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  1. S

    Different calibers' effectiveness against vehicles

    Whenever the pros and cons of the different calibers are discussed, it is - naturally - mostly on penetration and stopping power. Yet, if I'm informed correctly, e.g. the .357 Magnum was introduced to LE (amongst other reasons, of course) to provide a better performance in stopping cars and...
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    fixing a suppressor w/o a thread

    Just out of curiosity: I remember a picture of a Beretta 92 with a "hush puppy" can, I#m not sure but I think it had some kind of a clip-on system instead of using a thread. In general, is it possible to attach a suppressor in any other way than with a thread? It's especially fixed-barrel...
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    With the advent of drones: Anti-material effectiveness of handguns

    Even in the light of several drone-related discussions here on TFL, it's still a very hypothetic and futuristic issue. However, flying and crawling guided objects will see increasing use on battlefields and with LE. Thus, maybe a few years from now discussing the effectiveness of a handgun might...
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    After all, Glock isn't that innovative, is it?

    First of all, don't get me wrong, I'm the "Glock - what else?" kind of person in any case. However, it occurs to me that Glock had actually ONE real innovation, namely the G17 (which was, as we all know, in fact more a clever combination of features already introduced by that time than an actual...
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    semiautos by the look

    There's a lot of talk about triggers, calibers, sizes etc. here. Now I come up with quite a silly question, which is, on a second thought, not so silly at all, since the technical specifications of different makers and guns seem to get more similar with every new generation of guns (in the same...
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    ...another James Bond pistol rant

    just watched the Skyfall movie, lately, and I was a little disappointed pistol-wise... With everything else so much more serious and tough in the Craig-era movies, it was again just the PPK... Don't get me wrong, it is an iconic pistol w/o any doubt, but still a Bond movie should feature some...
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    .22lr w/ bullet other than soft lead

    Had a few backyard trials with my new PT22. Whenever I tried to test the penetration of the 22lr rounds in say a phone book or thelike, the depth of entry was quite hard to tell because the bullets tend to shatter and don't drill a clear whole, making it hard to tell how many layers were...
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    .22lr as (special) service- and duty handguns

    Any ideas if and where .22lr semiautos or revolvers are or have been (more or less) officially issued as duty or Special operations handguns? Actually, I only heard about > the High Standard, used during WWII and subsequently by the CIA (the Gary Powers / U2 incident) > the Beretta 70...
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    Stingers in Taurus PT22 ply

    Got me the Taurus PT22 polymer lately. The manual advises to avoid firing HV rounds, which is odd because normally those are the ones that cycle straight blowback weapons best... Or sometimes even the ONLY ones that make a semiauto gun work properly... Anyone with first-hand live firing...
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    Suppressed FiveSeven

    There's a lot of footage of suppressed FiveSevens on youtube, and since that gun has fascinated me ever since (no chance to get one here in Europe), and the same is true for suppressed weapons as well, I took a closer look. On the first thought, the 5,7 x 28 must be great for suppressed use...
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    Glock 33rd mag

    I'm surely not a prepper, but the recent economical developmants here in Europe makes one thoughtful, after all. In case of public unrest, riots and shortage of basic supplies (like it's already perceptible at the fringes of the EU), it is surely not the worst idea to keep a handgun in reserve...
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    Iconic pistols of "the Glock-era"

    Thinking about the most iconic pistols of the, lets put it "world wars & cold war"-era, I guess there are some candidates most will agree on: Luger 08 Colt M1911A1 Walther PPK maybe also... FN High Power Beretta 92 / M9 Now how would this list look like if we'd only consider pistols of the...
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    advantage of the tilting barrel...?

    Quite obvious, the titlting barrel locking system (aka Browning system) is by far the most popular today. HK has abandoned its delayed blowback approach lately, leaving Beretta is the only major manufacturer using other systems (these being the locking block and the rotating barrel approach)...
  14. S

    Sub-compact: More popular than full-size, lately?

    It appears to me that today, sub-compact semiauto pistols (G26 and thelike) are more popular than full-size or slightly compact ones. If I'm right, there was this boom in the early 2000s after legislation concerning concealed carry was coming onto effect. Still, ten years later, seemingly...
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    Full flap holster for very small semiauto

    Hi folks, I'm looking for an old-fashioned full flap holster (Indiana Jones - style, you know what I mean) for a very small pocket pistol. Have already searched my local Army store for something used but w/o success, any idea where I could find such an item? Old style - new material (nylon or...
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    Caliber choices for the real tiny ones...

    While up until the 90ies (or so), pocket guns usually were made in correspondingly small calibers like .22lr .25 ACP, .32 ACP or .380 ACP (or .32 SW or 38 SPL for the wheelguns), the real tiny mouse guns even in .22 short. In recent years, that seemed to have changed, since there are a lot of...
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    my new tiny piece - THAT I call a pocket gun

    Recently picked my Taurus PT22 PLY from the shop (the "PLY" makes the difference, sinc it's not only made of polymer but also a good deal shorter than the original PT22). Love the gun - though it's so tiny, it fits the palm like a compact size pistol, and the tip-up barrel is very usefull...
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    Largest pistol & revolver manufacturers by number

    does anyone have any ranking of the largest pistol and revolver (not firearms in general) producers worldwide? Just out of curiosity, couldn't find too much on the net, though.
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    Beretta 950 Jetfire vs. Taurus PT22 / PT25 PLY

    Hello everybody, I'm planning to buy me a Taurus PT22 PLY. Used to own a Beretta 950 Jetfire and it was REALLY a tiny gun. Though the lenght of the PT22 polymer is hardly exceeding the Beretta, still the guns seems to be less petite overall. Maybe someone of you has a side-by-side comparison...
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    Near-to-zero maintenance pistol?

    Assuming you have to pick a pistol knowing that you will have no access to professional maintenance in the future (e.g. a disaster / "dystopia" scenario), so the thing should just WORK w/o being revised by any gunmaker or other professional for many years and thousands of rounds - what making...