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    A gun show rant for the folks who make things...

    I'm posting this in The Smithy, because part of the central theme of my daily rant is Bubba and his dreaded dremel tool... Some of y'all will understand.
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    So, there we were, sitting around the machine shop...

    and "Project Tiger" was born. We've made several - this is the "shop's" tube. It's lathe-turned from a chunk of solid steel - 0.4" walls, 4" barrel, room for a couple of t-shirt patches, holds 120 grains of FFG. And a golf ball. We're getting about 400 yards...
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    Peel washer source?

    I'm looking for a cost-effective quantity source for peel washers. 1/2" for AR-15 mounting. After eight months in the machine shop, I've started to produce muzzle brakes. Barter -is- an option.
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    Good passive night vision scopes?

    I've got a buddy who is interested in one - Any idea as to a good starting point for research? BTW, he is NOT looking for "sportsmans guide" level of quality...
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    Does anyone know anyone at

    One of the guys we work with (a class III SOT mfgr) sent some tooling to the folks after they bungled a cutter order, didn't get any of 'em back yet, and it has been a few months. Just wondering if there's anyone "in the family" here who may know someone...
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    Is anyone on here from MidwayUSA?

    They've got a job posted on Monster that I'd be a good fit for - sent 'em a resume and cover letter, followed up, haven't heard back. Only email I have for 'em is Just wondering what to do next... Rich, can I still list you as an industry reference?
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    Looking for FAL action wrench drawings...

    We've got a few receivers and parts kits, and I'm looking for dimensioned drawings for an action wrench. Why drawings? I'm also looking at a big ol' CNC mill, so we'd rather just make it...
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    So here I am, resizing 20mm Vulcan brass...

    (which is kinda trippy for those of you who know me from when I was shooting benchrest...) ...and I thought I'd relate a little of what has gone into it... You can't buy 20mm Vulcan dies at Midway... Or at least I didn't see any... And a Rockchucker is gonna be a Rockchoker... So... The...
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    Weaver vs. Picatinny Rail Dimensions/Drawing?

    I'm looking to mount something on a rail, and I'm wondering if there is info on the differences, compatibility, etc., and if there is any official dimensioning information available.
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    Boycott Chicago?

    How many of you are business people who do business with people inside the Chicago city limits - would it be worth it, publicity-wise, to publicize a boycott of that area? I'm very disturbed by the racist decisions which their city council has been making.
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    Things that go "boom" in the night...

    Okay, around midnight, something went "boom" in the neighborhood - I'm currently living in a small subdivision of maybe 45-50 houses in a little town in Missouri that has two bars and two churches... Now, I'm a 1990s Knob Creek veteran. I've heard some GOOD fireworks in my day... And I thought...
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    RIP Bogie's Bunker

    This weekend, I'm taking apart the home theater... I'm not sure quite how Jen will accept my framed "The Killer" poster. I'm also guessing the Blackhawk Down poster likely won't be living room material. In fact, shoe-horning in all the speakers is going to be interesting. Going to do an...
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    Is there a way to combat an "anything goes" attitude?

    I get the impression from a lot of our opposition that they feel that any tactics are permissible from their end, because "they are right." Hence, you see stuff like flawed/false research, voter registration fraud, etc., and -all- of it is ignored and excused with "it's being done for a good...
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    Apathy and No Guns Signs

    Just wondering about what percentage of our folks here are supporting business who don't want our dirty gun owner money. When you see a sign, legal or not, that says that a business does not want armed citizens to pass its doors, what do you do? ========= I'm sort of wondering how the...
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    I'm putting together a free gunsmith database...

    Site's going to be If you want to be included, please send the following info to Name of Company Contact Name Address (if walk-in customers are desired) Hours/Appointment? City, State, Zip Phone Number with area code Web Site E-Mail Make sure...
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    Suppressors and Hunters?

    Guys, would you be interested in (a) spending the money; and (b) jumping through the paperwork hoops; for a somewhat quieter hunting rifle? I've been considering getting together with a friend, and designing a -small- suppressor for centerfire rifles. It won't be a "complete" suppressor - just...
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    KNOB CREEK - Spring Shoot Cancelled due to water

    Just got a call from my bud Arvis (if you bought a gun in the range shack during a shoot, he's likely the guy you dealt with while filling out your paperwork). He says the bridge is underwater, etc., and it isn't looking like it'll be better by next week. And here's the e-mail that went out...
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    What kind of pressure are we dealing with?

    I'm getting ready to craft a run of black powder golfball mortars. Just wondering how thick I need to make the walls...
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    Anyone interested in a mortar?

    A friend and I are considering a production run of some 1.7" bore black powder mortars... They should be fun...
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    Leaving for Knob Creek in a little while!

    Guys, if you're within 300 or so miles of Louisville, it is your duty to make the pilgrimage at least once, or you should turn in your Gun Nut card!