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  1. S

    Do you know a cop?

    Got this from an old academy classmate, and thought this crowd might enjoy it. I have seen a lot of the stuff described here in the last coupla three decades. I'd sure credit the author if I knew who he or she was. ******************************************************* If you are a cop, were a...
  2. S

    'Habib Tactical' insider...

    Those of us who go in harm's way would do well to 'know our enemy'- and here's a rare inside look at the enemy elite, employing their most fearsome tactics durung a training exercise.:eek: Don't forget to turn the sound on, because this is one case where the soundtrack really "makes the...
  3. S

    1911's don't have to be TIGHT to shoot good.

    I have been tinkering with this Auto Ordnance WWII Model for about a month and a half, and I am finally satisfied with the results. This is one of the recent Kahr guns, supposedly with much-improved quality control over their earlier offerings. It just didn't work out that way, though. The gun...
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    Trigger Length vs Point of Impact with the 1911

    A couple of days ago I was extolling the virtues of the (genuine) GI "short" trigger with the checkered face, for 1911 autos. IMO said trigger “tucks” the pull right up against the frame, where it belongs. This minimizes the trigger-finger's sideways leverage on the gun, which I suspected was...
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    Auto Ord WWII model- A lemon into lemonade?

    I get the urge to do a "semi-build" every so often. I hate angled serrations, etc. and wanted the base gun as GI as possible. The finished product is going to be reminiscent of the old "hardball guns" of the '70's; maybe high-profile fixed sights, basic accuracy and reliability work, and not...
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    Big ol' wheelie...

    The "something for everybody" gun... Top barrel/chambers in 5.7mm, middlle barrel/chambers in .357, and the bottom set in say, .480 Ruger? Assuming that all three fire simultaneously- anybody wanna guess the one-shot stop percentile on this one? I'm waiting for someone to make an ankle...
  7. S

    D/A revolver shooting

    This is being offered to supplement the recent discussions here on combat shooting with bigbore DA revolvers. Hopefully it will not result in another locked thread. I was asked to run a qualification for a small Department yesterday afternoon, and during a lull I was able to get another...
  8. S

    "Harry Day" with the AK

    "Harry Day" with the AK-corrected/Wolf 154 added Since May 9, 2005 was the official celebration of President Harry S. Truman’s birthday here in Missouri, it seemed like the perfect time bust a few caps. The rifle I chose for this outing was my SAR-1; one of the first Romanian import versions...
  9. S

    Tweaking the 1911 "MilSpec"...

    I picked up a Springfield .45 MilSpec a couple of months ago, which had a bum barrel from the factory. Springfield was good enough to ship me their best-grade barrel in exchange; the one they use in their Trophy Match & TRP pistols. While I was waiting for that, I replaced a few pins & small...
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    Some thoughts on the upcoming election...
  11. S

    A few new articles up...

    on the Sixgun Journal, for semi-auto shooters: The Springfield XD Rock Island Compact The Sig P220 And for All gun owners...
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    A "bug" in the XD-40?
  13. S

    XD Subcompact Owners, your thoughts?

    My oldest son was down this weekend, taking his brother for a day out before the younger son leaves for the Army. He brought along his new Springfield (fullsize) XD 9mm, for us to look over while they were gone. My wife was quite taken with it, and found the handling and trigger reach/action...
  14. S

    Browning BDA/Hawes/Sig 220/.45

    Mr. Nolden, I am working up an article on these fine guns for my webpage, and am going to include a brief history of their importation by various companies. I know they were imported at different times by Browning (BDA), Hawes/Sauer (Model?), and of course Sig- but I am finding conflicting...
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    Some thoughts on

    'Stopping Power' ... and its relevance in the broader perspective of surviving lethal force encounters.
  16. S

    Howdy Folks...

    Just wanted to check in and advise y'all that I have a website, TheSixgunJournal that may be of some interest to you wheelgun buffs... the 'articles' button will give you a submenu- hope you enjoy. Please bear with us while we sort out a few technical bugs, etc. Email is for...
  17. S

    Horse pistol barrel...

    I stumbled onto a percussion .58 pistol barrel fitted with the ramrod swivel and about 12" long; slot for the wedge is about 3-4 inches from the muzzle. It has the 3-leaf rear sight and is in pretty good shape overall; rifling is still pretty good & the finish color is more a plum brown than...
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    Bring back the Ruger Speed/Service/Security Six Series?

    ( ) Yes! I'd buy one. ( ) No, the GP-100 is a more modern design.
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    Republic Arms .45 inquiry

    Has anybody here owned or shot a Republic Arms .45? If so I'd like your opinion, whatever it may be. These have been tempting me for a while and I really need a little input from folks who have experience with 'em. Thanks in advance for your responses.
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    Digital vs. Beam Scales

    Hey folks, I have a son who is just getting into reloading and he asked today what I thought about digital scales. I've always used beam scales myself but I'm hearing some good things about digitals, so I thought I'd ask the gang the following- Have you tried digitals? If so, how'd you like...