Search results

  1. S

    Ruger M77 Compact

    The last thing I need right now is another rifle but I was doing a bit of reading and I saw a review of this little guy. I've been wanting a brush rifle chambered in .308 for a while. Something very short and handy for 100yds but with enough moxie to reach out 250yds should the need arise. So...
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    Single Stage And Progressive, Or Just Progressive?

    I'm thinking of getting back into reloading. It's really the only way that I can practice as much as I'd like. My only experience with reloading was with an old Lee Pro 1000 years ago and I remember wasn't happy with that press at all - although I still have it and the 45acp dies. It did an...
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    Hot Deals

    I'd really love to see a hot deals forum. A place to post what we find in our surfing. The big rule is the poster cannot post anything they have for sale, only sales they've seen.
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    Gun Owners - Just Doing Our Part for The Economy

    I just thought you'd like to know. It seems like we all deserve to give ourselves a big pat on the back for doing our part. :D Edit: Link fixed.
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    Tikka T3s - Gun Porn

    I was just going through some photos and couldn't remember if I'd posted these. Anyway this first one (3 photos) is my Tikka T3 Super Varmint in .223. Her first scope was an unmitigated disaster and several on here were kind enough to help me decide on a new scope. I finally settled on the...
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    Don't Talk To The Police!

    Because 99.999% of us are good law abiding citizens that support law enforcement there is a tendency to be a bit too trusting. A tendency to think that all LEOs are our friends and spill our guts to Officer Friendly. This was brought home by a poster that happily rattled off his ammunition...
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    Well I Went To The Shooting Fair

    Every year we have an event put on by a range and a chain of gunshops. It's basically a try before you buy trade show with most of the manufacturers showing up with their products. This years was noticeably smaller than in years past. Missing were Wilson Combat and Springfield Armory, but I did...
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    Scoping the M1A - Puzzled and Perplexed

    I have a squad scout (synthetic stock) and I just cannot come up with a solution that I like. I'm not a fan of scout scopes so I bought s Bassett Machine mount. Now I'm very impressed with the quality of this mount! But I guess the rifle just doesn't fit me. The Bassett design does not allow any...
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    Scope For 300 Win Mag

    Thanks to all of the fine advice here I managed to find a great scope for my 223 varmint rifle. Now it's time to re-scope my Tikka T3 Lite in 300WM. I have a 4-16x44 that works great but doesn't have enough eye relief (ouch!) and I'm thinking Nikon Buckmaster in 4.5-14x40. That's easily in my...
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    A Pair of 10/22s

    I took two of my 10/22s to the range today and it was a mixed bag. This was only the home brew sporter's second trip to the range and the factory USST-II had never been fired. On its first trip my sporter shot better than I do, with nickel sized 50yd 3rd groups and quarter sized 10rd groups...
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    A Work In Progress - My 10/22 Project

    I've owned a 10/22 for 10 years or more but never really got into rimfire until recently. Here's my old 10/22 in the process of being rebuilt into the ultimate general purpose 22. I'm still fitting the stock but I thought I'd post some preliminary photos. I still have a lot more barrel...
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    Look What Followed Me Home

    My new Springfield Armory M1A Squad Scout. Shes still unfired and I have a ton of care and feeding stuff to read and review and this week is super busy, but I'm going to try and take her to the range late this week or next week. And although you can barely make it out, she's also wearing her...
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    Bushnell Elite vs Nikon Monarch

    This is a follow up to an earlier thread. I've narrowed my choices for my Tikka T3 Super Varmint in .223. The Nikon Monarch 6-24x50 w/BDC or the Bushnell Elite 4200 6-24x50 Tactical. The purpose is primarily target work to 300yds (mostly 200yds), perhaps a bit more if I fined a range long...
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    Target Scope Options - 223 Bolt

    I'm looking for a scope for my Tikka Super Varmint in .223. Right now I'm just thinking this through. The primary purpose of this rifle is affordable 300-500yd target practice. But I like to think that it would be able to discourage zombies at those ranges and maybe a bit further in a SHTF...
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    A progunner Speaks At A Gun-Control Symposium

    I saw this posted on Men's News Daily, a pro gun rights and father's rights news site. It's one man's report of his experience speaking as the designated pro-2nd Amendment speaker at the Duquesne University 2008 Gun-Control Symposium. Only he wasn't quite the slathering token that they expected...
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    Oh No I Did It Again - Another New Rifle - SA Squad Scout

    Well I thought long and hard, and with the prospect of an Obama assault weapon ban (at least) in our future plus some ammo purchasing laws looming in the PRK legislature, I forked over the plastic today. In two weeks I'll be the proud poppa of a bouncing baby Springer Squad Scout w/black...
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    Shooting Now #2 Sport By Sales

    From Men's News daily... "Shooting Outshoots Golf"
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    Scoping The Mini-14 for SD/HD and SHTF

    I'm looking to make my Mini-14 Ranch into a reliable carbine that's accurate enough to be a good home defense/stuff-hits-the-fan rifle. ARs and Aks are illegal here and I'd like the Mini be a compliment to a planned M1A Loaded (22") or Squad Scout (18"), probably the Loaded but I'm not sure yet...
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    Fatwallet Gun Threads

    I don't know how many here frequent's forums, I'd guess not a lot. But anyway I've seen a nice trend there. For those that don't know, fatwallet's forums are a place where people post really good prices and special offers they've come across. For about the last six months it's...
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    Help Finding a Kydex Belt Holster for a Rugger 22/45

    I've about decided that the cost of practice with my 45s and 9mm isn't sustainable in the volumes that I want to shoot. Reloading is a possibility but not until I do some major reorganizing around here and then put out the $600 or so I need to get going. What I'm thinking about is picking up a...