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  1. P

    NRA Members

    Stand up and be counted... I am a Life Member... :)
  2. P

    Weatherby Ammo

    Thank you all for the info on Weatherby ammo... Today I sold the .340 and bought a lightweight Browning Composite in the... .325 WSM for my son... He is tickled pink... I will use your info for the .300 Weatherby we still have... FYI I still have a bunch of once fired brass for the .340 and...
  3. P

    sloooowwww pooooossting?

    Am I the only one? Is TFL running like mole a$$es? or is it just my computer??
  4. P

    Is it worthwhile to reload Weatherby?

    At about $55 per 20 rounds the Weatherby ammo is expensive to say the least... I have a .300 and a .340... I would like to load for accuracy... and maybe save some money. The dies are ridiculously pricey and shells are very difficult to come by... Questions; 1. Is there any other source...
  5. P

    A quote from Rush

    Rush Limbaugh Try, please, to keep your comments on the point of the thread... That point being the moral bankruptcy of "Teddy" and his associates... :D
  6. P

    Here's something to ponder...

    Would there be any point in a .22LR Pepper Box Derringer with a selector switch to shoot one, or three, or six rounds at a time? Have fun! :D :D :D
  7. P

    Just a little smiley...

    This has got to be one of the all-time best interview answers!!! While interviewing an anonymous US Special Forces sniper, a Reuters News agent asked the soldier what he felt when sniping members of Al Qaeda in Afghanistan. The soldier shrugged and replied, "Recoil."
  8. P

    Just a little entertainment

    Just a little entertainment I received through email... :D
  9. P

    Am I The Only One?

    Consider this... About 50 years ago an idiot loudmouth named Joe McArthy started yelling about the Commies infiltrating the American way of life with the intention of bringing it down. Because he was a loudmouth idiot... he damaged the real effort to protect the nation against insertion of...
  10. P

    Light small calibers vs. big heavies??

    oooooooooooooooooooooooohhhhh! Have fun with this one!! :eek: I love it when the good guys win! :D And this is not the whole letter...
  11. P

    Getting out of Iraq and Afghanistan

    CAFFERTYFILE@CNN.COM (Name and town here)
  12. P

    Getting out of Iraq and Afghanistan

    CAFFERTYFILE@CNN.COM [/B] (Name and town here.)