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    Bank allows Concealed Carry

    I was reading the daily NRA-ILA site update and found this article about a bank that welcomes people that conceal carry. They actually have a sign on the door telling customers they can carry inside the...
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    GP100 Dis-assembly

    I have read about and watched several videos of the GP100 being disassembled for cleaning and they all show the trigger mechanism being removed in order to release the cylinder. I do not want to take the trigger assembly off of my revolver in order to remove the cylinder, unless I absolutely...
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    Will Market be Flooded by Used Guns?

    I am going to try to make this as non-political as I can, and I really do not want to hear (I am sure the moderators don't either) about the "evil Administration." In the run-up to our current president taking office, there was a marked increase in firearms sales. This included ammunition...
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    Tactical Advantage?

    I have been in a few "tactical" situations in which the people I worked with should have had the tactical advantage. i.e., better training, better equipment, team mentality, familiarity with the area. But when the situation got to the point of drawing your weapon and proceeding w/caution, the...
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    Living With a Felon

    Folks, I have a question for you and I am sure someone here knows the answer. (I was going to call the ATF and ask them, but they are closed for the week-end already.) Charles is a convicted felon. He is not allowed to own a firearm. Suzy is Charles wife. Can Suzy own a firearm? One of my...
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    Cowboy .357's

    OK guys, I need a little help here understanding this. I have heard people say they are shooting .357 Magnums at cowboy shoots and shooting black powder from them. It seems to me the .357 Magnum is not an authentic cowboy piece. 1. Are they shooting .38 Specials in the .357? (I do not know...
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    You Don't Know, But I have a CCW

    It is beyond me as to why people want to announce they have a concealed weapon on them. At a farm supply store two days ago, a guy was talking loudly about the concealed handgun he carries. At Walmart, a guy announced at the gun counter "I have a concealed pistol on me right now, I bet you...
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    No Help, But We'll Hunt...

    I have been trying for over a month to get my nephew and his father to come down and re-open the deer trails where they like to hunt. It would take them a few hours to cut the brush and then mow the paths. I get all the answers from them ranging from "I'll do it later..." to "It's too hot." I...
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    Family Time/Gun Cleaning

    I had a great time yesterday shooting and cleaning the revolvers yesterday. My nephews are visiting from back East and one of them had never fired a pistol before and the other one, he only fires a pistol when he comes to Missouri. Shooting went great, but it got dark too early. The best part...
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    Old Reloading Equipment

    I just saw this picture on another thread here and I know I have seen "pliers" like these before. I could not figure out what they were used for so I just let them go. If I had know, I would have bought them. I believe they went for $2.00
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    Washing Cartridges

    Do you have to wash cartridges that have been fired with black powder in them? I thoroughly clean my guns after shooting, but usually just throw the brass into the tumbler and when I get a load of brass I turn it on. Today I turned it on and I saw some of the empty cases look as if they...
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    Making/Shooting Blanks

    Don't know why, but I want to make some blanks for my .45 Colt. Someone must have done this before and could share their experience. I do not want to have to re-invent the wheel. I am thinking that if I take the primed .45 Colt shell and load it with powder, all I will have to do is place a...
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    Why the wads?

    I am loading some .45 Colt rounds with FFFg and I have placed the felt wads between the powder and the bullet. What is the purpose of the felt wads? Are they absolutely required? (I am using Muzzleloader Originals.) I remember using them when I was a kid and watching the old man load his...
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    Washington D.C. Crime Stats

    Guys/Gals, Please forgive me if this is the wrong forum to ask this in, but I can not find any google stats on what the crime rate has done (up or down) in D.C. since they were forced to rethink the position they held on firearms. Has the violent crime rate risen or fallen? Where did you...
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    Buying a Used Revolver

    A friend of mine asked me to look at a revolver he wants to buy. While looking at it, he asked me where I learned what to look for when examining it. I told him that most of the stuff I was looking for I had learned here at TFL, such as: The Crane: How loose is it? Does it have wobble, is...
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    .38 Specials in a .357

    I read elsewhere about a guy who who talked about "fire rings" in the cylinder of his .357 from shooting too many .38 special loads. (He said if you shoot to many .38's eventually you develop fire rings and will have trouble loading .357 rounds.) Although I am familiar with shooting .38...
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    Trimming Pistol Brass

    I reload .38 Special, .357 and .45 Colt. When I first started reloading I trimmed all of my brass, worked the primer pockets and tried to make everything perfect. After a year of reloading, and at least 10,000 rounds, I have found I do not have to do anything to my pistol brass, other than...
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    Speer Customer Service A+

    I decided to buy some shotshell for reloading and the only brand the store had was SPEER. I have used their bullets before and was happy with them, so I figured why not try these. While loading the shotshells I found one plastic case that was cracked and ended up missing five plastic wads...
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    Well, My wife did it again! She bought me another pistol, this time a GP-100. This is the second time she has come home and said "We need to go back to the store, I wasn't sure what the primers were you wanted and they have a lot of them." So we head off to the store and when we get inside...
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    Carry Concealed With or with-out a Holster?

    Short story: I was at an auction the other day and there is a pest I see there often. He has a crush on my wife and her sisters and takes the time to track me down if I am there and tells me how beautiful she is and then proceeds to go on about Philippine women he has dated. He is a tad...