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  1. D

    Who Likes Their Sig 239?

    Still trying to figure out why I want this gun so bad. It only holds 8 rounds of 9mm and is pretty large and heavy considering it's capacity. But every time I shoot one I fall in love with it. Anyone on here still carry the 239 these days? Considering selling my SR9C and saving up a bit to get...
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    .45 Colt Redhawk..Ruger Only Loads?

    Can the Ruger Redhawk in .45 Colt take the heavy Ruger only loads? Not that I plan on shooting those suckers regularly if I ever pick up this gun but it would be nice to have them on hand. I handled one a couple weeks ago and just about fell in love with it. Really love the .45 Colt round and...
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    Going Camping and Cant Find Heavy FMJ's

    I am going camping in upstate Maine next week and wanted to find some FMJ rounds in 9mm that aren't the 115gr target stuff in case I run across black bear. All I can find in the stores are HP's and I cant buy ammo online since I live in Massachusetts. The heaviest round I can find which I happen...
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    Who Has the Bodyguard .380?

    Seriously thinking about picking up a S&W Bodyguard .380 now that they are become more readily available. Just wana hear from those out there who have had them since it's still a relatively new design. How have they been holding up for you all, have they worked out most of the kinks, any...
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    Bolt Down Lock Box For Car

    Anyone have any experience with this? Looks pretty legit...
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    SR9C First Impressions

    First impressions of the gun, it has great ergo's. I don't have very large hands so the SR9c fits me like a glove which is one of the reasons I bought it. For me it is the perfect balance of size and weight for a dual use carry/home defense gun. If I need more concealment I will go with my J...
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    Importance of Hearing Protection

    I know there is a sticky at the top of the thread but I figured I would make this post anyway. I had an incident about a year ago where I fired a .357 snubby without ear protection, March 22nd coming up will be a full year since it happened. Was at the indoor range which I had to myself so every...
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    Shooting Steel Plates

    I just ordered a 5" AR500 3/8 steel plate to shoot at the range. I was planning on mounting it the same way in this picture which I got off their website, as I already found some chain and hooks in my basement to use. Just a few questions before I start shooting the thing. Will this mounting...
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    Lever Action 12g

    Does anyone know of any current production lever action 12g shotguns? I feel like they would be more popular than they are.
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    Sig 226 vs Beretta 92?

    Every time I buy a new handgun it is always for concealed carry, so I am looking for a high capacity home defense handgun in 9mm. I have shot both the Beretta 92 and the Sig 226 and although I slightly prefer the Sig, I just don't know if I can justify the extra $200-300. So here is where you...
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    Does S&W 625 take .45 Colt

    Does the S&W 625 take .45 Colt as well as .45acp?
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    Excessive Play in Ruger 10/22 BX-25 Mags

    Posted this a while back but didnt get much input. I got a couple of the Ruger BX-25 25 round mags and I noticed there is alot of play in them from side to side and front to back. I was wondering if there is anyway I can make them a tighter fit. I have maybe 2000 rounds through them now and have...
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    Pocket Carry With a Twist

    So about 3 weeks ago I was really hating my Desantis Clip Grip while shooting at the range. It is pretty much the same thing as the Barami Hip Grip which I also have, for those who dont know the grips have a little clip on the side for holsterless carry. I also hate IWB holsters as I have yet to...
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    Anyone Ever Use Brownells Gun Kote Oven Cure finish?

    Was wondering if anyone has experience with the Brownells Gun Kote Oven Cure Finish? I took my Ruger 22/45 camping this past summer and a good amount of bluing wore off one side of the barrel. Seeing as its not...
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    Frame Material Sig 226

    Can anyone tell me what the frame material is on the Sig 226?
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    Shake n Spray Duracoat Finishing Kit

    Does anyone have any experience with this product? Want to duracoat the barrel on my ruger 22/45 since it got scuffed up on my last camping trip and don't want to spend alot of money since the gun itself isn't too expensive. The kit is only $30 and the video they show seems pretty legit...
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    10/22 Loose Mags

    I got a couple of the Ruger BX-25 25 round mags and I noticed there is alot of play in them from side to side and front to back. I was wondering if there is anyway I can make them a tighter fit. Have about 800 rounds through them and have not had any feed problems really, only a couple FTE's...
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    Looking to get a black powder revolver

    Lately I have been very interested in getting myself a black powder revolver. Before I buy one I was wondering what some of you could recommend for around $350 in .36 caliber? I'm thinking about getting the Uberti 1851 Navy, what do you all think about that particular model or others?
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    S&W Trigger Job

    For anyone who is interested in doing a trigger job on their S&W revolver here is an awesome video by Terry G master gunsmith. Took me about an hour and man did it make a world of a difference, it really smoothed out the trigger dramatically. I...
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    S&W Repair - Will it come back with MIM parts?

    I had sent my 686 in for repair once and to my surprise it came back completely rebuilt free of charge, im talking all new internals, cylinder, side plate, ejector rod, and refinishing job. Needless to say it was awesome, and the gun was in good shape to begin with none of it was needed. Well my...