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    Larry Ashcraft and the 28 gauge

    Happy Birthday!! I met Larry thru TFL back before TFL closed. I had always appreciated and respected Larry's posts in all sorts of threads from Hunting, Field Dressing Game, Recipes, NRA involments, Reloading, Promoting Responsible Firearm Ownership.... Simply put - Larry and his wife...
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    I just flat got caught.

    Mr. Murphy, Meaness, or just plain Bad Luck- sometimes stuff happens. We do our best to practice awareness, take precautions, train our brain, physical name it. I admit I do not know everything, I will always be learning. I just flat got caught , have no idea how, or when, but I...
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    Clothes make a person - as do UV lights

    Sharing again from the view outside the box. Resident Practical, boring old fuddy dud here. I don't own any cargo pants, camo carbon fiber or ...basically I dress the same way I did 25-30 years ago. Okay so some of my clothes, boots, coats are the same ones I wore 25-30 yrs ago, or...
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    Who says Tactics and Training cannot be fun and funny? Millie* in her younger days used to shoot trap, then showed up her late husband in Bulls-Eye. The gal could shoot, and embarass her late husband. She relates these stories with a smirky grin and cocky voice btw. Millie is 79 years young...
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    What Time Is It?

    She didn’t want to build a watch; all she asked for was for the time. John was an old school mechanic, not a parts changer – a mechanic. Inspect, maintain, and use the proper parts, proper tools for the job. Simple, boring perhaps, still he remembers being an apprentice and the lessons learned...
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    I didn't get shot...

    ...nor did I shoot. I did get myself distanced, observed and reported. Just last night I went out to train my brain, and do some night shooting with all the meaness and car-jackings going on around here. I kept saying over and over to some folks Don't be where trouble is - leave if trouble...
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    We are Responsible.

    We are Responsible. Yes TFL folks know this. Recent events have really proven our belief system. We tend to get blue in the face trying to “change others”. The reality is – the only person that can change a person – is that person themselves. Sometimes it takes the tragedy of another, or more...
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    Shotguns have long history in America This was on my homepage this morning, I had to share. Now granted much of what is contained in the article has been discussed in one form or another, and most likely will be again. A couple of snips...
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    Peace of mind.

    Peace of mind. It is midnight here and I get a email from lady friend. Steve, I am okay, I did not panic, I was not afraid, I was prepared and felt safe… A single lady, an older returning student like myself, earlier this year she obtained her CCW. Now state regulations do not allow...
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    <Bob Seger Voice> ...Here is a little something from back in '02 Sometimes it is good to review history - as it sometimes predicts the future. 07-22-2002, MYTH: To end all MYTH threads. Did Larry predict the...
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    You have most rounds thru...

    What shotgun you own? What Platform? Type of shooting? - SX1 has over 200k rds, Clay competitions, and you name a critter, from quail to deer, felled them too. Training for HD, Serious Defense, Some 3 gun...some..some I'd get a headache thinking about other shotguns...Citori 3 bbl set...
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    Anyone else just piddle with whatever handy? Found myself out and about, ended up around a Skeet field on a farm. My truck has a way of doing that. All I had was my CCW. Hot as the devil, humidity high, no shotgun, no shells..." Lets go get some more clays and get some others to come out."...
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    Router or Sprinter?

    I had coffee this morning with a Catholic Father , Retired Sheriff, and retired Bookie. We used to go to the horse races, main deal was to watch the people, eat the shrimp cocktail and the corned beef sandwiches. Almost forgot- the vanilla ice cream and the Shrimp Gumbo at LA Downs... Bookie...
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    Former outdoors editor Brister dies -- | Section: Death Notices The Outdoors and shooting community has lost another Great Man. :( RIP Mr. Brister. Thank you for mentoring me, and countless others. You passed forward...
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    Excuse me- may I be of assistance sir?

    I went outside to smoke and see if the chipmunks were playing. Parked at the end of my street is the postal truck. Then I noticed a plain compact car pull up behind the postal truck. This is NOT unusal, as my street ends in a cul-de-sac, so folks often park down at the cross street and do...
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    DC Firearm Ownership Bill Bill seeks to let residents keep guns for safety By Derrill Holly ASSOCIATED PRESS A fresh move is afoot on Capitol Hill to overturn local gun laws in the District. "Many people live in the District during the week who are members...
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    Mr. LawDog ....paging Mr. LawDog...

    Mr. LawDog Sir, I know you are busy , and I respect your time and all. That said - we ain't had a new entry for the LawDog Files in a l-o-n-g time! < LawDog is rubbing his chin, Rich is cringing because Steve posted that a "yes yes" nod from Rich I see? Heck even Markos is...
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    Anybody else...

    ...either not left the classics or going back to them? I have always appreciated the Model 12, 97, and Winchesters. Ithaca 37, you can't describe to someone, the 870's...the....the well the list goes on. Yep this list includes my favorite autoloader - Win SX1. I'm having a ball shooting...
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    Gun Locks as an IQ test

    I posted this over at THR , I thought folks over here might appreciate it as well. :D Gun Locks as a IQ test It is no secret I am not a fan of Gun Locks. It is not a secret I have been rather tacky in my presentation to folks as to how stupid and dangerous a gun lock can be. I have further...
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    Now that we are here...

    I was looking at the Roll Call thread. SapperLeader, glad you made it , make sure the door is pulled to and not locked will you please - we may have some "others" arrive late. :p I thought for the benefit of the new folks, and to re-aquaint with old we would toss around our Shotgun...