Search results

  1. D

    Ignorant question...What's RKBA stand for?

    I tried search, but of course, got a million hits...But only for the acronym "RKBA" TIA
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    Hunting with new GF..or gun safety 101

    My new girlfriend (2 months +) mentioned that she was gonna get a license and go hunting this year. I haven't hunted in many years, but have been thinking of going again...I have 10 acres, containinga nice flock of deer...Was all set to buy license to go with her, when I shortened a couple of my...
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    Lost my trigger finger

    or at least the most important part of it, from a shooting standpoint. Anyone know the 4 rules for table saws? stupid, Stupid,STUPID mistake (aren't they all)...I know the bset safety device if between my ears
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    Apologies for my mint SKS! A first

    Well, i said i wasn't gonna buy a Yugo SKS, 'cause it didn't have a chrome-lined bored....Also, most I've seen were pretty beat up...Wouldn't buy over the Internet i wanna see the gun... But.... Dunham' Sunday advertisement had them on sale for 129.99...MAYBE I'll get a beater, just for fun So...
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    SKS and Wolf (in)accuracy debunked

    Well, at least in MY gun... I've talked on lots of threads about how "accurate" (relatively) My Norinco SKS-M is...Most don't seem to believe an the words "SKS" and accurate belong in the same sentence.. Previously I had pretty much just "banged away" with the thing, but yesterday decided to...
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    Ok, legality question(folding stocks)

    this has probably been asked many times, and I've asked it on other boards, but I have YET to get a definitive answer.... This is as much a curiosity thing as anything else...So... I think an SKS with a folding stock would be just about the "coolest" trunk gun...However, my understanding is...
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    Do "Scout" mounts and LER scopes really work

    OK, due to visual impairment I'm pretty much limited to shooting a rifle with scope...Can't focus on rear iron sights (Ghost rings OK, but useless for real accuracy beyond 50 yards), with right eye, front sights OK...I see alot of guns equipped with LER scopes, but just can't understand how I...
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    TWO for the good guys, Upstate NY

    Two home intruders shot and killed; police say cases not related Rochester police are continuing to investigate two home invasion resulting in the death of two individuals. The first scenario happened around 8:30 p.m. Monday on the city`s northeast side, and the second happened on the city`s...
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    We need to outlaw cars

    Yesterday, I was 50 feet away from an incident where a woman ran down 6 people(outside a hospital!)...She had a altercation with one, ran her down...Several hospital employees rushed toher aid, and were then run down, as well...She took off, was captured down the street (so far only charged with...
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    Odd question-Guns vs. Eye surgery

    OK, I've had BOTH lenses replaced surgically (cataracts, even though I'm not that old)...Doctor never gave me any warnings about firing heavy-recoiling guns...But I saw mention somewhere else that this could 'cause problems with my eyes...I know I could call the doctor, but I actually trust you...
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    Need "Sniper Art"

    Any body got a "Good" bit of sniper art work...I need a drawing-type, not a photograph...I wanna have some special T-shirts made up ...If its original artwork, I'll pay royalties as appropriate...Pics of ("tactical") gun only acceptable, but if I can get one of "sniper in action" that's even...
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    Anyone got 9mm +P+ formula?

    Will be using 115-125 gr. cast, moly coated...not sure which ones yet...Trying to duplicate "Black Talon" loads, which are hard to get and expensive...oh yeah, Will be using in carbine only
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    Simple Reloading economics question

    What is the range of cost for complete reloaded rounds, for pistol (9mm, say)rifle (say midrange caliber...30-06) and shotgun(trap or hunting loads)? Not counting reloading equipment, but what's cost of each round, Ranging from cheapest possible (i.e cast bullet, least expensive
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    Has anyone ever tried....

    1) Modifying Berdan Primed cases to accept Boxer Primers? 2) Reloading Steel Case surplus ammo, in any way shape of form? Mostly curious, probably not worth the effort to do either, but seems like someon on this board has treid EVERYTHING at one time or another!
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    Armed Citizen Groups

    Armed Citizen Groups/Patrols MSNBC is taking a poll, on whether this is a Good Idea, or not (would hope we all think it is... Cast your vote at
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    1893 Mauser-Surplus 8mm ammos OK?

    OK, I've bought an 1893 Mauser ("small ring"), that was re-arsenaled at some point, in 8mm(.323)...Now the gun appears to be in very good to excellent condition (possible used little or not at all since re-arsenaled circa WWII), better than most of the 48s you see around...The person I bought it...