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  1. C

    Scenario: Food For Thought

    (Hopefully) hypothetical scenario for folks that believe in a government of the people, by the people, and for the people.... and also believe in the 2nd Amendment. Put them hoglegs down, fellers! :D This one's just food for thought. Lets say that, for whatever reason (doesn't matter), gun...
  2. C

    More gun deaths in DC than in Iraq

    My cousin sent me these stats. Very intersting, no? If you consider that there have been an average of 160,000 troops in the Iraq theater of operations during the last 22 months, that gives a firearm death rate of 60 per 100,000. The rate in Washington D.C. is 80.6 per 100,000...
  3. C

    Silenco Falcon electronic ear muffs

    Hey guys and gals, I just ordered a pair of Silencio Falcon electronic hearing protectors for $59.00. Anybody have any experience with these? How good are they, and was that a good price? (Guess I should've asked this before I bought, huh? :rolleyes: )
  4. C

    Hi Standard Model C .22 short?

    An older gentleman I know quite well showed me a piece of history yesterday, A Hi Standard Model C .22 short semi-auto pistol. I'd never seen or heard of one, but a search showed them to be made around 1933, and one site said only 4700 were made. This one is in pretty good shape. There is no...
  5. C

    911 Site Usurped by Terrorist Sympathizers

    I am not one to get wrapped up in Internet Conspiracy Theories. I don't usually get more than irritated at policital debates. But this crosses the line :mad: . It seems that certain liberals want to usurp the WTC memorial and overshadow it with a "man's inhumanity to man" display, including...
  6. C

    Left hand twist? (1911)

    This is just a curiosity thing, but I've been idly wondering why Colt went with a left hand twist in the rifling of their 1911's, and are most other 1911 clones the same?
  7. C

    Scarecrow rounds?

    Not really sure where to put this, but here goes. I wrangle horses on the side for a large (4200 acre) Christian youth & rider's camp. Several of the ponds on the ranch have been taken over by Canada Geese. It was a novelty at first, but they are fouling the water so bad that it's unusable...
  8. C

    Need holster for tricked out 1911 (duty)

    Well guys and gals, my dept. has finally relented and is allowing us to carry other than dept. issue (Glock 17's), so I'm going back to my good ol' .45. Problem: My trusty Smith 645 suddenly went on the blink (extractor problem out of the blue), leaving me with my Chas Daly EMS (Commander)...
  9. C

    "Blueing" stainless steel?

    Is there any commercial product out there that will blue or blacken stainless steel? The top of the slide on my old S&W 645 is flat and smooth, and the glare is driving me nuts. Went the black paint route. Looked crappy and didn't last.
  10. C

    1911 Safeties?

    I'm fairly new to the world of 1911's and never thought about this before, but how "safe" are the safeties on the 1911? All of my past carry autopistols have been DA, but I bought a Charles Daly EMS (commander) a few months back for CC, and I just can't get used to the idea of walking around...
  11. C

    S&W Mod. 645?

    Anybody remember those? It was Don Johnson's choice back when on Miami Vice. Just wondering 'cause I still have one and it's still my #1 duty carry. It's great! Eats anything you put in the mag and comes back for more, and it puts the flying ashtrays in the X ring every time (unless I screw...
  12. C

    Shelf life of powders?

    This was probably a dumb stunt on my part, but here goes. A little over 10 yrs ago, I was really into reloading, and my Dillon 650 was busy darned near every day. Then we moved and the Dillon, along with everything else, remained packed away. The demands of job, family, etc. took all my time...
  13. C

    Question for old timer LEO's

    Taking the long shot here, but does anyone know what happened to "Seafield 911"? It was a 24/7 hotline for LEO's involved in a shooting. I believe it was based out of Miami, FL and was manned entirely by LEO's that have experienced the aftermath of a shooting. I tried to find the number for...