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  1. C

    Massachusetts gun sale question

    Howdy all, [EDIT]I've decided to paraphrase my post since it was way too long... ;) The $60,000 question: Can an out-of-state C&R holder buy a gun from an unlicensed gun owner in MA, and what are the legal risks to the buyer and seller for doing this? Here's a few snippets I've found...
  2. C

    What are the laws re: giving a handgun as a gift?

    Howdy all, Pardon my ignorance, but I'd like to know what, if any, federal laws govern giving a handgun to a family member (specifically my brother) as a gift. It seems to be commonly agreed that this isn't considered a "straw purchase", but I can't seem to find a straight answer online...
  3. C

    Thoughts on accurate, inexpensive .223?

    Howdy all, I've been contemplating my gun shopping list for 2008. ;) I intend to buy another rifle- something with a little more power and long-range capability than my 10/22. I was originally contemplating a pistol-caliber lever carbine or maybe a "sport utility", but I really enjoy shooting...
  4. C

    Value of beat-up S&W .38/200 Victory?

    Howdy all, I just had one of those "A-ha" moments... I just paid the last layaway payment on my "new-old" S&W Model 19 at a pawnshop (more on that later), and while I was there, I decided to look at the beat-up, cheap "Smith and Wesson .38 Special" (or so says the tag) in the display case just...
  5. C

    Ruger Charger "10/22 pistol"?

    Does anyone have any opinions on the new Ruger Charger? I was a little surprised by it- I didn't know it existed before I saw it on Ruger's website while looking for something unrelated. This thing appears, in short, to be a 10" barrelled 10/22 pistol...
  6. C

    Newbie questions re: .38Spl bullets

    Howdy all, I'm a newbie reloader preparing to order my first batch of equipment. :D I've done my research (this site, others, "ABC's of Reloading" book) so I pretty much know what I need in terms of the gear. I've accumulated several hundred rounds worth of brass in preparation for this...
  7. C

    "Gun-Free" zones under TX law

    Howdy all, I've got a question regarding places where guns are banned under Texas law. By now, I'm sure everyone has heard about the Colorado church shooting where the shooter was taken down (if not actually killed) by a woman with a CCW permit. (Let's not get into the security guard / paid or...
  8. C

    Old H&R's... are they any good?

    Howdy all, I'm contemplating buying a .22 revolver for some low-budget practice. I want something DA so I can practice my trigger pull. One of the local gun stores has a pretty intruiging used gun- it's an H&R 949, a little 9-shot revolver that looks like an SA "cowboy gun" (such as a Ruger...
  9. C

    Questions about new (to me) S&W Model 10

    Howdy all, New forum member here. Just picked up my first centerfire handgun! :D It's a Smith & Wesson Model 10 aka M&P that I bought at a local gun show. It's a run-of-the-mill .38 Special with a blued finish and a 4" tapered barrel. It has a little holster wear, worn bluing in a few spots...