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  1. 8

    Mosin-Nagant front sight loose

    I took my 91/30 out yesterday and found I couldn't hit the broad side of a barn. Upon further inspection I found that the front sight was so loose it was moving almost 1/4" freely on the base. Any advice on how to fix this? I didn't see a set screw or anything.
  2. 8

    Shoulder Holster Question

    I have a need for a specific kind of shoulder holster and was hoping you guys could help. First off let me tell you what I'm looking for: a shoulder rig for 2 government model .45 1911s. Now let me explain to you how I got here. Me and my girlfriend are going to enter a costume contest for...
  3. 8

    A little left (M9A1)

    Went to my local range today. It had been awhile since I had given my M9A1 any love so I took it along with my 10/22 and Desert Eagle (.44 Mag). Had a great time but I noticed that when shooting the Beretta I consistantly shot about 1 inch left at 7 yards. I first I thought I might be tapping...
  4. 8

    Zeroing an Eotech 512

    Title pretty well sums it up really. I took my M1A out to the range to zero in my new Eotech. I started at 25 yards and was punching such a tight pattern that I had to get up close to see multiple impact points. It was very small, 1/2" MOA or even a little less. 25 yards seemed a little close...
  5. 8

    Auto Ordinance M1 Carbine

    Anyone have any experiance with an Auto Ordinance M1 Carbine? I like the carbines but the CMP seems to be running low and AO might be a good choice. And it would be a brand new firearm. I'm still in the "deciding" phase.
  6. 8

    A place to shoot Garands in Kansas

    Recently I watched a video on some of the CMP shoots that go on every now and again and I gotta say it looked like a blast (pun intended:D). As I own a very nice Garand myself I was wondering if anyone knows of any such similar shoots (for fun or competitively) around Kansas. Specifically in...
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    A Place for Enthusiasts

    This is kind of a rant and kind of a need for information. I live in arguably the most liberal left wing city in Kansas, and while I support the diversity of it it can be annoying in some ways. For example; around here if I tell someone that I am an avid shooter and gun afficiando I almost...
  8. 8

    Your favourite range tool

    What is your guys's favorite range tool? For example I used to carry a Husky multi-tool and a Benchmade Model 51 to the range for everything from clearing jams to adjusting scopes. A guy I work with told me about a multi-tool that was made specifically for firearms but I can't remember what it...
  9. 8

    My New M1A EBR!

    Thanks for all the help guys. This is what your help has helped me build. Sorry for the poor images but sadly the best camera I have is on my phone.
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    Optics Suggestions for M1A EBR

    Hey guys I was hoping to pick your brains a bit. I recently dropped my M1A Scout into a Sage EBR chassis and am now searching for the perfect glass to go with her. I was originally thinking something along the lines of 3x39 or 4x32; I looked at a Trijicon ACOG but I can't justify buying a scope...
  11. 8

    Suppressed .22LR

    I have been toying with this idea for a while now but I like the idea of being able to go plink at cans and water jugs without the need to bring along hearing protection. I was thinking about investing in a Walther P22, Sig Mosquito, or Ruger SR22 and adding a Tac-65 suppressor to it for quiet...
  12. 8

    M1A EBR nearly complete!

    I finally got my Scout dropped into my NSG EBR chassis. Its as awsome as I hoped it would be and then some! Maybe I got lucky but the gas lock block came off with a wood block and a hammer. Many thanks to SR240 in particular for helping me with advice through the last couple months. I'll post...
  13. 8

    M1A Gas Lock

    So I noticed that when I was disassembling my M1A Scout to put it in a Sage stock that the gas lock came off with no problems (no figure 8 wrench required) but when I reassembled the rifle the lock tightened up on the threads in the 9 o'clock position instead of the 6 o'clock position. When in...
  14. 8

    Castle Nut Pliers for M1A

    The title pretty well sums it up actually. I just got my Sage stock from Clyde Armory and was all excited to drop my Scout into it when I got all the way to removing the flash suppressor and didn't have the %#^@* pliers... I'm open to suggestions of improvization but thinking at the moment I'll...
  15. 8

    KS pheasant season approaches

    I was wondering if anyone has heard the forecast for this coming season? The last season was a joke unless you had private land, and even then was rough to say the least. I used to be fairly good friends with a game warden who would give me the forecast early but he moved to Tennessee last...
  16. 8

    Multi Range "Click" Chart

    I have probably botched up the title terribly but what I'm looking for is a chart or just someone who can tell me the different movements of a scope. For example if it is 1/4" @100 yards then what is it at 50 yards? 25 yards? Yes, I am aware of the potential absurdity of this question.:rolleyes:
  17. 8

    .45 GAP

    This is probably a very simple question for those in the know but I'll ask anyway; how common are .45 GAP handguns? I ask cause I accidentally bought some thinking it was .45 ACP and have been stuck with it ever since. I literally could not even give it away...
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    OKC Gun Show

    Anyone have any experciance with the gun show in OKC tommorow? By that I mean having been in the past and saw about how many tables there were/are. I live close to KC but I am seriously considering driving down on my day off. I have heard that it is one of the largest in the midwest but its...
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    Suppressing an M9A1

    I have an M9A1 and was wondering about getting a suppressor for it. This is one of those "because I can" investments/plan/toy. :D I know several things would have to happen (the first of which is cutting through several miles of red tape) but am not exactly sure what in total is required. I...
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    .22 Semi Pistols Unreliable?

    I have been hearing a lot from both people on here and around where I live that a .22 semi-auto pistol is not going to to be terribly reliable no matter what brand is chosen. This has not been my experiance, my buddy's little Ruger Mark III is awsome and has very few malfunctions. My Ruger 10/22...