Search results

  1. G

    Justice Dept. Investigates Arizona Sheriff

    So the new DoJ will be investigating Sheriff Joe Arpaio’s operation for violations including those “pursuant to the prohibitions against national origin discrimination in Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964,42 U.S.C. §§ 2000d to 2000d-7 ("Title Yr')”. I can see how it would be possible...
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    Edit grace period

    I know there's something like a four day grace period for editing one's posts, but it seems to me there's a shorter period during which one may edit their posts without the fact that they have been edited, displayed in the post. Is that the case? What is the specific time period? Always nice...
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    So I took the day off, what should I do?

    Help me out folks!
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    BP Cylinder Loading Stand

    I’ve been thinking about building a cylinder loading stand for my BP revolvers. So far, I’ve modeled up a Pietta ’58 Remington 44 cylinder, made a start on the Pietta 1863 Pocket Remington .31 caliber cylinder and am working on modeling the stand itself. I’ve seen stands from Traditions, Marstar...
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    Seems I’ve read that ammunition works fine in cold weather, but how does the whole shooting experience work in extreme cold temperatures? With Fairbanks at around -50F, do people still shoot? Do their guns freeze up? Do their four pairs of mittens hamper firearms operation? Just a thought from...
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    R&D Gun Shop

    I’m still waiting on the conversion cylinder for my 1863 Pocket Remington. I ordered one from Taylor’s more than a year ago and they told me R&D was in the process of developing the cylinder for the little Pietta 1863. In October of this year I emailed Taylor’s and got no response, so I emailed...
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    Nevada woman hurt by mountain lion

    Probably not a good idea to break up a scuffle between a mountain lion and a dog with you bare hands. But shooting the cat without harming your dog, might be tough too. The woman is lucky she wasn't more seriously injured. Full story
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    Sharps Rifle

    I want to put an 1874 Sharps rifle on my wish list. Won't get one any time soon, but might be nice to know something about the various manufacturers. How do you rate these? Shiloh C. Sharps Uberti Pedersoli
  9. G

    How many of you shot your Thanksgiving dinner?

    Mine dinner was purchased from Costco and Safeway, but I'm thinkin' a good percentage of the big-time hunters here on this board actually hunted their dinner.
  10. G

    Do you go through periodic gun apathy?

    Gun apathy happens to me periodically, but I usually just need to indulge my other hobbies for a bit and my enthusiasm returns. I have a short attention span, which is great because I’m easily entertained with new things, but the downside is I grow weary of those new things pretty quickly and I...
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    Shop owner shoots robber

    This happened not far from where I work. I like how the reporting agency never make it clear that Sanders was in fact a criminal and how they refer to him as a “boy”.:barf: If this went down as it appears; good for the shop owner! I hope they find the other suspect, because he could be charged...
  12. G

    Colt Police Positive Special

    I might be acquiring a Colt Police Positive Special, .38 SPCL and I think a 4” barrel. It belongs to my Mother’s husband and I haven’t seen it in years. I don’t know its vintage. It was in excellent condition last I saw it and I know he hasn’t shot it since. Any comments on these revolvers...
  13. G

    Palin on illegal immigration?

    I can't find much. Would like to know what she thinks. If I haven't stated this before, I'll say that I favor legal immigration.... the character of the immigrants and numbers allowed require strict scrutiny, but I think immigrants benefit America. It's just that starting off as a criminal...
  14. G

    So Palin has a couple minor skeletons...

    .... anything else in the closet? Underage daughter preggers and an old DUI for hubby. No big deal in my mind, but is there anything else? Hate to see another Bernard Kerik debacle. That was embarrassing and I hope everyone learned from it. But I sometimes wonder just how thorough these people...
  15. G

    20mm cases

    Mrs. Grymster sent me to pick up a piece of furniture she bought at an estate sale last weekend. When I got there I found a pile of used brass, mostly .38 SPCL, which I can load for my kids. I decided to buy it and the lady there also threw in some spent 20mm cases. They are about 107mm...
  16. G

    What caliber for....

    .... fox? I was in the screen room just before dark last night and as I stood up to head into the house, the motion sensor light popped on. I stopped moving and watched while a fox walked along a retaining wall, a few feet outside the room. It then turned toward the house, hopped into a planter...
  17. G

    Conservatives more honest than liberals?

    I always suspect “surveys”, but this one certainly didn’t shock me. It’s been my experience that “liberals” are less honest than “conservatives”. What do you think? BTW: The author correctly exempts politicians. Full story
  18. G

    My yotes are gittin' bigger

    Just went out to the screen room and the biggest yote I’ve ever seen came up over the ridge behind my house and walked straight towards me to about 50 feet, made a left and meandered off through the trees. I’ve seen more and more yotes in the area of late, but they’re usually pretty small and...
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    Tight Starline brass

    I've been loading 45 Colt on a Lee Turret set-up. I'm using Starline brass and on the first load, the Federal LP primers often go in real hard. On the second and subsequent loads I don't experience the same problem because seating the primer the first time seems to help size the pockets. Anyone...
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    Motorcycle carry?

    Today, I went down to the DMV, successfully completed the practical test and rode away with my CA motorcycle driver license. Now I live in CA and don’t even think about acquiring a carry permit. But with our annual “Man Camp” trip coming up, I thought I might carry my 58 Remington, open, on my...