Search results

  1. P

    Speer 180gn RNSP in .303 British

    I got them because they were all that was locally available between the lightweights (150gn Hornady SP - the company advised me these were a little light for moose) and the premium-brand Woodleigh heavies (215gn). Questions, please, if anyone can help: 1) Is there anyone out there who...
  2. P

    Further silly question for Lee Loader users.

    I know the whole point of these things is that, neck sizing only, you don't need lube. That being said, would a thin smear hurt?
  3. P

    .303 British extraction problem with handloads

    The cases are neck-sized (Lee Loader) Prvi Partizan with WLR primers. The load is a minimum charge of Varget (weighed out) as advised in the Lee Loader insert chart, over a 174gn Hornady FMJBT, seated to the Cannelure. Before starting, I had fired 28 minimum loads with similar features, except...
  4. P

    Lee Loader problem - can any fans of it help?

    So I was busy loading up some .303 British the other night, getting rid of the last couple dozen of a projectile I won't be needing any more as plinking ammo, and a curious thing happened. I was pretty sure all the case necks were good - and I had one more look at each one as I dumped the powder...
  5. P

    Love my Lee Loader, lots of retro fun, but... speed things up a little, and for use when portability is not an issue, am considering a collet neck sizing die for my (RCBS Partner) press. I'm loading .303 British for one rifle only right now, so neck sizing is going to be the way to go for me. Have elected to go with Lee, as they...
  6. P

    On discarding cases

    Was sorting through some old .303 brass that had gone through several reloadings. Because I had previously shot them in other rifles, they all had to be full length resized, and in one of the boxes I caught one with a well-developed split in the neck and shoulder. I have relabelled the box...
  7. P

    Savage Model 42 oddities

    We are talking here about the new plastic-stocked .22/410 combination gun rather than the older classic. I took mine out onto the trap field the other day, not that I expected to hit much with it, but becuase I was shooting from a manual thrower at my feet, the range was much more like what...
  8. P

    Lee loader technical issues.

    Just loaded the first 20 "live" rounds with the Lee Loader (.303 British) tonight. It all went sweet except for one thing. In many of the youtube videos I've seen, including the one in which Richard Lee himself seems to be the demonstrator, the user pours the charge straight down the throat of...
  9. P

    Help! Who do I believe?

    Am just about to charge my .303 British cases with Varget, my powder of choice, and I am torn between two lots of load data. (NB: BEST EFFORT FOR ACCURACY MADE, BUT NO GUARANTEE ON TYPOS; CHECK ALL THE LOADS FOR YOURSELVES BEFORE USING.) If I believe Hornady (9th edition manual), their 174...
  10. P

    Exterior ballistics question/looking for an old article

    A long, long time ago - probably some time in the mid 1980s, and certainly not after 1988 - a shooting magazine the name of which I've forgotten published an article about exterior ballistics which gave numerous formulae. These, when fed the muzzle velocity, ballistic coefficient (G1, standard...
  11. P

    Shotshell reloading

    Mods, feel free to move this if you feel it's better placed in the reloading area, but it's ultimately going to affect my decision to buy (or not buy) a particular firearm and so after much to-ing and fro-ing I decided to put it here. I've been thinking about buying a .410 shotgun or combo gun...
  12. P

    Baikal combination guns

    Knowing exactly where to put this post is, of course, a fifty-fifty conundrum, but the question relates to the rifle barrel, so I might as well put it here. I was considering one of these (12G and 6.5x55), but the only thing which puts me off is that the rifle barrel is beneath instead of atop...
  13. P

    Just out of interest - heavy bullets in .45 ACP?

    My interest in reloading was first kindled by reading a library copy of Nick Harvey's Aussie reloading manual (second edition). I vaguely remember that it published loads for 260 grain bullets in the .45ACP. When I read reloading books today, however, it seems everybody stops at 230 grains, at...
  14. P

    Making old sights new again

    I have second-hand rear sights from SMLE No.1 Mk1 (windage and elevation fine adjustment) and No1. MkIII (windage fine adjustment) rifles. What's the best way to get the grime and rust off without wrecking them? I hope to find homes for them on rifles someday, with a view to active use rather...
  15. P

    Moving back into reloading; calculating the costs.

    I still have my old dies, press, etc., so all that is "bought and paid for". This is about the components. The calibre is .303 British. I have a list of prices for bullets, primers and powder from which I can work out the approximate cost of the consumables on a per-shot basis (assuming nothing...