowly box of 9mm. "Oh...